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United Nations Resolution 80 - disproves India's claim of Pakistan only to remove forces in UN resolution 47


Feb 6, 2017
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United Nations Resolution 80:



@The Eagle




Both India and Pakistan have to remove their forces to ensure a free and fair plebiscite.
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Go read UNSC Resolution 80.
It says both India and Pakistan have to withdraw forces, not just Pakistan as you keep barking about. :D
You have been caught red-handed.
It is India to be blamed to being obdurate in not holding a plebiscite regardless of the conditions or no conditions.
Go read UNSC Resolution 80.
It says both India and Pakistan have to withdraw forces, not just Pakistan as you keep barking about. :D
You have been caught red-handed.
It is India to be blamed to being obdurate in not holding a plebiscite regardless of the conditions or no conditions.
These are the people who invaded Hyderabad and Junagadh. What is right or wrong is irrelevant if India is able they will invade and annex everything around them.
Indians lying, shocker lol.
The Indians say that in order for a plebiscite to be held in Kashmir, Pakistan has to withdraw its forces.

This is their usual argument.

But UNSC Resolution disproves that common flawed argument.

These are the people who invaded Hyderabad and Junagadh. What is right or wrong is irrelevant if India is able they will invade and annex everything around them.
Yes, but I have read the UN resolutions 47 and 80.

I have read books on Kashmir, and editorials as well and the details.

So I know who is legally right and who is to be blamed from a diplomacy perspective.

These are the people who invaded Hyderabad and Junagadh. What is right or wrong is irrelevant if India is able they will invade and annex everything around them.
Yes but everyone says use diplomacy to resolve the Kashmir dispute.

Okay its real simple: Hold a plebiscite to determine the destiny of the land.

Why all these clever "pre-conditions" to hold a plebiscite.
I 100% agree with you but unfortunately only the sword can free Kashmir.
Yes, I understand that, but we should also be "Legally correct" on the Kashmir dispute.

When people hear India is to be blamed for not holding a plebiscite, when Nehru promised the world about this,
This strengthen's Pakistan's position in UN and OIC.

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