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U.S. to deploy missiles near Russia


Jul 28, 2009
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United Kingdom

By Nicholas Kralev

President Obama sent two of his top national security officials to Moscow on Wednesday to clear the last hurdles to a new nuclear pact, but a revelation that U.S. missiles will soon be deployed near Russian territory could complicate the talks.

The White House said that National Security Adviser James L. Jones and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen will meet with Russian officials "primarily to discuss the remaining issues left to conclude" a follow-on to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), which the U.S. ambassador to Moscow predicted will be completed within weeks.

"It's only a question of when, and I think the finish line is approaching in the very near future," Ambassador John R. Beyrle said in an interview with the Echo of Moscow radio.

Washington and Moscow began negotiating a new treaty last spring but failed to work out all their differences by the time START expired on Dec. 5.

Verification has been one of the main problems. Russia has insisted on monitoring U.S. missile-defense interceptors being deployed in Europe but has refused U.S. inspectors access to its data on new missile tests.

In an attempt to "reset" their relationship after tensions during the Bush administration, Mr. Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed in July to cut the number of deployed nuclear warheads on each side to between 1,500 and 1,675.

The missile defense issue is one of the most sensitive for the Russians, even after Mr. Obama decided in September to scrap plans by his predecessor, George W. Bush, to deploy a system in Eastern Europe to counter a growing threat from Iran.

In a consolation to Poland, which was to host one of the sites and was unhappy with Mr. Obama's decision, the administration agreed to deploy Patriot-type surface-to-air missiles in the country. On Dec. 11, the two NATO allies signed a prerequisite agreement on the status of U.S. troops in the former Soviet satellite ahead of the missile deployment.

However, the Patriot site was kept secret — until Wednesday, when Polish Defense Minister Bogdan Klich said it will be about 35 miles from a Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania that includes the city of Kaliningrad.

"Morag was chosen as the location long ago, but we didn't make it public," Mr. Klich was quoted as saying by Poland's PAP news agency.

He insisted that the choice of the site had "no political or strategic meaning — its good infrastructure is the only reason." He also said the missiles could arrive as soon as late March or early April at Morag, which is home to a Polish military base.

Moscow, which is protective of Kaliningrad because it is surrounded by two NATO members, is likely to react angrily to the news about Morag. That could complicate the START negotiations, though U.S. officials said it should not threaten them seriously.

"We believe it will still be conducted in good faith, and I would not think that complication will come into it," State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters. "It is in the interest of Russia and the United States — and the world — to see the completion of and ratification of a follow-on START agreement."

Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association, said the Patriot missiles "should be a nonissue for Russia" because "this system poses no threat to Russian defense forces, and it is a symbolic gesture of the existing U.S. security commitment to Poland."

"Russia is not and should not be looking for excuses to blow up the new treaty," he said. "Russia's longer-term concern is all about potential future numbers and locations of the SM-3 interceptors in Eastern Europe that were outlined as the Obama administration's new missile defense approach."

Ellen Tauscher, undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, said last week that the outstanding issues in the START negotiations included sharing of telemetry data — electronic signals sent from missile flight tests — as well as Russian demands that missile defenses be included in the new treaty.

Mr. Jones and Adm. Mullen are visiting Moscow a week after a trip by another senior U.S. official, William J. Burns, undersecretary of state for political affairs. Mr. Burns represents the United States in international negotiations on Iran's nuclear program, which also was discussed in his meetings and is expected to be part of the talks this week.

Washington and its Western allies want new sanctions on Iran for rejecting a proposal that would lift suspicion that it is developing a nuclear weapon under the cover of a civilian program. Russia has not been as opposed to sanctions as it has in the past, but China is resisting them, so U.S. officials hope Moscow could influence its friends in Beijing.

Source : U.S. to deploy missiles near Russia - Washington Times
Instead of having an the PAC3 there, US should station troops there, including airbases. A couple of squadrons of F-22 there would be a nice gesture of US support for Polish freedom.
Instead of having an the PAC3 there, US should station troops there, including airbases. A couple of squadrons of F-22 there would be a nice gesture of US support for Polish freedom.

So you're in favore of aggressive postures towards Russia in the name of "polish freedom" what ever that's means...remember every action has a reaction...Cuba is 80 miles of the US coast.

Polish freedom :rofl: it's 2010 no one goes around conquering land, considering Russia left Georgia after they annihilated their military i think it's safe to say Poland is safe.
Cuba...??? Heck...Miami/Dade Metro PD can take Cuba on a weekend.
Yeah, but if Russia deploys it's Strategic Assests as well as some of its millit
ary there..The whole US Police Forces wont have the balls to go anywhere near Cuba.
Yeah, but if Russia deploys it's Strategic Assests as well as some of its millit
ary there..The whole US Police Forces wont have the balls to go anywhere near Cuba.

US is in Cuba now, Guatanomo Bay. Also, if you know enough basic history as an average person, you know what happened last time when Russia deployed missiles in Cuba.
So you're in favore of aggressive postures towards Russia in the name of "polish freedom" what ever that's means...remember every action has a reaction...Cuba is 80 miles of the US coast.

Polish freedom :rofl: it's 2010 no one goes around conquering land, considering Russia left Georgia after they annihilated their military i think it's safe to say Poland is safe.

