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UN Human Rights Council voted against holding a debate on China's Xinjiang, quashing a draft decision by Western nations


Nov 4, 2011
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Top UN rights body rejects Xinjiang debate​

Published October 6, 2022 9:12pm

GENEVA — The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday voted against holding a debate on the rights situation in China's Xinjiang region, quashing a draft decision by Western nations.

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U.N. body rejects historic debate on China's human rights record​

October 6, 20229:20 PM GMT+8

GENEVA, Oct 6 (Reuters) - The U.N. rights council on Thursday rejected a Western-led motion to hold a debate about alleged human rights abuses in China's Xinjiang region after a U.N. report found possible crimes against humanity.

The defeat (19 against, 17 for, 11 abstentions) is only the second time in the council's 16-year history that a motion has been rejected and is seen by observers as a setback to both accountability efforts and the West's moral authority on human rights. The United States, Canada and the United Kingdom were among the countries that called for the motion.

There was a rare burst of applause after the result was announced in the packed Geneva-based council room.

China's ambassador had warned shortly before the vote that the motion would create a "dangerous shortcut" for examining other countries' human rights records.

"Today China is targeted. Tomorrow any other developing country will be targeted," said Chen Xu.

The U.N. rights office on Aug. 31 released a long-delayed report that found serious human rights violations had been committed in Xinjiang, in a move that has increased pressure on China.


UN rights body rejects Western bid to debate Xinjiang abuses

JAMEY KEATEN, Associated Press
Oct. 6, 2022Updated: Oct. 6, 2022 6:14 a.m.

GENEVA (AP) — In a close diplomatic victory for China, the U.N.'s top human rights body on Thursday voted down a proposal from Britain, Turkey, the United States and other mostly Western countries to hold a debate on alleged rights abuses against Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in China's western Xinjiang region.

At the 47-member state Human Rights Council, 17 countries voted in favor, 19 were against, and 11 abstained in a vote to hold a debate on Xinjiang at its next session in March. The vote amounted to a test of political and diplomatic clout between the West and Beijing, and would have marked the first time that China's record on human rights would merit a specific agenda item at the council.

The result, prompting a smattering of applause in the chamber, followed days of diplomatic arm-twisting in Geneva and in many national capitals as leading Western countries tried to build momentum on a report from former U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet's office, released Aug. 31, which found that possible “crimes against humanity” had occurred in Xinjiang.

A simple majority of voting countries was required.

The make-up of the council rotates among U.N. member states each year, and China — a powerful country with a permanent seat on the Security Council — has never been the subject of a country-specific resolution at the council since it was founded more than 16 years ago.

“It's always difficult for countries to vote against a permanent member of the Security Council," said one Western diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. He acknowledged it was a “genuinely difficult call” for some countries — notably those with economic or political ties to China — to sign on to the measure.

The proposal was for just to hold a debate, with no consistent monitoring of the rights situation, and amounted just about the least intrusive form of scrutiny that the council could seek.

The call stopped short of creating a team of investigators to look into possible crimes in Xinjiang, or appointing a special rapporteur — a tacit acknowledgement by the Western countries that going after increasingly influential China would be a tall order.

On Friday, as part of dozens of proposals before the council, member states are also to consider a proposal from 26 European Union countries to appoint a “special rapporteur” on Russia, citing a string of concerns about mass arrests and detentions; harassment of journalists, opposition politicians, activists and rights defenders; and crackdowns — at times violent — on protesters against President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine.

It's part of a rare push against two permanent members of the Security Council: China and Russia. Some Western diplomats have insisted the two-pronged effort needed attention now.

The council has already commissioned a team of investigators who are looking into human rights violations and abuses in Ukraine following Putin's order for a military invasion of Ukraine in late February.

Mostly African countries and some Asian countries supported China,
And US+European countries voted against China.
Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress said:

"We will never give up but we are really disappointed by the reaction of Muslim countries," he added. Qatar, Indonesia and Pakistan all rejected the motion.

He forget "Kazakhstan, Sudan, UAE, Uzbekistan, Senegal" are also Muslim countries.
Somalia is only unique Muslim country who supported US+EU.

