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‘US is liar, cheater & stabber in the back’: Iranian leader rules out talks with Washington

America, just like every other great power, plays a double game with other sovereign states. This is nothing new in geopolitics. This practice has been going on for thousands of years.

You have to give credit to the Americans for mastering the art of Machiavellianism on such a large scale.
You should never give credit where injustices have been committed. It is inhuman.
From a moral point of view, you're right.

But from a geopolitical point of view, they (i.e. the Americans) should be credited for mastering the art of cunning duplicity.
“They installed a government that was a puppet to American policies for 25 years, a tyrant who had imposed dictatorship, very dark ages for Iran,” Ebtekar said.
@Kuwaiti Girl
Always funny when islamic republic mentions and abuses the great name of the democrat and nationalist Mossadeq. They would immediately hang him if he was alive. They've already called him a traitor, british spy etc. The animals of fadayan-e-islam with the later executed terrorist Navab Safavi as their leader betrayed Mossadeq and severely wounded his close associate Dr. Fatemi in a terrorist attack. Both Kashani and navab safavi supported the coup against Mossadeq. Like all islamists they were handy for British and american plans.
Our Sunni brothers were the first victim of the 9/11 false flag conducted by G.W.Bush.
Evenif we suppose Bin Laden did 9/11 on his own, then why did USA attack Afghanistan and Iraq instead of punishing the attackers?
USA is an absolute war criminal.

So what about iran? We are aware of america but iran:-)?

So what about iran? We are aware of america but iran:-)?

Yeah of course. Reformists of our country cooperated with USA although not in term of man power or other military related affairs because all of military organizations are under control of our leader. Khatami's, leader of reformists, government permitted USA to use Iranian airspace for transferring their militants into Afghanistan. That is right and reformists who oppose our leadership in many issues must answer that mess. Ahmadi was right, it was the big mess of reformists.
Find an other excuse to divide Muslims Turk. People of Muslim countries are not responsible of the mess made by their governments but but but The only exception is Turkey a member of NATO as USA's stooge in our neighborhood. You will have the right of being an honest Muslim country when you leave NATO. That cursed alliance which has ruined tens of Muslim countries.
Far better than our puppets / traitors who lie and deceive us and de-moralise the whole nation on behalf of their masters. Just remember how our brave commando let us down "USA would have sent Pakistan into stone age" Really.. why couldn't it do that to the non-nuclear Iran?

Not to forget that the core commanders actually advised him against joining US war. Also 16years passed and we are still focused on India as the only threat. The pathetic range of our missiles will tell you that.
I understand your position sir. I know Pakistan has had a hostile history with the Soviet Union. China too was an enemy of the Soviet Union and we fought directly against them multiple times during the Sino-Soviet Split, particularly in 1969. At that point the USSR had more nukes pointed at China than at America.

However I can't stand the idea that Nazis thought they were racially superior to anyone else, particularly the Slavs. Especially since the Slavs ended up crushing them into the dirt.

It's the same sort of arrogance I see when Indians interact with Chinese and NE Indians, they consider themselves closer to Aryan and thus superior to us in racial terms. Yet we still stomped them down even at our weakest point. Humans are genetically all a part of the same race, those who think they are superior are going to get a nasty surprise.

Not just the USSR, but also because we wouldn't have had America meddling with Afghanistan, Israel wouldn't exist, the Middle East wouldn't be such a mess, etc. The regional and global implications it would have had would have been positive for many places, including Pakistan.

Don't get me wrong, I despise the racism Nazi's held, but they were slowly starting to become more moderate (or so it seemed). For example, at first Hitler wanted to wipe everyone who wasn't white with blue eyes and had blonde hair. But then he started becoming less and less hostile, going as far as to side with the Japanese. I don't the Nazi's would have completely gotten rid of their racist attitude immediately, but things would have improved over time as with other societies.

However, I do understand why you and many others wouldn't appreciate Nazi Germany winning the war. If they won Japan would have continued it's atrocities and China would not be as powerful as it is today.
I understand your position sir. I know Pakistan has had a hostile history with the Soviet Union. China too was an enemy of the Soviet Union and we fought directly against them multiple times during the Sino-Soviet Split, particularly in 1969. At that point the USSR had more nukes pointed at China than at America.

However I can't stand the idea that Nazis thought they were racially superior to anyone else, particularly the Slavs. Especially since the Slavs ended up crushing them into the dirt.