How is maintaining Polish freedom anti Russia? Does the Russians perceive themselves as threat to Polish freedom?
RUSSIA will break with shield and the country hosting it with big RUSSIAN BEAR PAW .... smash
"US is not engaging in any cold war. Just ensuring that no one would be able to attach the US like 9/11."

By posting F-22 air superiority squadrons on Polish soil? The next 9/11 won't be coming from Russia's state military organs. How do F-22s make any difference preventing a terror strike by being in Poland? Makes no sense and is needlessly provocative.

US is in Cuba now, Guatanomo Bay. Also, if you know enough basic history as an average person, you know what happened last time when Russia deployed missiles in Cuba.

An average person would also know Russia agreed to removed it's missiles because the US agreed to remove its missiles from Turkey and Italy.

How is maintaining Polish freedom anti Russia? Does the Russians perceive themselves as threat to Polish freedom?

Freedom from what, freedom from who? Is someone taking Poland's freedom? How about Russia maintains Cuba's "freedom"?

US is not engaging in any cold war.

Sourounding Russia and undermining Russia's influence in the region sounds alot like the Cold War...

Just ensuring that no one would be able to attach the US like 9/11.

:what: Are you telling me the US is going to prevent a 9/11 style attack by placing its forces close to the Russian boarder? :rofl:

Russian intellegence has worked with US intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks against America, so it's not us you should be worried about...i beleive most 911 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia (hint...hint) also i don't remember any Russian hijackers; well does Air Force 1 count?
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An average person would also know Russia agreed to removed it's missiles because the US agreed to remove its missiles from Turkey and Italy.

Freedom from what, freedom from who? Is someone taking Poland's freedom? How about Russia maintains Cuba's "freedom"?

Sourounding Russia and undermining Russia's influence in the region sounds alot like the Cold War...

H:what: Are you telling me the US is going to prevent a 9/11 style attack by placing its forces close to the Russian boarder? :rofl:

Russian intellegence has worked with US intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks against America, so it's not us you should be worried about...i beleive most 911 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia (hint...hint) also i don't remember any Russian hijackers; well does Air Force 1 count?

The fact that US withdraw missile from Turkey in exchange for Cuban missiles cannot be proven. Also, putting PAC3 missiles in Poland is to assure Poland that US is an allie. There is no way that this missiles have any affect on Russia as Russia has no short range missiles pointing at Poland. So I believe Russia is making a big deal out of US trying to start a cold war. Also, Russia is not a US enemy or competitor but a friend in global war against terror. Making a big deal out of a political gesture would not help US /Russia relationship.
"US is not engaging in any cold war. Just ensuring that no one would be able to attach the US like 9/11."

By posting F-22 air superiority squadrons on Polish soil? The next 9/11 won't be coming from Russia's state military organs. How do F-22s make any difference preventing a terror strike by being in Poland? Makes no sense and is needlessly provocative.


True, no military value. But diplomatic value as what Bush was trying to show the Polish. The Poles was constantly harassed by its stronger neighbors and having US bases there would make them sleep better.:usflag:
The fact that US withdraw missile from Turkey in exchange for Cuban missiles cannot be proven.

Is this meant to be a joke? Let me pull up a two sources:

Three months after the Cuban Missile Crisis the United States secretly removed all its nuclear missiles from Turkey and Italy.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Privately it was agreed that the Jupiter missiles positioned in Turkey would be withdrawn in a few months, but that the decision would not be publicly tied to the agreement about Cuba.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Also, putting PAC3 missiles in Poland is to assure Poland that US is an allie.

Why doesn't the US place/give PAC3 missles to all of its allies? Conviently it's always the allies close to the Russian border...hummm. Poland needs to stop acting like a little girl, how about the US holds Poland's hand and tells Poland everything is going to be okay.

There is no way that this missiles have any affect on Russia as Russia has no short range missiles pointing at Poland.

A top Russian general said Friday that Poland's agreement to accept a U.S. missile defense battery exposes the country to attack, pointing out that Russian miltiary doctrine permits the use of nuclear weapons in such a situation, the Interfax news agency reported

Report: Russian general says U.S. deal endangers Poland - USATODAY.com

We do now...

So I believe Russia is making a big deal out of US trying to start a cold war. Also, Russia is not a US enemy or competitor but a friend in global war against terror. Making a big deal out of a political gesture would not help US /Russia relationship.

The US is making a big deal out of the possible sale of the S-300 to Iran. However, Russia is over-reacting when the PAC-3 is 35 miles off its border? Strange world we live in.

Anyways Russia is respecting US wishes, why not the other way around?

Iranian officials have voiced growing irritation at Russia's failure so far to supply the S-300 missile system, which Israel and the United States do not want Tehran to have.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praised Russia last month for not providing the S-300 to Iran.

Iran official warns Russia of legal action over S-300 | Reuters

True, no military value. But diplomatic value as what Bush was trying to show the Polish. The Poles was constantly harassed by its stronger neighbors and having US bases there would make them sleep better.:usflag:

So first Russia is making a big deal out of the PAC3, and now you're in support of putting up US military bases in Russia's back yard? We don't care about Poland, we arn't going to invade them. Poland would sleep better if they wern't so anti Russian. Russia is great friend with other NATO countries such as Greece, and Italy, and we have good relations with France, Germany...ect. Poland is putting itself in this awkward cituation, then it wonders why it can't sleep.

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