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UN to Honour 3 Pak Army Shaheeds on Peacekeeping Duty


May 19, 2009
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UN to honour 3 Pakistanis posthumously on Int’l Day of U.N. Peacekeepers

UNITED NATIONS, May 27 (APP): Three Pakistan Army personnel are among the 132 United Nations peacekeepers from around the world who will be honoured posthumously on Friday at a special ceremony marking the International Day of U.N. Peacekeepers.

Dag Hammarskold medals will be awarded to Major Ahmar Raza, who lost his life serving the United Nations Operation in Cote d’Ivoire (UNOCI);

Havildar Sher Afzal Khan from the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC);

and Naik Syed Abdul Qadir Shah from the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will speak at the start of the ceremony. The medals will be received by representatives of the respective Permanent Missions to be forwarded on to the next of kin.

Pakistan is the largest contributor of military and police personnel to the United Nations with more than 10,600 peacekeepers serving around the world in Burundi, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Georgia, Haiti, Kosovo, Liberia, Sudan, Timor-Leste and the Western Sahara.

Bangladesh, with 9,220 peacekeepers, is the second highest contributor, followed by India (8,617), Nigeria (5,792) and Nepal (3,856).

Not only at U.N. Headquarters in New York, the day will also be observed at peacekeeping missions and offices around the world, with a special focus on women peacekeepers, as the United Nations tries to move towards gender equity in its ranks.

This year’s commemorative ceremonies come at a time when the services of United Nations peacekeepers are in greater demand than ever, officials said.

There are currently more than 113,000 peacekeepers, including 90,000 military and police personnel from 117 countries, serving in 18 operations on four continents.

The Secretary-General is also expected to oversee a solemn wreath-laying ceremony in honour of the 132 peacekeeping personnel, 10 of them women, who lost their lives - whether through attacks, illnesses or accidents - in 2008 in the service of peace.

In a separate ceremony, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Alain Le Roy will award medals at Headquarters to the military and police officers currently serving in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations.

Source: APPAPP


Accd. to Islam "If any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people." (Al-Ma'idah 5:32)

May Allah bless them all.......ameen.
May Allah bless them all.......ameen!
What is USAMA NEWS doing is this a kindoff blood money they are giving. Plz stop this ****** business of flattery. If they really are interested in our army giv us the advanced weapons but no they just want us to use AK-47 & G-3 & why USA or Russia biggest military superpowers aren't involved in such peacekeeping business. For how long I ask you how long will countries like Pakistan & Bangladesh are going to sacrifice dont we have enough economical problems in our homeland
Oh just give us this and give us that .. its your fault you are rich .. You are rich because you drink our muslim blood .. I say burn another US flag .. and grow the .... up .. They pay for our services .. And we provide for a service .. we dont do it for free .. make those weapons with the pay check they get .. how dare you make us beggars!!! .. They have no interest in our country .. blame our politicians that steal our money and blame the people who think like you, that its everyone elses but our own fault .. anyone that thinks like you is a traitor to this country ..
What is USAMA NEWS doing is this a kindoff blood money they are giving. Plz stop this ****** business of flattery. If they really are interested in our army giv us the advanced weapons but no they just want us to use AK-47 & G-3 & why USA or Russia biggest military superpowers aren't involved in such peacekeeping business. For how long I ask you how long will countries like Pakistan & Bangladesh are going to sacrifice dont we have enough economical problems in our homeland

arent we losing enough self-esteem due to our president begging on every international forum...?
What is USAMA NEWS doing is this a kindoff blood money they are giving. Plz stop this ****** business of flattery. If they really are interested in our army giv us the advanced weapons but no they just want us to use AK-47 & G-3 & why USA or Russia biggest military superpowers aren't involved in such peacekeeping business. For how long I ask you how long will countries like Pakistan & Bangladesh are going to sacrifice dont we have enough economical problems in our homeland

On advanced weapons: They want us to fight on terrorism but not ready to trust us. Drones, Apache, F16s, AWACS and list goes on. American soldier’s life won’t worth more than ours. GOP needs to take this matter seriously.

On peacekeeping: Ain't you, we earning money? What’s the problem with that? UN always helped us whether its earthquake of 2005 or swat’s IDP. Almost all the camps are provided by UN-HCR. Doesn’t it bring moral responsibility to “Pay Back” to UN? Of course we can't help UN financially like Russia and USA do.

Stop comparing Pakistan with America and Russia. Blame Pakistanis for stamping ballots for electing "10%-100%" again and again like idiots & goats.

BTW what’s the linkage between economical problems of Pakistan with UN peacekeeping mission? In fact they are helping to increase foreign reserves.

Lastly, Show some respect for those who sacrificed life. I quoted the reference of Quraan in OP; there were in trouble areas to protect people lives and Allah says clearly its equivalent to saving whole humankind. Did you see any mentioning of Muslim or Non-Muslim?
It is so sad that we are the ones who lay down our lifes to feed some Africans who will die anyway. Congo mission hasn't brought any benefit to Congo, we should forget those failed states.
arent we losing enough self-esteem due to our president begging on every international forum...?

Are you funding the operation? The country is broke, we need international aid and support to sustain our efforts. How difficult is that to understand?

Blind hate for a politician or political party is stupidity. I don't like Zardari as a man, but he's doing just fine gathering international support.

It is so sad that we are the ones who lay down our lifes to feed some Africans who will die anyway. Congo mission hasn't brought any benefit to Congo, we should forget those failed states.

It is our obligation as an international partner and as an "Islamic Republic". Many call us a failed state, but that does not give anyone the right to isolate us. Same goes for Congo or any other nation. I have always repected your views, and I will continue to do so, but allow me to disagree with you on this and agree with brilTek.
Thats the reason Pakistan Army is best for her own people and also for the Peace Keeping operatin for the security of World.............
UN may not be able to stop the powerful countries from having their way but within its limitations it has done many good things.
In most humanitarian crisis all over the world the UN has done something which is better than nothing at all.
For Pakistan to contribute to UN is a very good thing and should be seen in a positive light.
Even if there are lost causes on this earth, even a loaf of bread reaching a hungry innocent is an effort well spent and in the highest tradition of Islam.

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