Even Ukraine and India were absent.

Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress said:

"We will never give up but we are really disappointed by the reaction of Muslim countries," he added. Qatar, Indonesia and Pakistan all rejected the motion.

He forget "Kazakhstan, Sudan, UAE, Uzbekistan, Senegal" are also Muslim countries.
Somalia is only unique Muslim country who supported US+EU.

Even Ukraine and India were absent.

Forgot Somalia pirate country
NATO against China and the rest of the World.
So china have huge support outside Europe
Either directly saying no or abstaining

Surprised at Ukraine and specifically India

Hope whites will now realize world doesn't mean Europe
The west is getting more and more isolated by the rest of the world.
Because most people know the allegations are politically contrived and basically bullshit and a waste of fucking time.

In blow to West, U.N. body rejects debate on China's Xinjiang​

Oct 7, 2022

The United Nation rights council on Thursday voted down a Western-led motion to hold a debate about alleged human rights abuses by China against Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang in a victory for Beijing as it seeks to avoid further scrutiny.

The defeat — 19 against, 17 for, 11 abstentions — is only the second time in the council’s 16-year history that a motion has been rejected and is seen by observers as a setback to both accountability efforts, the West’s moral authority on human rights and the credibility of the U.N. itself.

The United States, Canada and Britain were among the countries that brought the motion.

“This is a disaster. This is really disappointing,” said Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress, whose mother died in a camp and whose two brothers are missing.
“We will never give up but we are really disappointed by the reaction of Muslim countries,” he added.

Qatar, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan rejected the motion, with the latter citing the risk of alienating China. Phil Lynch, director of the International Service for Human Rights, called the voting record “shameful” on Twitter.

“Xinjiang-related issues are not human rights issues at all, but issues of counter-terrorism, de-radicalization and anti-separatism,” said China’s Foreign Ministry late on Thursday.
The motion was an attempt by the United States and some Western countries to “use the U.N. human rights body to interfere in China’s internal affairs,” said the foreign ministry in a post on its official website.

China’s envoy had warned before the vote that the motion would create a precedent for examining other countries’ human rights records.

“Today China is targeted. Tomorrow any other developing country will be targeted,” said Chen Xu, adding that a debate would lead to “new confrontations”.

The U.N. rights office on Aug. 31 released a long-delayed report that found serious human rights violations in Xinjiang that may constitute crimes against humanity, ramping up pressure on China.

Rights groups accuse Beijing of abuses against Uyghurs, a mainly Muslim ethnic minority that numbers around 10 million in the western region of Xinjiang, including the mass use of forced labor in internment camps. The United States has accused China of genocide. Beijing vigorously denies any abuses.

The motion is the first time that the rights record of China, a powerful permanent Security Council member, has been on the council’s agenda. The item has stoked divisions and a diplomat said states were under “enormous pressure” from Beijing to back China.

Countries like Britain, the United States and Germany, vowed to continue to work towards accountability despite Thursday’s outcome.

But activists said the defeat of such a limited motion, which stopped short of seeking an investigation, would make it difficult to put it back on the agenda.

Universal Rights Group’s Marc Limon said it was a “serious miscalculation,” citing the timing which coincides with a Western-led motion for action on Russia.

“It’s a serious blow for the credibility of the council and a clear victory for China,” he said. “Many developing countries will see it as an adjustment away from Western predominance in the U.N. human rights system.”

The event raised political dilemmas for many poor countries in the 47-member council who are loath to publicly defy China for fear of jeopardizing investment.

The most ridiculous thing is that Islamic countries support China. Those who oppose China are all Western countries that participated in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This has clearly demonstrated that it is a lie fabricated by a western country.
Its time for the UN human rights council to investigate the wide spread and worst human rights violations in the world, namely the US and NATO slaughter innocent pepole and waging illegal wars around the world, the wide spread of racial violence and discriminations against colored minorities in the US and West. UN, dont fall on deaf ears on real Western crimes against humanity.
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Western countries are still massively over represented in this 49 member of so called "UN" human rights council.
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