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UK rules out preemptive strike on Iran


Oct 21, 2011
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The British Defense Secretary says London is against preemptive military action against Iran as it will threaten the global economic growth by disrupting oil flow through the Strait of Hormuz.

Addressing a conference on "NATO and the Case for Collective Defense in the 21st Century" at Atlantic Council in Washington, Philip Hammond noted, “We would not be in favor of a preemptive strike on Iran.”

"It is in all our interests that the arteries of global trade are kept free, open and running,” he added.

Hammond emphasized that the disruption of oil flow through the Strait of Hormuz would threaten regional and global economic growth.

The British minister added that his government follows "a strategy of pressure and engagement with Iran,” which is similar to the Obama administration's approach in its early days in office.

He said that in line with that strategy, the British government has “largely, and quite reasonably, put the engagement half of that [strategy] on the back burner.

Hammond said that despite the saber-rattling and talk about a nuclear Iran being unacceptable, the military option has merely theoretically been on the table in the past years with regards to Iran.

He stressed that “It would seem obviously in the interests of all concerned to avoid war in Iran.”

On Saturday, December 31, 2011, US President Barack Obama signed into law fresh economic sanctions against Iran's Central Bank requiring foreign financial firms to make a choice between doing business with Iran's Central Bank and oil sector or with the US financial sector.

Iran has warned that it can respond to the proposed Western oil sanctions and threats against the Islamic Republic by choking the oil flow through the Strait of Hormuz.

Iranian First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said on Tuesday, December 27, 2011, that the imposition of oil sanctions against the Islamic Republic will prompt Tehran to prevent oil cargoes from passing through the strategic route.

“If they impose sanctions on Iran's oil, not even a drop of oil will be allowed through the Strait of Hormuz,” he added.

Iran's Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari also announced on December 30 that the country's naval forces can readily block the strategic Strait of Hormuz if need be.

“Our (Iran's) intention is to bring stability and security to the region and we would like to show everyone that we can provide the security of the region without needing extra-regional powers,” he said.

PressTV - UK rules out preemptive strike on Iran
Trust Brit govt if you are idiots. I know I am a brit citizen I should know
UK needs US to give them the permission to launch their nuclear arsenal on Iran.
UK defence minister is saying that Iran does indeed have the ability to close the Straits of Hormuz, so the West might need to accomodate it on nuclear technology.
Kind of extremism country like Iran should be punished by U.N.

How horrible you could imagine if an Islamist nation having such powerful weapons in their hands?

The same apply for evil North Korea.

I totally support the English in this meaningful action!
Kind of extremism country like Iran should be punished by U.N.

How horrible you could imagine if an Islamist nation having such powerful weapons in their hands?

The same apply for evil North Korea.

I totally support the English in this meaningful action!

Do you work for a propaganda department or something?
Royal Navy sends its mightiest ship to take on the Iranian show of force in the Gulf - Telegraph

Naval commanders believe the deployment of HMS Daring, a Type 45 destroyer, will send a significant message to the Iranians because of the firepower and world-beating technology carried by the warship.
Philip Hammond, the Defence Secretary, has publicly warned Iran that any blockade of the Strait of Hormuz would be "illegal and unsuccessful".
The Daily Telegraph understands that HMS Daring has been fitted with new technology that will give it the ability to shoot down any missile in Iran's armoury. The £1 billion destroyer, which will leave Portsmouth next Wednesday, also carries the world's most sophisticated naval radar, capable of tracking multiple incoming threats from missiles to fighter jets.
Truth hurt?

Over 90% of human opinions on earth have the same though as me.

Why are you so extraordinary?
Ah i didn't know it was the world population who decided about all these matters. You are an expert, aren't you?

Wow! 90%? Really? What, you carry out a global survey or something? Do you realize just how juvenile you sound?

That's kinda rich coming from you :lol:

You are totally clueless. If you wonder how the World though about these things please ask American and all Western countries even Russia for lightening your knowledge.

Maybe you are watching too much communist propaganda from evil China or terrorism Iran for driving you to this wrong way road.

Zabanya - bro let him make the predictions he wants to - it seems the propaganda machine has started working quickly this time. Because Iran wont play ball and bow to supreme western powers they are being subjected to bad press again. The Iranians are tough and resiliant people.
What beggers belief is when the likes of these simpletons say "countries like Iran should be punished" - what about the bastards who lied when they wanted to exterminate Iraq and pretended there was WMD in Iraq and none were found? What about punishing these people and putting the likes of Blair and Bush on trial for the murder of 1000s of innocent people - they are lying international terrorists that should be brought to account - when you say the truth their heads turn because the truth hurts indeed!

You are right, but who is going to punish them ? Russia, China ?

We are not living in a fair world ... but in a world where might is right ... regardless of idealistic concepts of justice ... thus wise countries must watch their behind ... because the bad guys have the big guns and are trigger happy
Kind of extremism country like Iran should be punished by U.N.

How horrible you could imagine if an Islamist nation having such powerful weapons in their hands?

The same apply for evil North Korea.

I totally support the English in this meaningful action!

A Filipino bad mouthing other countries in favor of the masters? lol
C'mon guys, what do you expect to hear from a Filipino whose country is worse than a slave for the USA and other European countries? Even today in 2012, The Americans have capitulation right in the Philippines and the highest goals and dreams of their girls is to date an American guy if they ever can, probably by saving the money they get from doing low dirty works like going in masses to Dubai or asking others few bucks on the internet to turn on their webcams as a cam model. What do you expect to hear from this guy then?

Sorry for trolling but sometimes you have to answer this kind of people.

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