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US lawmaker introduces legislation to cut off aid to Pak


Feb 4, 2011
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WASHINGTON: A key US lawmaker has introduced a legislation in the House of Representatives to stop American aid to Pakistan, saying the killing of al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad has made it clear that Islamabad concealed, protected and enabled him for many years.

"We can no longer afford this foolishness," Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said after introducing the 'Defund United States Assistance to Pakistan Act of 2011' in the House of Representative.

"The time has come for us to stop subsidizing those who actively oppose us. Pakistan has shown itself not to be America's ally," he said.

The bill says that terrorist outfits based in Pakistan, especially Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), has been responsible for terrorist strikes inside India including the Mumbai terrorist attack in November 2008, in which 166 people including six American nationals were killed.

Rohrabacher is a senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

The bill outlines several accounts of Pakistan's duplicitous behavior toward the US including recent reports of Pakistani leadership lobbying Afghan President Hamid Karzai to move away from "imperial" America and to embrace Communist China, said a statement issued by the Congressman.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen said the Pakistani intelligence service has had a long relationship with the Haqqani terror group that is right now "killing Americans" in Afghanistan.

In 1998, Pakistan's military and intelligence services facilitated the transfer of an unexploded American Tomahawk missile recovered by Taliban to China.

The Chinese were then able to reverse engineer the missile and dissect its components allowing them to learn its vulnerabilities and defeat its capabilities.

During last week's raid in Abbottabad, a specially configured stealth US Special Forces helicopter crashed and even though US soldiers attempted to destroy it, the tail was left intact and recovered by the Pakistanis.

Link : US lawmaker introduces legislation to cut off aid to Pak - The Times of India
Dont stop aid, just reduce it, so that America still have 1 foot in Pakistan and surrounding areas.
Hmm , serious development .

Even if this bill fails just the fact that such a bill was introduced means a lot .

And for all the America hating Indians here , please read it . The bill also mentions the Mumbai attacks .
the only reason Mumbai was included is that 16 Americans died in Mumbai attack.
if the Americans would have so concerned about us why they didnt bomb the teror camps in .

on the topick, reducing or stopping the aid will bring serious trouble for the US troups in Afganistan.
May be 2 or 3 years down the line when the Afgan Army is strong inough to handle the situation with American tech.
Most of the NATO soilders return & handful left to assist the Afgan Army than only this can happen.
if all the aid is cut....then bye bye WoT!!!....but i am sure that all the aid cannot be cut...US cannot afford to do so....
if all the aid is cut....then bye bye WoT!!!....but i am sure that all the aid cannot be cut...US cannot afford to do so....
What after bye bye? Will these extremists spare pak for what pak has done? Pakistan needs US more than Us needing pakistan rite now.
they are blackmailing Pakistan.you cut aid....we cut the nato supply route and diplomatic ties and enhance ties with russia ...they would be more than happy to sell us intercontinental ballistic missiles:lol:
they are blackmailing Pakistan.you cut aid....we cut the nato supply route and diplomatic ties and enhance ties with russia ...they would be more than happy to sell us intercontinental ballistic missiles:lol:

Yes, ur right... not only ICBM,Nuke submarine,Brahmos,PAK-FA,Su-30,50MT Tsar....
Afterall u have done a great job for soviet union in Afghanistan....and ur more closer to russian than india is...

Yes, ur right... not only ICBM,Nuke submarine,Brahmos,PAK-FA,Su-30,50MT Tsar....
Afterall u have done a great job for soviet union in Afghanistan....and ur more closer to russian than india is...


The US also dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, but the US & Japan are close allies now. There is no reason why Pakistan & Russia can't be friends either if the need arises.
Pakistaniz should say.."we don't want aid..we will work hard to cleanse the country and put economy back on track...goodby America...good bye all foreign powers..pls leave us alone..
What after bye bye? Will these extremists spare pak for what pak has done? Pakistan needs US more than Us needing pakistan rite now.

our war is with taliban....not al qaeda....you ask any taliban person...he says stop support for US...we will leave you...they have a problem with a US supporting pakistan...not the real pakistan.....get realistic man....in deutschland....you might be told that taliban are after the whole of 180million people of pakistan...but the reality is way different.
its ok.. dont worry too much about US Aid. At least now pakistan should try to stand on its own legs.
Understanding that there is not much pakistan can to to US to compete in a good way. the only problem
that could arise is more terrorist training camps and govt supported terrorism from pakistan. thats not
good for pakistan either. other than that its time for pakistan to start working on pakistan and its people.
there are too many problems in pakistan. there is nothing good that cought the worlds attention.
only thing people hear any thing in the context of pakistan is some thing related to terrorism or
cricket (when some big championship is going on and cricket playing nations pay attention to pak).
No single problem can contribute to half of pakistans problems. there is too much work to fix it.
BUT its a good time to start taking steps in the right direction.
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