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UK to partner in CPEC.

A tiny door has been opened by Pakistani very stupidly for US through UK :what: now see the spanner thrown in the works. This, or China's economic forecast may have prompted additional funding from other countries.

For Pakistan this project is not strategic anymore if the west entered since they still have a lot of influence with them. Their best bet was to limit it to Pak-China-Russia. Lets see if they have shot themselves one more time in the foot. However, I doubt it since China would see it better than Pak can. I still think China is little apprehensive about spending money everywhere. This turned interesting!
A tiny door has been opened by Pakistani very stupidly for US through UK :what: now see the spanner thrown in the works. This, or China's economic forecast may have prompted additional funding from other countries.

For Pakistan this project is not strategic anymore if the west entered since they still have a lot of influence with them. Their best bet was to limit it to Pak-China-Russia. Lets see if they have shot themselves one more time in the foot. However, I doubt it since China would see it better than Pak can. I still think China is little apprehensive about spending money everywhere. This turned interesting!
Dear it is not your cup of tea.Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong.Who said that Pakistan and China want CPEC limited to Russia,China,Pakistan only.It is an economic corridor.Pakistan will earn more transit fee if more countries do trade through this route.And who said USA can influence CPEC.Didn't you hear COAS saying that this corridor WILL be built at any cost.Much water has flown down Indus river since America used to influence decision making in Pakistan.You probably missed the reports in western media that China,Pakistan,Russia is a super power axis in the world and is a counterweight to USA,India,Israel,Nato,Japan axis of evil.
Its funny how roads in UK are broken and full of potholes and UK paying other countries to make roads :lol:
no idea which road in UK you have seen broken and full of potholes

I drive half of the day on regular basis... Never seen such a road you are talking about... (with exception of deliberate broken roads to reduce speed limit)
I see another rift with the Americans

Why?? UK has already shown interest in investing billions of pounds in stock market in Pakistan, west knows that Pakistan has potential to provide good business opportunities for them.

CPEC is not just route China has asked Pakistan to identify Industrial zones with CPEC and provide all necessities there for development.

CPEC related developments:

$1b investment: Chinese firm to set up refinery in Balochistan - The Express Tribune
PM inaugurates oil refinery in Balochistan
New Investment: UAE firm to set up refinery - The Express Tribune
no idea which road in UK you have seen broken and full of potholes

I drive half of the day on regular basis... Never seen such a road you are talking about... (with exception of deliberate broken roads to reduce speed limit)
Our roads are probably better than those in Pakistan but terrible in comparison to most of Europe.
Around 25,000 (BURNOL) trucks hv left for India. Another 25,000 to go...
Our roads are probably better than those in Pakistan but terrible in comparison to most of Europe.
I think the road infrastructure in UK is better than Europe except France and Germany. I think It largely depends on the area you live at. If we talk about motorways only, I think M2, M20 and M-4 are on par with any comparable road in Europe and M1 and M3 needs bit of work and can be messy at different bends and junctions. I think the infrastructure of North of England is almost as par with rest of Europe and only Germany and France beats that if you are generalising.

The bottom line is: I think UK collects more than 400 billion pounds from taxpayers each year so it is not hard for them to spare 121 million dollars out of mighty triple digit billion pounds.
Its funny how roads in UK are broken and full of potholes and UK paying other countries to make roads :lol:
hahaha funny.
even your dirt tracks have potholes

I think the road infrastructure in UK is better than Europe except France and Germany. I think It largely depends on the area you live at. If we talk about motorways only, I think M2, M20 and M-4 are on par with any comparable road in Europe and M1 and M3 needs bit of work and can be messy at different bends and junctions. I think the infrastructure of North of England is almost as par with rest of Europe and only Germany and France beats that if you are generalising.

The bottom line is: I think UK collects more than 400 billion pounds from taxpayers each year so it is not hard for them to spare 121 million dollars out of mighty triple digit billion pounds.
thats it !!!:yahoo:
more in particular the north west and that would be Greater Manchester and Lancashire. iv'e not been to germany so i cant comment on that. but i have been to france though. their roads are good, i guess but it depends on where you go. but tbh both France and the UK have equal road qualities. when i go to Germany i will let you know. but i think its a death trap.. no speed limit on the autobahn !! people die just by getting hit by a car doing 30mph. 100+mph is unthinkable.
WALLAH, you beat me to it.....as soon as i saw the thread title on main page, I thought i will post the same thing.....

Kuch kuch jalnay ki booh si a rahi hai.......:yes4:

Yes, of course...why won't people be jealous of a project that will never take off in the first place?!

Some money will be poured into the black hole, line a few pockets, and then nothing. For one more year, you will share high fives and silly smileys while the money gets siphoned off, and when China realizes that the security situation is not going to improve it will back out. Then all will be silent.

Look, its not that we don't want your CPEC nonsense to happen. Anything that prevents your economy from failing and keeps it limping along is welcome. It prevents you from getting even more desperate to cause trouble.

Trouble is, Pakistanis are always certain that there is that one trick that will ensure everything. First it was joining the Anti-Soviet bandwagon. Then it was importing wahabism in the hope that Saudis would rain money. Lately, it was allowing NATO trucks to pass through to Afghanistan. Decades of dependence on foreign handouts and the disillusionment it should bring about is brushed under the carpet. I hate to break it to you - there is no single trick. Your CPEC is a still-born child, it cannot hasten the socio-economic reforms and investment in education that you will never do in your country. It will not ensure the democracy that you lack. It will die a slow, painful death.

In one year's time, I will still be around to mock you when that happens, albeit under a different ID, off course.
Why? - UK has been a long standing partner for Pakistan and both states have a sovereign right to do business and investment. As a Pakistani, its a positive sign for us to see British (shrewd investors) investing in this project, it means that they now believe that CPEC is a project with Strategic and Geopolitical significance.

I see another rift with the Americans
Why? - UK has been a long standing partner for Pakistan and both states have a sovereign right to do business and investment. As a Pakistani, its a positive sign for us to see British (shrewd investors) investing in this project, it means that they now believe that CPEC is a project with Strategic and Geopolitical significance.
did you change the thread title? if so what was wrong with it?

Why? - UK has been a long standing partner for Pakistan and both states have a sovereign right to do business and investment. As a Pakistani, its a positive sign for us to see British (shrewd investors) investing in this project, it means that they now believe that CPEC is a project with Strategic and Geopolitical significance.
who told you we are shrewd investors. think of it as a token of appreciation and good will
Having spoken to a number of British businessmen, i can safely say that they know where to put their money.

did you change the thread title? if so what was wrong with it?

who told you we are shrewd investors. think of it as a token of appreciation and good will
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