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Understanding Indian Strategic Culture

Umair Aslam (GDI)


New Recruit

May 16, 2021
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Strategic culture can be defined as a collection of ideas, norms, belief systems, value systems, religious associations and historical experiences that collectively affect the policy choices of a nation. There are numerous reasons and motives for a nation to behave in a specific way. Some are warmongers while others are pacifists. Not long ago, academicians recognized that the strategic culture plays a central role in shaping a nation’s behavior during peace and wartime.

Alastair Iain Johnston describes strategic culture as a lens for a nation to observe the strategic behavior of other nations and a tool to engineer the policy options on the basis of observations. Johnston further explains that, for a state, strategic culture majorly deals with its reflection on the role of war in the global political system, threat perceived from its adversary and lastly the use of force. Hence, it can be argued that a state’s foreign policy, national security strategy, and incentives for peace are highly influenced by its strategic culture.

Understanding the matter better

In the South Asian context, which is a region home to one-third of the global population, the peace and stability are fragile mainly because of two nuclear adversaries i.e. India and Pakistan. The decades-old animus relations between two rivals and neighbors are one of the major reasons for the present state of affairs. The article attempts to analyze Indian strategic culture to better understand its hostile behavior and to decipher India’s rationale behind certain policy choices. As aforementioned, strategic culture has played a central role in shaping regional trends. In India’s case, its obstinate behavior and hegemonic ambitions coupled with its growing military capabilities continue to pose a grave threat to regional peace.

According to Dr Asma Khawaja, ED CISS AJ&K, Indian strategic culture has evolved into Hindu strategic culture as it draws heavily from the Hindu religious textbooks and Chanakya Kautiliya’s political philosophy. Both mentioned sources of Indian strategic culture clearly ask for the superiority of the Hindu religion, supports the ultimate foundation of undivided India and regard a deceitful and mendacious person as an excellent leader. While the recent blasphemous remarks by the ruling party member further support the Dr Asma’s argument.

Read More: https://defensetalks.com/understanding-indian-strategic-culture/

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