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Featured U.S. seizes 4 Iranian gas tankers en route to Venezuela after threatening to disrupt deliveries

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US seizes 4 Iranian gas tankers en route to Venezuela after threatening to disrupt deliveries – WSJ

2 hours ago

Washington has captured four Iranian cargo vessels on the high seas, taking hold of several fuel tankers on their way to Venezuela “without the use of military force,” the Wall Street Journal reported, citing US officials.

The ships, reportedly loaded with Iranian gasoline, were confiscated by the US in “recent days,” the Journal reported on Thursday. While the report remains uncorroborated and relies solely on nameless American officials, the move would come as a steep escalation in Washington’s ‘maximum pressure campaign’ on the Islamic Republic, which in recent months has targeted gas shipments to Venezuela.

The four vessels – named 'Luna,' 'Pandi,' 'Bering' and 'Bella' – were taken without the use of force and are now on their way to a port in Houston, Texas, the officials said. Although they added no additional details about the seizure itself, the officials noted that senior figures in the Trump administration are expected to be present for the ships’ docking.

US federal prosecutors requested and obtained a forfeiture warrant early last month to confiscate the four tankers, arguing that proceeds from the fuel sales to Caracas skirted American sanctions and would support “nefarious activities” by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the elite military unit alleged to arrange the shipments, which Washington has labeled a terrorist organization.

Despite previous threats from Washington to halt the flow of fuel into Venezuela, Iran has remained adamant about the shipments, repeatedly stating they would continue in defiance of US sanctions, which apply to both Caracas and Tehran.

The reported seizure came soon after the Iranian Navy was accused of briefly boarding and detaining a Liberian-flagged oil vessel near the Strait of Hormuz on Wednesday, with US Central Command publishing grainy black-and-white footage it claimed to show the boarding in progress. Officials in Tehran have yet to comment on the allegations.

The US has sought to grab other Iranian vessels in the past, making an unsuccessful attempt last year to take control of a ship that had been detained in Gibraltar, a British territory, over allegations that it flouted sanctions on Syria. Though the move was denounced by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif as a “piracy attempt,” the tanker was freed over American objections after around a month in custody.

With a stated goal of bringing Iranian oil exports down to “zero,” Washington’s pressure campaign has delivered a harsh blow to the country’s economy, exacerbating its ongoing coronavirus outbreak by depriving the state of vital petroleum revenues. Venezuela’s embattled economy has also suffered under sanctions, driving the two so-called US adversaries into closer cooperation as they seek to lessen the impact of the American penalties.

Venezuelan oil transit should be protected by Russian and Chinese navies.

Venezuela needs fuel from Iran? Where's their own fuel gone?

I believe Venezuela has just one oil refinery so it has to send its crude oil outside ( Iran ? ) to refine it and send back to Venezuela which will then sell it.
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I believe Venezuela has just one oil refinery so it has to send its crude oil outside ( Iran ? ) to refine it and send back to Venezuela which will then sell it.

That was a bad policy confronting the Americans.

Look at the Arabs (except Iraq and Libya), how super rich they are today. All they did was get the US to drill, process and sell the oil on their behalf. They made tons of money hassle free and they've spent that wealth developing their own countries with minimal effort.
That was a bad policy confronting the Americans.

Look at the Arabs (except Iraq and Libya), how super rich they are today. All they did was get the US to drill, process and sell the oil on their behalf. They made tons of money hassle free and they've spent that wealth developing their own countries with minimal effort.

But the Gulfies are basically slaves of the West. And if we take one Gulfie country, Saudia, it doesn't have much freedom within.

Venezuela wants real development within and be free externally.
But the Gulfies are basically slaves of the West. And if we take one Gulfie country, Saudia, it doesn't have much freedom within. ...

No such thing.

Gulfies are rich and arrogant. They get away with anything and everything. They attract and influence superpowers and most of all, they employ millions of foreigners to the jobs they can't be bothered to do. They roam this Earth like kings.

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