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Urban India and Pakistan

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False, the photo is of Osaka JAPAN!
Thats right.....A photo from wiki of OSAKA japan.

^^^^^ Yes, yes, these are the same pictures we've been shown over and over again. Been there, seen it, done it.

But to be honest, urban Pakistan is more impressive than urban India. There's so many photo threads here already that shows it. Maybe in 30 years India will surpass Pakistan. But for now, urban Pakistan leads.

World listens when India’s PM speaks, says Obama

When Prime Minister Manmohan Singh speaks, the world listens, said US President Barack Obama when the two met on the sidelines of the G-20 summit here on Sunday.

“The world listens attentively when you speak. You have a deep understanding of economic issues,” Obama told Singh. “India is emerging as a superpower and the world is fully aware of this reality,” he added.

Returning the compliment, Singh said: “You are a role model for millions all over the world. Yours is a life history that inspires millions of people.”

During the meeting, officials later revealed, India emphasized that Pakistan must rein in its terror groups and act on the evidence provided by David Headley in the 26/11 attacks.

India, however, did not raise the issue of extraditing Union Carbide CEO Warren Anderson to face trial in India for the Bhopal gas tragedy. Singh also referred to the internal challenges faced by the world’s largest democracy: “When you come to India, you will see for yourself how big a challenge it is to run the world’s largest democracy.”

Later, Singh met his Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper to sign a civil nuclear deal by which Canada agreed to supply uranium to India and cooperate in nuclear research. The step saw Canada lifting sanctions that had been in place for 36 years — since the first Pokhran test of 1974. Singh also sought a crackdown on Sikh militant groups active in Canada. Canada has a sizeable Sikh population

World listens when India?s PM speaks, says Obama- Hindustan Times

Thats right.....A photo from wiki of OSAKA japan.


The photo the Indian Steel Company (ISC) claimed to be Mumbai was really Osaka. See the bottom right hand corner, it's the same area of the photo.:oops:

The shameful thing is that the Indian Steel Company actually KNEW it was Osaka, yet shamelessly claimed on its MAIN WEBSITE that it was Mumbai. And even worse, they used the photo WITHOUT PERMISSION! :)
^^^^^ Yes, yes, these are the same pictures we've been shown over and over again. Been there, seen it, done it.

But to be honest, urban Pakistan is more impressive than urban India. There's so many photo threads here already that shows it. Maybe in 30 years India will surpass Pakistan. But for now, urban Pakistan leads.

Please avoid comparison. This will flame the thread. Post pics only.
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^^^I agree that cities like Karachi and lahore are far more advanced and developed than their Indian counterparts.Be it infrasrcuture,standard of living,corporate lifestyle and global respect and appeal,Pakistani cities are way ahead of India's cities.They are a different class,karachi is the economical an cultural nerve center of the civilized world and south asia while Mumbai and Delhi are just super large villages.
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