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US deploying forces in Indian Ocean to take on China: Yechury

for you chinese dreams of SCS with love from US:
BBC News - Leon Panetta: US to deploy 60% of navy fleet to Pacific

India decimating PLAN in IOR is a reality you cant do much about.

India dont need to challenge USN now (and cant challenge also) and it is good that the USN is a big threat to PLAN and not IN. IN and USN are more like allies right now if any conflict flares up in SCS.

People see, I was right...Indian is making dream #2 & #3 on my previous post #29 :rofl:
The US war criminals and its mad cow scat followers (UK) are deploying its forces to any place in the world where China goes. China invests in Africa by creating millions of employment which generate revenue for the African government and build infrastructure while the US deploys only warships, missiles and other weapons of mass destruction. China is bringing goodwill, peace and wealth while the US war criminlas bring hate, division and weapons. The US is now conducting military exercise with many African countries which have a Chinese investment presence. The US has settled a new military command covering these African countries supposedly threatened by Chinese economic investment.

A study commissioned by the EU has found that Chinese economic investment poses no threat to EU investment and political influence but the US war criminlas are persisting to convince the world that there is a Chinese evil in Africa.

China has sent only two warships to fight piracy in the Indian Ocean now the US is saying that China has established a military presence in the Indian Ocean and two warships is posing a threat to 10 nuclear aircraft carriers battle group while the US itself has permanent aircraft carriers and military base with nuclear weapons in South China sea, the Pacific, Guam, Japan, South Korea, Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, now Australia and Africa.
China is being coined as a threat to the World and it is supposed to attack all countries in Asia like India, South Korea, Japan, Phillipines, Vietnam, Taiwan and even Australia while in reality it is the US which is attacking all countries which do not obey to its rule under the pretext of combating terrorism or countering Chinese evil. The US has attacked Iraq, Afganistan,Lybia, it is backing the genocide in Palestine, it is conducting a secret war in Yemen, Pakistan and it is spreading hate and division in Asia. The attack on Lybia was committed to get rid of Chinese massive investment and also to prevent any future Chinese presence in rich oil Lybia. This is the reality while regarding all which are being said on China are just fictions and suppositions based on jealousy and racism.

In Africa, China is building infrastructure, setting up factories for instance in Mauritius itself it is building bridge, wastewater sewerage system and also extending the Mauritian international airport. Mauritius does not have the expertise to build all these and it does not have the manpower for such big projects. Thanks to Chinese investment Mauritius is resilient to the current economic crisis caused by the EU financial crisis caused itself by the US and Sionist bank speculators like Soros, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs etc. Every bad thing happening in the World is alleged to have Chinese origins while the true culprits are the US and the Zionist.

Since Bush had promoted India as its ally to counter China and that India can buy whatever US weapons it wants, Indian press has a tendency to accuse China of everything and also to promote a Chinese threat while such offensive position was never being taken before in the 80s or 90's. For instance China was unjustly blamed for the recent electricity black out in India, while in reality this was caused by Indian crappy infrastructure and Indian incompetence. By always blaming China for everything, Indians are not facing the root cause of their own problems and these problems will become recurrent as they are not being tackled and such coward attitude will prevent India from becoming a true economic powerhorse. If all Chinese equipment, spare parts and infrastructure were so bad, China would have never been the second economic power and China would never have been able to construct such marvellous skycrapers. When I was in China, I have never seen any power failure, all buildings are massive and impressive and everything was perfect and I had not fallen ill. Thats the reality.
Thats the best cheer-leading any pakistani has given to china in this forum ..................

Lol, "US War criminals?"...You forgot "running dogs", "reactionaries" and left out the part where you extoll the virtues of the next 5 year plan and the great leap foward.
Lol, "US War criminals?"...You forgot "running dogs", "reactionaries" and left out the part where you extoll the virtues of the next 5 year plan and the great leap foward.

I agree that Barack Hussein Obama is a criminal in the US. He is selling out America to Muslim Brothrehood and should be imprison for treason
The US war criminals and its mad cow scat followers (UK) are deploying its forces to any place in the world where China goes. China invests in Africa by creating millions of employment which generate revenue for the African government and build infrastructure while the US deploys only warships, missiles and other weapons of mass destruction. China is bringing goodwill...................

