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U.S. Weighs Sanctions Against Chinese Officials Over Muslim Detention Camps

EU is a farce and Germany is so tiny. wake up.

I am awake. Tiny? There is no country on planet who can compare with us, not only in technology matters. In absolutely everything. Perfection in all the things we start on.

Time for sanctions on US officials for Guantanamo.

Do it.

...because we all know America is a true friend of Islam and the patron of Muslims all over the world:rolleyes:

like a dog always follows its masters steps you mean

Because we share the same opinion. No one said, America is a true friend of Islam. But I would trust more in Americans than in Chinese. Chinese only care in Chinese. We should more focus on China before its to late. Good bless, USA start to concentrate on China.
Im NOT defending China's issue neither do I support it.
BUT lets analyse review & go through a check-list;

What about letting ICC court officials go to USA & check US forces war crimes rapes torture killings of humanbeings & animals?

Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria Bosnia Vietnam Japan North Korea Somalia African S.American nations...
there are lots of stories cases & people waiting for justice the last 60-70 years which can be tried at ICC or US military courts with most likely death sentences being decided against US EU NATO forces.

US must show itself as an example before accusing the easy victim China or Russia or any other country.

What about detention concentration camps in israel against Palestinians on illegal occupied lands?

Suddenly the western media is accusing China for being anti Islam Muslims while western media political parties promote cartoons of Prophet Muhammad PBUH mocking humiliating Muslims on western soil. White supremacist groups on the rise to preserve white caucasian race such as EDL in UK or USA or any other EU country?! Anti nonwhite minority politics policies rules regulations media highlights etc etc all on the rise, isnt this a mental 'detention' or 'concentration' inside western societies?!

Damn! Malcolm X boxer Muhammad Ali Dr Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela all BLACK nonwhite men stood up against white supremacy oppresing nonwhites; after 9/11, publishing of Prophet Muhammad PBUH cartoon; it just surged rapidly! Snap! Boom!! The white anglosaxon mindset is on the rise! Greece's PM recently stated facism is on the rise in EU meaning like when Hitler was in power; Italy or any other EU country had similiar govt to oppress its 3rd class citizens; handicapped Jews etc.
Now NewAge Jews are Muslims, who are told they dont belong in EU US UK X y z.. go back to where they came from meaning, not like 'them' aka white caucasian.
White pride white power etc etc who will any given day kill slaughter Red Indian race Aboriginals in Canada Australia again & again! They have nothing to be ashamed about being white; they r not Christians Atheists but even worse; proud of being white white caucasian which is not a race but a religion lifestyle dimension of/for itself! Which is to kill butcher slaughter humiliate mock nonwhites started with Red Indians & is everlasting! Very simple!!

How can less than 1 bill white westerners dominate rule own over 6 bill non white caucasian races religions cultures nations?! Something is not right here! This global village is ruled owned by feudals that are white anglosaxon while nonwhites are seen as 3rd class subhumans! This is global injustice!

Now if China has one slight problem with Muslims issues with Muslims inside China the focus is on China while everyone forgets NATO US forces rapings killings torture slaughter of Iraqis Afghanis Libyans Syrians?!!
That is a political trick to divert Chinese role as superpower against inferior complex anglosaxon white west that is superior arrogant & sees itself better than China & Russia! USA EU UK shouldnt even dare to speak while that western anglosaxon block has blood on its hands, sweeping its disgusting attrocities bad records under the carpet while zombies that are not selfcritical to question doubt & look objectively what western block is saying doing & telling between the lines!!

Diverting the attention, but some muslims kept falling for it.
That's why they will always be backwards. A ten year old Chinese kid know these simple ruse used many times throughout Chinese history. But adult Muslims do not for the most part.
So... The logic is... "They are wrong, Because I say so..."
So... The logic is... "Whoever wish to see for themselves on the ground...Are forbidden to do so"
So... The logic is... "How do you want to defend your case...If you don't let ppl see for themselves?"
And The Last Logic... "CN is a model of Human Rights...So why doubting them..."

Congrats...For the Logic... As for the few lost Kids in this thread... When the Subject is the US... Please stop wasting time by bringing "others" in the mix...

In the End... CN knows how to stop such "alleged" rumors... Let Independant organization aka UN (Yeah the one you are part of) to Enter and check for herself under your supervision... And then you can argue and Blame the liars or not...Blocking them will lead to nothing...

Till then... Enjoy... Have Fun...
Keeping quiet is not always the best Attack...
Nuclear weapon and aircraft carrier are better than sanction.
Since when the "No Muslim in" Trump government became Muslims' protecter?

Amercia hates all Muslims except those who live in China and Russia
That's because you haven't been carpet bombed by them in 70 years. Arabs? Not so much.

When are you Nazi whoresons going to do something about the US murdering millions in the Middle East?

We don’t need to be non-bombed to trust someone. It’s not our job to do something against US in relation to Arabs. BTW, you don’t care Arabs. You don’t care anyone. So why you care. Have some ever seen Chinese to do something for anyone outside of China.
Have some ever seen Chinese to do something for anyone outside of China.
turkey boy China help her people that's all that counts. Didn't China help you turkey folks by lending your broke *** country 3.3bill?:lol:
Yea they but sanctions on China because of mudlimsbut they ignore the Zionists and they kill Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan by drones.who are they trying to fool?!
These would-be sanctions are not to protect human rights (or Muslims)... they are only there to press China...
Entire world should put sanctions on USA for illegally occupying lands territories of Red Indians since 1492!

Red Indians are till this day assimilated systematically by US govt since 18th Century.
Manipulating with culture religion language of Red Indians.
Concentrations camps were implyed on Red Indians so they would become less as a race religion culture thus resulted into that no one asks, speaks & talks about Red Indians in US society. Heck even a paragraph is the maximum dedicated to Red Indians of official US history approved by USGovt since 18th Century!

Well USGovt has answers to come with to compare its betterness & accusations against concentration camps in China implemented on Muslims.

Entire race was eliminated supported by USgovt!

Two sides of the same coin!
Comments from spineless Muslims sitting in their "Fort of Islam" is hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

Iron Bortherhood trumps Muslim Ummahood. :disagree:
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