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US approves billion dollar tank, weapons sale to Saudi Arabia

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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US approves billion dollar tank, weapons sale to Saudi Arabia
Published: August 10, 2016


WASHINGTON DC: The United States has approved the possible sale to Saudi Arabia of up to 153 tanks, hundreds of machine guns and other military gear in a deal worth $1.15 billion, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

The announcement coincided with news that Saudi-led coalition warplanes had resumed air strikes on Yemen’s capital for the first time in three months, killing 14 people and shutting the airport after UN-brokered talks were suspended.

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State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said she was “very concerned” by Tuesday’s casualty reports, but did not directly comment when asked if the State Department worried US weapons being sent to Saudi Arabia could be used against civilians.

“We regularly talk to our partners and our allies around the world. You know, civilian casualties are obviously of grave concern to us,” she said.

According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), Riyadh had requested the possible purchase of up to 133 American M1A1/A2 Abrams tanks that would be configured to Saudi needs, plus another 20 to replace damaged tanks in their fleet.

Additionally, the deal would include 153 .50-caliber machine guns, 266 7.62mm M240 machine guns, smoke grenade launchers, armored recovery vehicles and a range of other hardware.

The US State Department has approved the “possible” sale and notified Congress on Monday, the DSCA said.

US approves $1.15 bn tank, weapons sale to Saudi: Pentagon

Congress has 30 days to block the sale, though is unlikely to do so.

“This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic regional partner which has been and continues to be a leading contributor of political stability and economic progress in the Middle East,” the DSCA said in a statement.

“The addition of these tanks and recovery vehicles to the (Saudi military’s) inventory will enhance Saudi Arabia’s ability to support its soldiers in the field and to defend the Kingdom’s borders.”

The Pentagon announcement made no mention of the conflict in Yemen, where the Saudi-led coalition intervened in March last year after Shiite Huthi rebels and allied forces loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh overran Sanaa.

Tuesday’s raids included a strike on a food factory in Yemen’s rebel-held capital Sanaa, medics said.

Factory director Abdullah al-Aqel gave a higher toll of 16 killed and 10 wounded, adding that all the victims were workers.

The Al-Aqel factory, which makes potato chips and is near a military equipment maintenance center targeted in the raids, was struck during working hours, he added.

Saudi-led air strikes on Yemen capital resume, airport shut: residents

The UN says more than 6,400 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in Yemen since the coalition air campaign began last March.

The fighting has also driven 2.8 million people from their homes and left more than 80 percent of the population needing humanitarian aid.

Saudi Arabia also forms part of the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State jihadists in Syria and Iraq.

Last November, the United States approved a $1.29 billion deal to replenish the Saudi air force’s arsenal, depleted by its bombing campaign in Yemen.
These are not for Yemen,

These are for somewhere else ...

Saudi Losses in Yemen War Exposed by US Tank Deal

The U.S. State Department says Riyadh can buy 153 Abrams tanks, 20 of which will replace ones destroyed in combat.

The U.S. State Department and Pentagon Tuesday OKed a $1.2 billion sale of 153 Abrams tanks to Saudi Arabia Tuesday. But that’s not the real news.

Turns out: 20 of those tanks, made in America by General Dynamics Land Systems, are “battle damage replacements” for Saudi tanks lost in combat.

Even though the formal announcement of the sales does not say where the tanks were fighting, the Saudi military is believed to have lost some of its 400-plus Abrams tanks in Yemen, where it is fighting Iranian-backed Houthi separatists.

This revelation was tucked inside a benign Pentagon announcement of the deal, one that for the most part reads just like dozens of other arms sales approved each year. The announcement does not even mention the conflict in Yemen, yet it gives a glimpse into this wildly underreported war between Arab states, the U.S., and the Houthis.

While the secretive Saudi government has not formally disclosed its battles losses from its 16-month involvement with its neighbor’s civil war, videos posted on YouTube purport to show rebels blowing up Abrams tanks with Iranian-made rockets. A year ago, Houthi fighters reportedly destroyed two Saudi Abrams and captured others. In February, Iran’s state-run Fars News Agency reported that five more tanks had been destroyed.