It's the same sort of arrogance I see when Indians interact with Chinese and NE Indians, they consider themselves closer to Aryan and thus superior to us in racial terms. Yet we still stomped them down even at our weakest point. Humans are genetically all a part of the same race, those who think they are superior are going to get a nasty surprise.
You are right, However there are people from every race/ethnicity or country who think they are superior/better than others be it from China, India, Russia, U.S, Iran, U.K, KSA, Korea etc. There will always be such people all around the world until the end of times.

Moreover, the "Slavs" were not the only ones who crushed the Nazis singlehandedly. It was a coalition of great powers including Britain(and it's vast empire) and the U.S who contributed to the defeat of Nazis Germany. To be honest, I don't believe that on a one to one conflict, I find it hard to see any country that could defeat Nazis Germany back then. They were simply fighting on too many fronts. Hitler's mistake was not listening to his generals and trying to take on virtually every world power at the same time on his own, fortunately, it led to his defeat.:) Anyway, that's another topic. :)
Not to forget that the core commanders actually advised him against joining US war. Also 16years passed and we are still focused on India as the only threat. The pathetic range of our missiles will tell you that.

Actually this threat by uncle sam should have really woke up Pakistanis, any country that threatens to send you back in the stone-age is hardly a friend. So if Pakistan had a few SSBNs equipped with LR-SLBMs, at least we won't have to listen this shit and get whitemailed. But Pakistan has a lot of cowardly and narrow visioned people sitting right on the top. Pakistani is not naturally poor country but due to rampant corruption the wealth of the nation is swirling down the whirlpool.
However, I do understand why you and many others wouldn't appreciate Nazi Germany winning the war. If they won Japan would have continued it's atrocities and China would not be as powerful as it is today.
Lol You might be right, but then again it's normal. People will obviously side with the ones who best serve their country's interests. Nothing wrong in that. :)

America, just like every other great power, plays a double game with other sovereign states. This is nothing new in geopolitics. This practice has been going on for thousands of years.

You have to give credit to the Americans for mastering the art of Machiavellianism on such a large scale.
Every great power in history be it Britain, Soviet Union, Imperial Japan, Mongols, Ottomans, etc did(does) the same thing as far as they have the capability, It will be the case until the world comes to an end.
Those that are complaining about this, is those that are powerless/weak or not strong/powerful enough as of yet.
How many countries or people on here won't love their country to be an industrial giant with an advanced powerful military equipped with many aircraft carriers, buildind and exporting its own fighter jets, nuclear submarines weapons that can project power anywhere in the world while protecting their interests or having a massive diversified economy which produces many products based on their own designs and holds their own IP rights/technological leader which are used around the globe, a cultural influence (music, movies etc) that permeates virtually every country in the world (well bar North Korea. Lol ) and with very high living standards Etc?? lol
Everybody will love their country to be such a country . That's a fact.:agree: How many times have we seen people on here saying or hoping their country was a Giant or a super power alias shupa powa.:lol:

Many people that criticize the U.S also wish to be like the U.S. I call that envy. Lol We can see this by the number of people who leave their country to immigrate to the U.S despite claiming how they despise the "evil " U.S. lol So I believe such people are only insecure, since the U.S plays the geo-political game quite well and they have the technological , economic, scientific and military power to back it up, unlike many other aspiring powers. Just my 2 cents:p:
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Actually this threat by uncle sam should have really woke up Pakistanis, any country that threatens to send you back in the stone-age is hardly a friend. So if Pakistan had a few SSBNs equipped with LR-SLBMs, at least we won't have to listen this shit and get whitemailed. But Pakistan has a lot of cowardly and narrow visioned people sitting right on the top. Pakistani is not naturally poor country but due to rampant corruption the wealth of the nation is swirling down the whirlpool.

I am still amazed when people say that who do we need ICBM for. Such people also occupy position which are responsible for our strategic calculus. Unfortunately these people have failed to realise the threat the US posses. Part of the reason I believe is because their children is in those countries so is their property. They know that when things in their own country gets sour, they look at these countries for a way out. Till Pakistan gets rid of such people we cannot truly prepare ourselves for a threat posed to us by US. Imagine Jillani Pakistani ambassador still dreaming about Fsolas. Can it get any more pathetic than that?
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