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US begins shutdown amid budget row

I think it's great actually. A REAL American (a Presidential candidate in fact) like John McCain understands he can use racial slurs against Vietnamese as much as he likes, because they are not Americans.

And also because they will love him anyway. :D
Of course YOU would think it is great. John McCain have a far better relationship with Asian-Americans in general than the Chinese have with other peoples. You have been conditioned by your racist culture to look at everything through a racial/racist filter. You cannot help but do the same for US.

It's like you don't want to be taken seriously. The issue at hand is the shutdown of the US government, but you're trying to derail the topic with an offhand remark from a girl about her political aspirations. And even more farcical, you're trying to claim its worse, or even more serious, than a government shutdown? :)
This thread does not deserve to be taken seriously, especially when it is criticized by a Chinese who believes in political oppression.
"Nobody is permitted to discuss this episode of supreme state failure! Because a little girl in China wants to be an government crony! Also, herp derp something about the OP believing in political oppression" ~ gambit

Sorry, but your half-baked excuses don't mitigate how serious this incident is. There should be a new country joining the Failed States Index now :omghaha:
Viets are treated like dirt in Yankee land yet they worship the white man. Shameful.
This is one of the many reasons we look down on Viets. They have no self respect. Here you have a Viet pretending he 'belongs' to the Yankees :lol:

What a goof, typical Sherminator behaviour.
This thread does not deserve to be taken seriously, especially when it is criticized by a Chinese who believes in political oppression.

Didn't you just cry racism and now doing the same? :cheesy:

Anyway, right now the whole German press is laughting at the failed Banana Republic of America. What a kindergarten the US political class has become. I mean, reading a children book and making cheap jokes for 21 hours in parliament just to hinder the opponent to speak? :omghaha:
Götterdämmerung;4829717 said:
Didn't you just cry racism and now doing the same? :cheesy:

Anyway, right now the whole German press is laughting at the failed Banana Republic of America. What a kindergarten the US political class has become. I mean, reading a children book and making cheap jokes for 21 hours in parliament just to hinder the opponent to speak? :omghaha:
Yeah...And your German parliament have always been very 'mature'...

People & Politics | 60 Years of German Parliamentary Debates - YouTube

"Nobody is permitted to discuss this episode of supreme state failure! Because a little girl in China wants to be an government crony! Also, herp derp something about the OP believing in political oppression" ~ gambit

Sorry, but your half-baked excuses don't mitigate how serious this incident is. There should be a new country joining the Failed States Index now :omghaha:
You are criticizing US for this governmental spat when you have something a thousand times worse...???

One advocacy organization, the Chinese Urgent Action Working Group, recently published a list of credulity-defying explanations by officials including death by “being handed toilet paper,” by “playing hide and seek,” and by “face-washing.” The autopsy of one inmate, who reportedly died after “squeezing pimples” on his chest, revealed that a sharp instrument had penetrated his chest and heart. A 19-year-old woman held in a Mongolian labor camp was said to have died “from ectopic pregnancy”; her relatives saw bruises and signs of apparent sexual assault on her corpse. And a man, who supposedly died from “drinking hot water” last year, had had his testicles crushed and his nipples cut off, according to relatives. Those who survive and try to report the abuse are often caught in an Orwellian system where officials in charge of investigating the allegations are the very officials in charge of running the prisons.
Right...A prisoner in a 'black jail' died from extreme acne.

And a temporary paralysis in the US government is great cause for celebration. But I guess when you live in a place where you could die unexpectedly from extreme acne while in government custody, you need any escape you can find on the Internet.
Götterdämmerung;4829807 said:
Poor boy, did you even watch the whole thing? It was about heated debates in the Bundestag, which of course should be welcomed in a healthy and functioning democracy, but nothing about hindering the opposite side to speak for 21 hours by reading children books and making bad jokes.
So you are saying dissolution of parliament is better? Let me guess, now you are going to tell everyone that Germany had never dissolved a government.

And yes, I watched the whole thing. I like the bearded MPs. Very 60-ish and mature of the Germans. :lol:
USA is nothing but a failed state. The obama regime running it like Nigeria or Somalia or Laloo Prasad Yadav of Bihar.
And yet so many of your countrymen are still trying to come to this 'failed state'. Jealous?
Normally we would refer to your nonsensical gobbledygook as non-sequitur fallacies, because they have nothing to do issue at hand: US government shutdown. But that would be an insult to the fallacy, because you can't even muster any issues remotely serious in comparison. Your ragtag collection of articles from years back about things little girls say/squeezing pimples have nothing on government collapse and state failure. I can assure you, the former issues don't qualify a country for the status of failed state, but the latter certainly will :).
Normally we would refer to your nonsensical gobbledygook as non-sequitur fallacies, because they have nothing to do issue at hand: US government shutdown. But that would be an insult to the fallacy, because you can't even muster any issues remotely serious in comparison. Your ragtag collection of articles from years back about things little girls say/squeezing pimples have nothing on government collapse and state failure. I can assure you, the former issues don't qualify a country for the status of failed state, but the latter certainly will :).

Exactly, lol!

I mean this is headline news around the world.

But instead of discussing it, some Vietnamese Communist (gambit) is getting excited and talking about something else.
Normally we would refer to your nonsensical gobbledygook as non-sequitur fallacies, because they have nothing to do issue at hand: US government shutdown. But that would be an insult to the fallacy, because you can't even muster any issues remotely serious in comparison. Your ragtag collection of articles from years back about things little girls say/squeezing pimples have nothing on government collapse and state failure. I can assure you, the former issues don't qualify a country for the status of failed state, but the latter certainly will :).
Because this is not a serious issue. The US government have gone through this before and the country still stands.

Government is politics and the way you guys take glee at this is more indicative of your desperate need to escape the political hellhole that is China anyway you can. A suspension of governmental duties is nothing compared to governmental dissolution, which the German parliament have experienced but no one made hay out of that.

And by the way, the article was not about little girls and pimples. It was about Chinese political prisoners died in Chinese secret black jails that Chinese authority said died from squeezing pimples. But I guess since you are so used to it that a suspension of governmental duties in the US must be an oddity.
Exactly, lol!

I mean this is headline news around the world.

But instead of discussing it, some Vietnamese Communist (gambit) is getting excited and talking about something else.
Yeah...Am sure people around the world are anxious and wringing their hands in front of the telly. Businesses are shuttered. Prayers offered. World leaders went underground in protection. And thousands of Chinese waiting for their immigration papers turned around and went back to China. :lol:
So you are saying dissolution of parliament is better? Let me guess, now you are going to tell everyone that Germany had never dissolved a government.

And yes, I watched the whole thing. I like the bearded MPs. Very 60-ish and mature of the Germans. :lol:

In a functioning democracy, dissolution of the parliament is always a possibility if the situation is unbecoming to the whole nation and Germany is hardly the only democracy that experienced that. But what does that have anything to do with your senator's childish behaviour hindering his opponents to speak by reading a children book and making bad joke completely unrelated to the topic of the debate?
Just a "glamorous term" ... nobody is worrying about this.

Because nothing that matters is shutting down.
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