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US decreasing not withdrawing forces from Afghanistan: Kerry


Dec 5, 2012
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US decreasing not withdrawing forces from Afghanistan: Kerry - thenews.com.pk

ISLAMABAD: In an exclusive interview with Geo News senior anchor, Hamid Mir, US Secretary of State John Kerry said terrorist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) and Al-Qaeda were violating the sovereignty of Pakistan.

“Pakistan faces a very serious threat. LeT, TTP, Al-Qaeda and Haqqani network attack and kill people in mosques. They blow people up in market places.”

When asked about US drone attacks, the US Secretary of State replied that drone strikes are conducted in the defence of the United States. “We are engaged in counter-terrorism for self defence. We are very appreciative of Pakistan and understand the powerful feelings about any of these efforts. “

Kerry added that terrorist activity in Pakistan was taking place in before drones and in areas where there we no drone attacks. “Blowing up women and children can never be excused.”

Kerry said the release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was not raised during his meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. “People in Pakistan would feel very good about it (Dr. Aafia’s release) but we have a legal situation which we have to analyse.”

He also told Hamid Mir that the US was decreasing and not completely withdrawing its forces from Afghanistan. “Not every single soldier will leave in 2014. We have been very clear about that. We are not withdrawing we are drawing down.”

Speaking on the situation in Egypt, Kerry said that Muhammad Morsi was ousted on the will of the people. He added that the US was against the violence in Egypt and had spoken to the Egyptian army chief personally regarding this matter.
Pakistan as per UN conventions cannot assume and legally challenge that it's sovereignty is violated when it is the terrorist from its own territory that are attacking and violating another country's sovereignty to which drones are counter and preemptive measure. Kerry stating that "it is the terrorists who violating Pakistan sovereignty" implies exactly that. Seems like no advancement in bilateral ties or concessions made despite Pakistan's pledges and recent moves in the peace process in Afghanistan.

I am surprised that Kerry makes no effort to sugarcoat some of the tough decisions that they intend to take (which of course the Army in Pakistan will not like). Something like, yes we will have troops post 2014 but Pakistani Army will play the major role etc.....

On top of it, drawing a parrallel between the Drone Strikes and the beloved LeT is the "gustakhi in shaan of Pakistan" of the highest order!!
So what happends to the idea of taliban taking over after 2014....
when i told America they would never fully withdraw few months back..no one believed me ...

didnt everybody already know that from the beginning? lol

So what happends to the idea of taliban taking over after 2014....

its still goes on, the war officially comes to an end, american forces stay there for the support of the incompetent afghan army.
There is no secret here. Always been a well known fact that US isn't going away from Afghanistan for foreseeable future!
didnt everybody already know that from the beginning? lol

its still goes on, the war officially comes to an end, american forces stay there for the support of the incompetent afghan army.

Few months back you guys were jumping up and down that US is leaving and who will save Afghanistan from Pakistan.....now this....good...you guys are unbeatable like....:omghaha:
Few months back you guys were jumping up and down that US is leaving and who will save Afghanistan from Pakistan.....now this....good...you guys are unbeatable like....:omghaha:

no we knew that american forces were going to stay in small numbers all along.
What they couldnt do with 53 country ... i wonder can they pull it off with 5-6k soldiers? all in all... Pakistan is going to face a .... coz of talis...
What they couldnt do with 53 country ... i wonder can they pull it off with 5-6k soldiers? all in all... Pakistan is going to face a .... coz of talis...

A million couldn't do jack in a decade with all the king's horses and all the king's men ( every equipment and resource ) yet a token force of 5-6 thousand will do wonders and win the war for US . Yeah , right ! :D
A million couldn't do jack in a decade with all the king's horses and all the king's men ( every equipment and resource ) yet a token force of 5-6 thousand will do wonders and win the war for US . Yeah , right ! :D

Are the drones coming with boots on the ground in pakistan. Yet see how effective they are. Very foolish to think that small force is a disadvantage. It just means more technology, smaller target for haqqanis, smaller risk and bigger headache for pakistan. Let the eloquence thus
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