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Why are some ppl hell bent in confusing and mixing Samjhauta blasts with the 26/11 terrorist attacks ?
The ghosts of Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar refuse to rest in the grave. They have come to haunt the governments and the courts now with a petition in the Bombay High Court on August 17, 2010 alleging that Abhinav Bharat got Karkare killed and not Ajmal Kasab or Ismail and hence the need to make inquiry through a commission. The Government in Delhi may dismiss the idea but the recent times have seen disturbing revelations since what happened on 26/11. Were there two parallel operations then?
Is Abinav Bharat Behind Karkare’s Assassination? By Mustafa Khan

Good article there too on an update of the situation.
The Mecca Masjid blasts, Megalaon, and Samjhuata were carried out by the same organization/person. The Indian courts found Colonel "eat some of my RDX" Purohit innocent of all but one, even though the proof was and is huge against him.

It ties to the 26/11 because of Karkare and the ATS.
coz hi -fi people of army intelligence were involved with hinduthva brigade.This is nothing complicated for intelligence to remove puny police officer like karkare.Remember Lt.col.Purohit was in army intelligence.So he sure have his source deep with in indian intelligence agencies.Its nothing new for intelligence to kill people and make it look like coincidence or an accident.

"karkare faced some threat calls from some hindu groups as much as he face from some muslim groups,their is nothing religious or nothing to conspire about it"

This r not my words,thats Mrs Karkare's word's,now do u know something more than her,or do u want to say that she is not her actual wife,its somebody else sitting on a-oh leave it:lol:
Why are some ppl hell bent in confusing and mixing Samjhauta blasts with the 26/11 terrorist attacks ?

There is greater need to look into all the bomb blast cases that happened in india with in last 4-5 years for which generally SIMI and IM were blamed regularly just based on some emails.Even Malegaon,Mecca masjid ,Ajmer blasts were blame on SIMI and IM(were later found to be work of hindu terror groups and army intelligence officers') for which always many muslim youths were picked up and are tried under various anti-terror acts like TADA,POTA,MCOCA.GOI always try to sweep all these under the carpet to confuse muslims.CBI is not independent investigating agency.GOI influences it to fuzz investigations for which it was always chided by the supreme court of india.There is Greater need that all terror cases in india be investigated by UN agencies and trial be done in international court of justice.
You finished talking to me, then you started again, now you're going to stop again? It's not important. But Karkare had evidence RDX was used

One example is the blasts in Samjhauta Express, which the IB said was carried out by Pakistan's ISI. Mushrif quotes a report in The Times of India that said, "the Centre had blamed the ISI on the basis of the IB's findings."

However, during a narco-analysis test under Karkare, Lt. Col. Purohit had admitted having supplied the RDX used in the blast.

Here's some more evidence of the Indian Courts covering Colonel "my house is full of RDX" Purohit.

“The modus operandi and the nature of the explosive used in Samjhauta Express blast have striking similarity with the Mecca Masjid blasts, of 2007 in Hyderabad and Malegaon blasts, which are also suspected t be orchestrated by Abhinav Bharat Sansthan,” top home ministry sources said. Though investigations into the Samjhauta blasts had run into a blind alley after the agencies traced the cover of the suitcase (used to carry out the blasts), to Indore, the investigators later found that the circuit, explosives, detonation device and battery make used in the three different blasts had uncanny similarities.

Hindu extremists behind Samjhauta express blast? | Samjhauta express | | Indian Express

Do you still wish to live in denial?

However, during a narco-analysis test under Karkare, Lt. Col. Purohit had admitted having supplied the RDX used in the blast.

the single line is more than enough to show the u entire story is nothing more than bigotry.

Karkare never inspected Samjhouta case,and what the hell u r providing as the source,an utter rubbish propaganda site of Subramanyam swamy.

It seems u r living in denial.
There is greater need to look into all the bomb blast cases that happened in india with in last 4-5 years for which generally SIMI and IM were blamed regularly just based on some emails.Even Malegaon,Mecca masjid ,Ajmer blasts were blame on SIMI and IM(were later found to be work of hindu terror groups and army intelligence officers') for which always many muslim youths were picked up and are tried under various anti-terror acts like TADA,POTA,MCOCA.GOI always try to sweep all these under the carpet to confuse muslims.CBI is not independent investigating agency.GOI influences it to fuzz investigations for which it was always chided by the supreme court of india.There is Greater need that all terror cases in india be investigated by UN agencies and trial be done in international court of justice.

TADA and POTA r not even active now,and by the CBI is not investigating Ajmer blast case,its Rajasthan ATS and they had yet not announced the results so from were did u reached the conclusion's.
"karkare faced some threat calls from some hindu groups as much as he face from some muslim groups,their is nothing religious or nothing to conspire about it"

This r not my words,thats Mrs Karkare's word's,now do u know something more than her,or do u want to say that she is not her actual wife,its somebody else sitting on a-oh leave it:lol:
Thats why he was silently removed coz he busted the hindu and army terror cell. and hindu groups along with intelligence used 26/11 to silently remove him from the scene thus again whole suspicion to fall on Muslims.
Thats why he was silently removed coz he busted the hindu and army terror cell. and hindu groups along with intelligence used 26/11 to silently remove him from the scene thus again whole suspicion to fall on Muslims.
Once again;

Tehelka: The ATS made a flip-flop on the links of those arrested with the Samjhauta blasts, which raised questions when it found no mention in the remand copy.