I stopped immediately after reading that ( rest will be total bull obviously )... what a retard0.. China brings it's own labours. It doesn't create 'millions of employment'

Dumbfucks galore here ...
Your moral of the story is wrong, Americans already have a base in Diego Garcia. Unlike China, US don't have any border dispute with India.

Diego Garcia was what i was talking about as worrisome factor for India in the past and now increasing power of US in Indian ocean is only going to worry India more than China.

As far as the underlined statment in your post is concerned, your understanding of geo-strategic policies is based on bleak understanding
Diego Garcia was what i was talking about as worrisome factor for India in the past and now increasing power of US in Indian ocean is only going to worry India more than China.

As far as the underlined statment in your post is concerned, your understanding of geo-strategic policies is based on bleak understanding

D.G was there quite long time, it was never a threat to India, though nobody wants a foreign army base near their areas.

As of today, US carrier groups are the real mobile bases which is more threat to anybody. DG is cost effective location for them for their GPS operations. Otherwise it is just a weapon storage facility. There is no huge military power concentration unlike carrier battle groups.
The US already has a naval base in IOR since many years ago. They could probably be increasing
the force levels there. I don't think the PLAN is capable enough to challenge the USN before 2040.
PLAN's capabilities in the IOR are extremely primitive. I'm sure Sri Lankan Navy can challenge their
strength here. IN is not even required, let alone USN.
What make you so confident, by those floating garbage hulls might be put service decades later?
What make you so confident, by those floating garbage hulls might be put service decades later?
If you are talking about
Indian vessels -Those were/are and will be better than something that was rusting and meant to be casino. PLAN lags the war experience and IOR will be home ground for IN

USN- dude seriously pride is good but it shouldn't make you blind. USN operates more jets than your entire AF. USA is going to to rule sea for next 2/3 decades

SriLanka Navy: you are wasting your time for repling to that
Does India has any conflict of Interest with USA? No
Does USA going to attack India??? No
Will India participate any US-China conflict ?? No
Will India help Pakistan to fight against USA?? No

Is communists are insane?? Yes Indian communists are insane... (and traitors as well)
If you are talking about
Indian vessels -Those were/are and will be better than something that was rusting and meant to be casino. PLAN lags the war experience and IOR will be home ground for IN

USN- dude seriously pride is good but it shouldn't make you blind. USN operates more jets than your entire AF. USA is going to to rule sea for next 2/3 decades

SriLanka Navy: you are wasting your time for repling to that
Scs and east sea is our priority, we will fight USN to protect our sovereignty. Btw, who the hell tell you USN jets outnumber entire PLAAF? When the rusting garbage of ours become a real carrier, your garbage PL15 is still floating out there left undressed.
Scs and east sea is our priority, we will fight USN to protect our sovereignty. Btw, who the hell tell you USN jets outnumber entire PLAAF? When the rusting garbage of ours become a real carrier, your garbage PL15 is still floating out there left undressed.
- Open your eyes if you have them. You commented on IOR in post#41. I replied you on that :D
- Nobody mention SCS or ECS anywhere spot it and show me
- google is your friend go search for USNAF assets. Apparently there is no valid sitation of PLAAF. Even you guies can't put a accurate number :D the so called 3000+ of your AF aren't all fighter jets please prove me wrong if you can :D
- well your rusting garbage is having problems with arresting wires look like you have to steal again
- do you even know the name ??? What the fu@k is PL-15 ??? BTW when you are talking about AACs keep to it. IN is going to commission INS "VIKI-DI" in Dec. PLAN didn't have a single fighter capable of carrier operation let alone the experience
- if you are talking about P-15s then why are you comparing your AAC rust bucket with the Indian build and docked warship ??? Your AAC rust double the life of P-15. If you calculate
I am seriously gona help you calculate :D
Laid down Dec,85 : Bought in 1998 for casino :D
P-15s laid down in 2003,2005,2006. And they are docked or waiting for Barak-8s :D
And I think it's 2012 so now calculate
Plus I really think you should not compare your AAC to indian destroyers( evenif your ACC hasn't got a single plane :D) but your call :D

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