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US embassy cables: Mumbai conspiracy allegations 'outrageous' – US ambassador

Desperate? Only on your part. The Americans were able to get sanctions on the Pakistani gentleman in the U.N. Got China's support too!

The Americans again.

That seal of approval might be good enough for you. However, it is not proof of anything. Btw, I'm not denying elements in Pakistan are supported by India to do work against the interests of the Pakistanis. I wouldn't be surprised if Samjhauta was a combination of the Indian Army and some elements in India-supported Pakistan. Certainly the Indians have conspired in all these terror attacks. The Indian court system saying that poor Colonel Purohit is innocent is a joke. Everyone would readily acknowledge this. Even the Indians do the same.
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You don't want to rely on the Americans, not on the Indians, only on an article in The Daily Mail? My point still holds. Purohit has not been charged with that incident & there it remains. You guys are welcome to think whatever you want and after the fake Wikileaks, probably create your own facts too.

Purohit has not been charged, despite him admitting supplying RDX to Abhimva Hindutva fanaticva or whatever they call themselves now. He was even a member of the terror group. And RDX being found all over his house was another problematic episode. He was found innocent of all charges of course.
The Americans again.

Alright that seal of approval might be good enough for you. However, it is not proof of anything. Btw, I'm not denying elements in Pakistan are supported by India to do work against the interests of the Pakistanis. I wouldn't be surprised if Samjhauta was a combination of the Indian Army and some elements in India-supported Pakistan. Certainly the Indians have conspired in all these terror attacks. The Indian court system saying that poor Colonel Purohit is innocent is a joke. Everyone would readily acknowledge this. Even the Indians do the same.

Okay, my last post on this matter to you, there isn't a point to do :hitwall: endlessly.

You offer no proof, merely your conjectures & your deeply held belief.
As far as conspiracy theories go, I see that you have bought yourself a lot of shares in whatever company that keeps churning them out in Pakistan. Good luck to you on your investment!

No Indian court has said that Purohit is innocent. He remains in jail pending trial in the Malegaon blasts. You have gone through found guilty, found innocent, confessed & now back to found innocent all in the course of a few posts. you have claimed that India was involved in the 26/11 conspiracy. You seem to operate on the philosophy that when the needle points in the direction of Pakistan, no proof is enough & to substantiate your wild allegations against India, no proof is necessary!
Okay, my last post on this matter to you, there isn't a point to do :hitwall: endlessly.

You offer no proof, merely your conjectures & your deeply held belief.
As far as conspiracy theories go, I see that you have bought yourself a lot of shares in whatever company that keeps churning them out in Pakistan. Good luck to you on your investment!

No Indian court has said that Purohit is innocent. He remains in jail pending trial in the Malegaon blasts. You have gone through found guilty, found innocent, confessed & now back to found innocent all in the course of a few posts. you have claimed that India was involved in the 26/11 conspiracy. You seem to operate on the philosophy that when the needle points in the direction of Pakistan, no proof is enough & to substantiate your wild allegations against India, no proof is necessary!

I have always maintained he confessed to being involved in the Samjhauta train Muslim massacre. Though it was not a direct confession. I knew he was found guilty of some false flag massacre, i just couldn't remember which, because he's been involved in so many. Me not being able to remember which he was involved in, does not make the Indian courts portraying Colonel "have some RDX to kill Muslims" Purohit as innocent in the Samjhauta express bombing any less of a joke.
why killing of those officers at a time who were probing the involvement of hindu organisations' in active terrorism in India?????
why killing of those officers at a time who were probing the involvement of hindu organisations' in active terrorism in India?????

It was pure coincidence that the 26/11 coincided with some other domestic cases that Karkare and others wee probing.

There is no doubt that Kasab and company killed Karkare and others.
It was pure coincidence that the 26/11 coincided with some other domestic cases that Karkare and others wee probing.

There is no doubt that Kasab and company killed Karkare and others.

LOL. Very convenient. Karkare and the ATS were one of those who confirmed RDX at the site of the Samjhauta before all the other Indian experts came in to say it was Ammonium Nitrate. Such an accurate investigation concerning Colonel "I don't sell Ammonium Nitrate" Purohit.
LOL. Very convenient. Karkare and the ATS were one of those who confirmed RDX at the site of the Samjhauta before all the other Indian experts came in to say it was Ammonium Nitrate. Such an accurate investigation concerning Colonel "I don't sell Ammonium Nitrate" Purohit.

Mixing one thing with the other is the speciality of you guys.

Even after so many investigations and countless debates, you all are leaving no stone unturned in creating conspiracies and refusing to focus on the core issue of cross border terrorism.
why killing of those officers at a time who were probing the involvement of hindu organisations' in active terrorism in India?????
coz hi -fi people of army intelligence were involved with hinduthva brigade.This is nothing complicated for intelligence to remove puny police officer like karkare.Remember Lt.col.Purohit was in army intelligence.So he sure have his source deep with in indian intelligence agencies.Its nothing new for intelligence to kill people and make it look like coincidence or an accident.
LOL. Very convenient. Karkare and the ATS were one of those who confirmed RDX at the site of the Samjhauta before all the other Indian experts came in to say it was Ammonium Nitrate. Such an accurate investigation concerning Colonel "I don't sell Ammonium Nitrate" Purohit.