Mr Karkare: A lot has been made of the Samjhauta Express statement that was made by the public prosecutor in the case. There was a statement made by the witness that Purohit helped in the procurement of RDX. That was a part of the case diary. It cannot be taken as gospel truth. What was wrong was the mention of the same to the media, although we had said that there is no such evidence of the same.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine
Thats why he was silently removed coz he busted the hindu and army terror cell. and hindu groups along with intelligence used 26/11 to silently remove him from the scene thus again whole suspicion to fall on Muslims.

but the cases are still going on like before aint they. there are more arrests. and the suspicion was totally on pakistan for that.....
There is greater need to look into all the bomb blast cases that happened in india with in last 4-5 years for which generally SIMI and IM were blamed regularly just based on some emails.Even Malegaon,Mecca masjid ,Ajmer blasts were blame on SIMI and IM(were later found to be work of hindu terror groups and army intelligence officers') for which always many muslim youths were picked up and are tried under various anti-terror acts like TADA,POTA,MCOCA.GOI always try to sweep all these under the carpet to confuse muslims.CBI is not independent investigating agency.GOI influences it to fuzz investigations for which it was always chided by the supreme court of india.There is Greater need that all terror cases in india be investigated by UN agencies and trial be done in international court of justice.

This Col. Purohit is such an idiot. Just because of one idiot like him did something wrong so now all people have got excuses to hush-hush the cross border terrorism and blame everything on Hindu fundamentalists.
Once again;

Tehelka: The ATS made a flip-flop on the links of those arrested with the Samjhauta blasts, which raised questions when it found no mention in the remand copy.

Mr Karkare: A lot has been made of the Samjhauta Express statement that was made by the public prosecutor in the case. There was a statement made by the witness that Purohit helped in the procurement of RDX. That was a part of the case diary. It cannot be taken as gospel truth. What was wrong was the mention of the same to the media, although we had said that there is no such evidence of the same.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

And the mail is a bad news source they say..

What if these were say Muslim or Christian terrorists??
I wonder if there would be the same disqualification of evidence?
Hindutiva does not exist..?...no links.. just a mob.. etc etc..
Funny.. these Americans are asking us to clean up the mess due to their cables here..
but are ever ready to grab the broom in India..
Ah..the ethics of strategic needs.. dont exist now do they??

There is an element.. accept it.. and clean it up..
Set an example for Pakistan..
Which you are soo willing to take part in everywhere else(with mixed results).
TADA and POTA r not even active now,and by the CBI is not investigating Ajmer blast case,its Rajasthan ATS and they had yet not announced the results so from were did u reached the conclusion's.
These are some examples how muslims are being made victims.MCOCA is still there in maharastra.When investigative agencies like CBI are in such a condition then better not to speak on state police and their ATS.There is a famous joke about indian police....."sir ji aap jul bolo kubool karwana hamara kaam hai jo kiya hoga woh bhi aur jo nahi kiya hoga wohi bhi kubool karwa lenge."
Though its a joke but sadly its true.
Thats why india needs an independent investigations of all bomb blast cases which is appointed by uno and cases are decided by ICJ.
the single line is more than enough to show the u entire story is nothing more than bigotry.

Karkare never inspected Samjhouta case,and what the hell u r providing as the source,an utter rubbish propaganda site of Subramanyam swamy.

It seems u r living in denial.

It's very possible that the investigation involved Colonel RDX. Though he may not have investigated Samjhauta Express itself, he may have obtained information.

Prior to his death, Hemant Karkare was unearthing a terror network unlike any that has been seen thus far. The investigation started by tracing the motorcycle used to plant bombs in Malegaon in September 2008 to a Hindu Sadhvi, Pragyasingh Thakur. In a cellphone conversation between Thakur and Ramji, the man who planted the bombs, she asked why more people had not been killed. For the first time, the Indian state was conducting a thorough professional probe into a terror network involving Hindu extremist organisations, this one with huge ramifications, some leading into military and bomb-making training camps and politicised elements in the army, others into organisations and political leaders affiliated to the BJP. One of the most potentially explosive discoveries was that a serving army officer, Lt.Col. Srikant Purohit, had procured 60 kg of RDX from government supplies for use in the terrorist attack on the Samjhauta Express (the India-Pakistan 'Understanding' train) in February 2007, in which 68 people were killed, the majority of them Pakistanis.
Karkare Episode ? Few Relevant Questions | Kashmir Media Service
This Col. Purohit is such an idiot. Just because of one idiot like him did something wrong so now all people have got excuses to hush-hush the cross border terrorism and blame everything on Hindu fundamentalists.
col purohit of army intelligence is not the exceptional case.There are many such some of the famous ones i ve mentioned on previous pages.
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