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UN passes resolution on ending Israeli settlements, US abstains from vote

Seems Jews betrayed Hillary during elections and now paying the price.
Lol your source is Alex Jones. You have lost all credibility.
Why should they move and go to Jordan when they live in Palestine

Because actually old Palestine encompasses the modern Jordan. Jordan was created by the Brits for their own convenience.

Just because jews got **** ed by hitler Palestinians have to give up their land?

Just part of their land. In the end, no one ask Palestinians to abandon their land and flee. They did it by themselves.

The Palestinian population is growing much quicker than the Jewish and will shortly become the MAJORITY across Gaza, israel and the West Bank

Their death rate is also higher compared with Israelis.

If it all becomes one state then iarael has
The apartheid route
Ethnic cleansing route
Or democratic route with a muslim or arab majority or population parity thus ending the jew state

Nothing would have happened if Jordan took the discontented Palestinians out of Israel and resettle them in Jordan.
Because actually old Palestine encompasses the modern Jordan. Jordan was created by the Brits for their own convenience.

Just part of their land. In the end, no one ask Palestinians to abandon their land and flee. They did it by themselves.

Their death rate is also higher compared with Israelis.

Nothing would have happened if Jordan took the discontented Palestinians out of Israel and resettle them in Jordan.


Artificial lines drawn by colonial powers has created an immense amount of mess

Palestinians should never have been forced to evacuate ANY of their homes or lands for foreign white jews to make a colonial state

The death rate is nothing compared to the birth rate this is why the Palestinian population has increased so much over the decades

The Palestinians live on their own land Jordan is a foreign country
This is why this resolution is such a slap in the face of israel
It is a world and security council declaration that the israeli occupation of the Golan, West Bank INCLUDING EAST JERUSALEM is illegal regardless of any settlements being built which are illegal too

You are right Trump will suck zionists balls like their is no tomorrow but the Palestinians legal position has been strengthened immensely

Because the resolution was under Chapter 6 and not 7 it means U.N sanctions wont be imposed but prosecution for land theft, ICC tribunals are all possible

With the confirmation that all of the West Bank belongs to the Palestinians

Trump also cant reverse it he is interesting though he has a plan to solve the crises and will be interesting to see how Israel will try to push back against it
You continue to prove my point.
What's wrong with Jones anyway ? Your next President seems to think he's ok, if he's good enough for the PEOTUS, he should be good enough for everyone.
For starters he is crazy and into strange conspiracy theories. Secondly, I wouldn't go by what Trump supports. Afterall this is a guy who insinuated that Obama was not a natural born citizen up until 1 month before the election when he was essentially forced to admit the truth.
For starters he is crazy and into strange conspiracy theories.
not anymore, their coverage has been pretty mainstream and covering politics for the better part of 2 years now.

Secondly, I wouldn't go by what Trump supports. Afterall this is a guy who insinuated that Obama was not a natural born citizen up until 1 month before the election when he was essentially forced to admit the truth.


in all seriousness, though, it's not a story that interests me, but you should listen to Jones' commentary too, if for nothing else but to get a broader view on things, no good to live in an echo chamber surrounded by yes men.

Lol Joe Arpaio. You should watch The Young Turks. Although i disagree with them about alot of things, i appreciate the thoughtfulness about alot of their arguements.
As if this ruling even matters. Trump is coming in less than a month.
Lol Joe Arpaio. You should watch The Young Turks. Although i disagree with them about alot of things, i appreciate the thoughtfulness about alot of their arguements.
I do, TYT, secular talk, David Pakman etc, I watch a lot of commentary from the US left as well as from FOX, info-wars, and Breitbart etc. Listening to arguments from both sides helped paint a clear picture and it came as no surprise to me when Trump won.
I live in rural Texas bud. Believe me when I say it didnt surprise me at all when Trump won. This place is rabidly anti-Obama and anti-Clinton. However, it is pretty much based on ignorance and racism. When i try to have an intelligent discussion with anyone here, they are clueless about anything. However, they strongly supported Trump in this election.

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