The deal approved by the U.S. government this week also includes 20 armored recovery vehicles, which are used to fix broken or damaged tanks on the battlefield.....................Read more

Well, the US has to do something with its outdated Abrams, now that the Russians are getting the Armata T-14 .... :sarcastic:
They lost 400+ tanks? :o: i think they're just exaggerating it way too much

They are. As per the original article,
According to the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), Riyadh had requested the possible purchase of up to 133 American M1A1/A2 Abrams tanks that would be configured to Saudi needs, plus another 20 to replace damaged tanks in their fleet.
I know they're gonna replace the damaged one's but still 400+ is an unbelievable number imo

Yes, my post was in agreement that the 400 figure was exaggerated. The article mentions that 20 Abrams are being replaced, which sounds like a reasonable figure for a conflict on the scale of Yemen.
Less than 20 tanks lost in 17 months is not a bad ratio. Especially given the very mountainous terrain of Yemen and the recent proliferation of ATGMs. Houthis are the most heavily armed rebel/terrorist group in the world and we are fighting against a large portion of the Yemeni military that remained loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh as well. Now against AQAP/ISIS too. At their home turf moreover. We and the Arab coalition overall have done really, really well. Not perfect but considering that this is our first intervention of this scale it is acceptable which is also something most objective analysts have concluded long ago. Arab, Western as well as non-Western.

The US has been fighting in Afghanistan in similar terrain for 15 years against a lesser armed opponent (Taliban) yet they control much less territory than we do in Yemen and no sane person should/can compare the foremost superpower with a regional power. Guerrilla wars, especially when fought abroad, are always difficult. Especially in this day and age were you cannot just bomb people indiscriminately if you are not a superpower. Of course none of the trolls here and elsewhere understand any of this.

BTW only seriously mentally deranged people believe that 400 tanks were lost. With all due respect.:lol:

Well, the US has to do something with its outdated Abrams, now that the Russians are getting the Armata T-14 .... :sarcastic:


KSA won't buy outdated tanks and if they are "outdated" they will be updated like similarly done in the past with every purchase of note. This is KSA we are talking about.

The article say that :
the Saudi military is believed to have lost some of its 400-plus Abrams tanks in Yemen,

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/us-appro...ns-sale-to-saudi-arabia.443464/#ixzz4H0doG0cn

Brother, don't expect trolls/ignorants to actually bother to even read the content of the articles that they are commenting on.
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Does Al-Khalid not fit the bill here? I mean i know that Pakistan has been marketing Al-Khalid to Saudi Arabia and other gulf states but hasnt won any order. Perhaps a friend from Saudi Arabia can explain?
Less than 20 tanks lost in 17 months is not a bad ratio. Especially given the very mountainous terrain of Yemen and the recent proliferation of ATGMs. Houthis are the most heavily armed rebel/terrorist group in the world and we are fighting against a large portion of the Yemeni military that remained loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh as well. Now against AQAP/ISIS too. At their home turf moreover. We and the Arab coalition overall have done really, really well. Not perfect but considering that this is our first intervention of this scale it is acceptable which is also something most objective analysts have concluded long ago. Arab, Western as well as non-Western.

its not less than 20, that just the Abrams and not Pattons which you lost more of. Those losses are in your kings land, whilst houthis are fighting mainly Hadi government.
its not less than 20, that just the Abrams and not Pattons which you lost more of. Those losses are in your kings land, whilst houthis are fighting mainly Hadi government.

The usual unfounded nonsense that you propagandize. 3-4 M60 Patton tanks have been destroyed. Around 20 tanks in total as some of them were only lightly damaged. I did not know that Yemeni territory became Saudi Arabian territory but while you are at it we might one day annex parts of Yemen. Many tribes and clans in Yemen have expressed an desire to join KSA. One day Arabia will be unified again. Will happen with the GCC as a whole and Yemen eventually.

Anyway in heavily mountainous areas as the KSA-Yemeni border (3000 meters +) - a border that is almost 2000 km long, border fights are completely normal and crossings a few 100 meters into foreign territory is not an achievement. I can do that as well. Houthi/Saleh soldiers who did so were all eliminated afterwards and turned into dust/waste or captured alive. Unfortunately many of those were child soldiers but this is expected from desperate qat-addicted terrorist cultists like the Houthi's.

Does Al-Khalid not fit the bill here? I mean i know that Pakistan has been marketing Al-Khalid to Saudi Arabia and other gulf states but hasnt won any order. Perhaps a friend from Saudi Arabia can explain?

Apparently there are better options out there but we should not exclude future cooperation on this front but currently it does not look likely.
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