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U.S. Marines probe video of men urinating on Taliban corpses


Sep 4, 2011
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(Reuters) - The U.S. Marine Corps said on Wednesday it would investigate a video showing what appears to be American forces in Afghanistan urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters.

The video, which was posted on YouTube and other websites, shows four men in camouflage combat uniforms urinating on the bodies of three dead Taliban.

One of them jokes: "Have a nice day, buddy." The other makes a lewd joke about a shower.

A copy of the video can be seen here

"While we have not yet verified the origin or authenticity of this video, the actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps," the Marines said in a statement.

"This matter will be fully investigated."

A Muslim civil rights group in the United States condemned the alleged desecration of corpses in a letter to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

"Any guilty parties must be punished to the full extent allowed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and by relevant American laws," the Council on American-Islamic Relations said in the letter, a copy of which was sent to media organizations including Reuters.

U.S. Marines probe video of men urinating on Taliban corpses | Reuters

I thought these invaders wanted to win hearts and minds? All they have done is make people hate them with a passion. This hatred is more than justified. Long live the Afghanistan resistance.
Thats what happens when young men from America go to war brain washed with Hate and listening to these songs..

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Well that's what's going to happen when you don't strengthen your nation and defenses. It's a sick World we live in, best thing to do is prepare to counter it.

I read romewhere people born out of wedlock (bastards) have no respect for other humans. These marines being americans (PIGS) this behaviour is understandable, but why the F--- their politicians pretend and propagate themselves as being civilized? Isn't there anything in Genevaconvention which prohibits humiliation of corpses? Or willthey term them as terrorists and not soldiers of opponent force?

An eye opener for all who wantto be friends with PIGS and and expect they will get any respect or benefit from them. One incident after the other proves that these PIGS are the worst from worst kind of scumbags this world has ever seen.
This is only what cam out, all these wars are actually against Muslims. This behaviouer is not of a professional soldier, they are crusaders. They have done every thing possible to humiliate Muslims and islam. They used Holy Quran for target shooting, and for purposes I can't even write here. These pigs are true enemy of Islam and Muslims.
Thats how you create more terrorist and then get surprise why you receive hate
If we had let 9/11 go un-responded, there certainly will be more terrorism. Remember, the WTC Towers were attacked before.
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