I know I said that I was done with debating you but this rubbish has to be refuted. Karkare was the ATS chief of Maharashtra, a map would show about a 1000km gap between his jurisdiction & Diwana station near Panipat (in the state of Haryana) where the Samjautha blasts happened. I don't know what you know of jurisdictional issues in policing but that would have been a no-go area for Karkare. That case was handed over to the CBI, the premier investigative agency in India. You also have your time line wrong. Purohit was arrested ages after the Samjhauta blasts when Ammonium Nitrate had already been alluded to as the composition of the bomb by the CBI. You are trying to twist the facts & the timeline to suit your theory.
There are many glaring examples where Intelligence people tried to falsely implicate people to cover up their failure.Two such major spy scandals that took india by storm comes to mind are....

1.Samba SPy scandal
2.captain B. K. Subbarao later Dr. subbarao spy scandal.

There are even doubts about latest spy scandal that took india by storm ie Madhuri gupta one is another scandal.Sad thing is that it takes 20-30 yrs in court for a person to prove himself innocent in courts in india.all the above mentioned spy scandals have ruined the careers of some of the best talented officers/men/women without any one got punished from intelligence for framing up these fine men.
coz hi -fi people of army intelligence were involved with hinduthva brigade.This is nothing complicated for intelligence to remove puny police officer like karkare.Remember Lt.col.Purohit was in army intelligence.So he sure have his source deep with in indian intelligence agencies.Its nothing new for intelligence to kill people and make it look like coincidence or an accident.

true. Some people are acting like this would never occur in the subcontinent.
Perhaps this would be of some help.

Tehelka: The ATS made a flip-flop on the links of those arrested with the Samjhauta blasts, which raised questions when it found no mention in the remand copy.

Mr Karkare: A lot has been made of the Samjhauta Express statement that was made by the public prosecutor in the case. There was a statement made by the witness that Purohit helped in the procurement of RDX. That was a part of the case diary. It cannot be taken as gospel truth. What was wrong was the mention of the same to the media, although we had said that there is no such evidence of the same.

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

Tehelka happens to be the most rabid anti-establishment news agency in India.
I know I said that I was done with debating you but this rubbish has to be refuted. Karkare was the ATS chief of Maharashtra, a map would show about a 1000km gap between his jurisdiction & Diwana station near Panipat (in the state of Haryana) where the Samjautha blasts happened. I don't know what you know of jurisdictional issues in policing but that would have been a no-go area for Karkare. That case was handed over to the CBI, the premier investigative agency in India. You also have your time line wrong. Purohit was arrested ages after the Samjhauta blasts when Ammonium Nitrate had already been alluded to as the composition of the bomb by the CBI. You are trying to twist the facts & the timeline to suit your theory.

You finished talking to me, then you started again, now you're going to stop again? It's not important. But Karkare had evidence RDX was used

One example is the blasts in Samjhauta Express, which the IB said was carried out by Pakistan's ISI. Mushrif quotes a report in The Times of India that said, "the Centre had blamed the ISI on the basis of the IB's findings."

However, during a narco-analysis test under Karkare, Lt. Col. Purohit had admitted having supplied the RDX used in the blast.

Here's some more evidence of the Indian Courts covering Colonel "my house is full of RDX" Purohit.

“The modus operandi and the nature of the explosive used in Samjhauta Express blast have striking similarity with the Mecca Masjid blasts, of 2007 in Hyderabad and Malegaon blasts, which are also suspected t be orchestrated by Abhinav Bharat Sansthan,” top home ministry sources said. Though investigations into the Samjhauta blasts had run into a blind alley after the agencies traced the cover of the suitcase (used to carry out the blasts), to Indore, the investigators later found that the circuit, explosives, detonation device and battery make used in the three different blasts had uncanny similarities.

Hindu extremists behind Samjhauta express blast? | Samjhauta express | | Indian Express

Do you still wish to live in denial?
A mix of high- and low-intensity explosives was used in the blast on the Indo-Pak friendship train which killed 68 — 42 of them Pakistanis. While a larger quantity of Potassium Chlorate and Sulphur were used to create the bomb, minor quantities of RDX were also found in the bomb, Dr. R K Koshal, ballistic expert from Haryana’s Forensic Science Laboratory confirmed. The use of RDX in ‘traces’ was also seen in explosives used in Mecca Masjid blast in Hyderabad in May 2007 and also in the Malegaon blast.

“There was RDX in traces in the suitcase bomb on the Samjhauta Express and that much was enough for the blast mechanism,” said Kaushal.

Purohit supplied RDX for Samjhauta bomb: ATS - Express India
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