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Untouchability Came To India From Outside: RSS Leader

Persians (Zorastrian and pre Zoroastrian Mithraic) have always been extremely racist towards Semitic people (both Jews and Arabs) for thousands of years.
Not much has changed there racially.

Cheers, Doc
Sir, The further you go back the more it gets complicated. Long before Zoroaster large parts of ancient Persia were ruled by Semitic kingdoms. Assyrians, Akkadians to name a few and even the Mannaeans and Elamites had strong Semitic influence in their culture and language. Semites themselves were a diverse group of people spoke Semitic languages. The nomadic Parthian tribes didn't just settle overnight, it took hundreds of years for them to completely assimilate the Semites into Iranian fold. Heck, for all we know the Achaemenids might have had Semitic (Sumerian or Akkadian) ancestors. This Semitic vs Iranian conflict of today had its origin rooted in the Islamic conquest of Persia and the forced Shi'ism during the Safavids not in the pre Zoroastrian era. In fact there is a real possibility that the proto-Iranian Mithra was influenced by the Semitic religions in its vicinity and vice versa.
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Sir, The further you go back the more it gets complicated. Long before Zoroaster large parts of ancient Persia were ruled by Semitic kingdoms. Assyrians, Akkadians to name a few and even the Mannaeans and Elamites had strong Semitic influence in their culture and language. Semites themselves were a diverse group of people spoke Semitic languages. The nomadic Parthian tribes didn't just settle overnight, it took hundreds of years for them to completely assimilate the Semites into Iranian fold. Heck, for all we know the Achaemenids might have had Semitic (Sumerian or Akkadian) ancestors. This Semitic vs Iranian conflict of today had its origin rooted in the Islamic conquest of Persia and the forced Shi'ism during the Safavids not in the pre Zoroastrian era. In fact there is a real possibility that the proto-Iranian Mithra was influenced by the Semitic religions in its vicinity and vice versa.

Errrr .... which "Semitic religions" ?

Cheers, Doc
Errrr .... which "Semitic religions" ?

Cheers, Doc
I am sorry, I mean Mesopotamian religions. Sumer, Assyrians, Babylonians, Akkadians to be specific, aren't they considered to be the early Semitic people?
Want to be reborn as Brahmin: BJP MP Suresh Gopi says those who wear 'poonool' are gods

At a time when the debate on not allowing Dalits to get involved in temple poojas is raging, Suresh’s declaration is seen as completely blind to the social reality of his country.

“I think that all who wear poonool should be considered as god.”

These are not the words of a conservative Brahmin promoting his casteist beliefs on social media. These were in fact the words of a politician - an MP no less - from Kerala, who was speaking at a meeting in the state capital.

Suresh Gopi, a popular actor and a BJP Rajya Sabha legislator, was addressing the annual meet of the Yogakshema Sabha, an association of Brahmins, in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday. Suresh said that he wanted to be ‘reborn as a Brahmin’ and later become the tantri (head priest of temples in Kerala) of Sabarimala’s Sree Ayyappa temple.

“Through caste hierarchy, the lower caste people have been controlled by alleging impurity. They say that a Brahmin is a person who knows Brahma, and through karma anyone can become a Brahmin. But that is just a drama of being secular. No lower caste man has ever identified as a Brahmin with his Karma. Instead, we have heard the stories of Sambuka and Ekalavya who tried to become Brahmin or kshatriya. Recently, many spiritual programs were held to bring back the caste hierarchy and place Brahmins in the top of the society. Suresh Gopi, who went to such a function, had the complex of a shudra,” writer and Critic KP Jayakumar wrote on Facebook, coming down heavily on the MP.


Brahman is without any Characteristics

vedic aryans god (the upanishad /vedas) is nirguna brahman (an Ultimate reality w/o attributes/characteristics) , this concept of monotheistic impersonalism is expounded in advaita (and dvaita) system. The worship of many gods with form/ characteristics is tolerated as an illusory concession to ignorance (snake and rope analogy)

My point on the monotheistic similarity of Abrahamic religions and Vedic brahmanism , is the believe in a single (formless) god ( e.g Arya Samaj), and not in the definition or comparison of Abrahamic God with vedic Brahman
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The Hindu concept of rebirth provides a promise to the people in lower caste that if they devote them selves to their caste based occupation and endure the sufferings of their lower social status, they will be able to attain a better birth (caste) in their next life.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18, Verse 47

It is better to engage in one's own occupation, even though one may perform it imperfectly, than to accept another's occupation and perform it perfectly. Prescribed duties, according to one's nature, are never affected by sinful reactions.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18, Verse 48

Every endeavor is covered by some sort of fault, just as fire is covered by smoke. Therefore one should not give up the work which is born of his nature, O son of Kunti, even if such work is full of fault.

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