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U.S. Has Plan to Secure Pakistan Nukes

At least we have more than Fox News whereas you have only the mullahs and al-whatever.

Once again, you betray a parochial viewpoint. I would invite you to immerse yourself in the diversity of opinion within the Pakistani media, let alone the Muslim media.

You have no idea how sad is it for the ummah that it had to rely upon Western news sources to provide them with the (ridiculous) notion that 'the media' is biased against the muslims. Even when it comes to loony 9/11 conspiracy theories, the muslims latches onto non-muslims sources.

The reference to Western sources is intended to remain within the parameters of this discussion. If I show you reports or analyses by Arab or Muslim media, you will immediately dismiss them as biased and untrustworthy. The use of Western media was intended precisely to preempt any such dismissal.

You cannot see the contradiction because you are self-blindered by your own victimhood mentality.

I can see splendidly because I consult all different viewpoints in the media, Western and otherwise. I recommend you do likewise.
Once again, you betray a parochial viewpoint. I would invite you to immerse yourself in the diversity of opinion within the Pakistani media, let alone the Muslim media.

For the ME, I have been to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait and Turkey, enough varieties there. No need to go into details on what I saw in Kuwait. In Asia, I have been to Japan, South Korea and the PI. Not counting my own country of Viet Nam. After my military life, I have been to Israel and the Palestinian territories. Hardly parochial.

The reference to Western sources is intended to remain within the parameters of this discussion. If I show you reports or analyses by Arab or Muslim media, you will immediately dismiss them as biased and untrustworthy. The use of Western media was intended precisely to preempt any such dismissal.
It took me barely 15 secs to find a disgruntled group who have a different opinion than yours. How many more are out there who believe 'the media' has a different bias? The trouble with having a varieties of sources to chose from is that you ended up discrediting your own analysis by selectively presenting the sources that best fit your own opinion.

I can see splendidly because I consult all different viewpoints in the media, Western and otherwise. I recommend you do likewise.
No...You do not. It is a self-delusion that you do.
For the ME, I have been to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait and Turkey, enough varieties there. No need to go into details on what I saw in Kuwait. In Asia, I have been to Japan, South Korea and the PI. Not counting my own country of Viet Nam. After my military life, I have been to Israel and the Palestinian territories. Hardly parochial.

And I am sure, everywhere you went, you saw things from an American military perspective. Dropping bombs on people hardly constitues immersion in foreign culture. The fact that you think the mullahs and AlJazeera constitute the totality of opinion in the Muslim world betrays your ignorance of these cultures.

It took me barely 15 secs to find a disgruntled group who have a different opinion than yours. How many more are out there who believe 'the media' has a different bias? The trouble with having a varieties of sources to chose from is that you ended up discrediting your own analysis by selectively presenting the sources that best fit your own opinion.

Your results reflect your level of effort. Once again, I referenced reports and statistical analysis. I referenced results of polls conducted by reputable agencies.

All you could come up with was one instance of people whining. Even if true, which was not established, it would constitute one data point. Hardly a trend.

No...You do not. It is a self-delusion that you do.

This coming from someone who claims to speak for "the world" and "the ummah". :rofl:

Like I said earlier, too much Faux News can be hazardous to your mental health...
And I am sure, everywhere you went, you saw things from an American military perspective. Dropping bombs on people hardly constitues immersion in foreign culture.
We never bombed Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt or Kuwait. For Kuwait, it was muslims who bombed, and worse, muslims. I will now add that for Europe I have been to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Great Britain and East Berlin when it existed. We did bombed a few of those countries but that is another story, eh?

The fact that you think the mullahs and AlJazeera constitute the totality of opinion in the Muslim world betrays your ignorance of these cultures.

Your results reflect your level of effort. Once again, I referenced reports and statistical analysis. I referenced results of polls conducted by reputable agencies.

All you could come up with was one instance of people whining. Even if true, which was not established, it would constitute one data point. Hardly a trend.

This coming from someone who claims to speak for "the world" and "the ummah". :rofl:

Like I said earlier, too much Faux News can be hazardous to your mental health...
And you are grossly ignorant of how 'the media' really works. I advise you to take a class on basic communication.

Perceptions cannot be imposed, even when there is a 'state media' like so many European countries and all of your petty dictatorships over there in the ME. Perceptions can only be formed and in their formations we require inputs from many sources, even from those who are hostile to us. There is a clear difference between a 'reporter' and a 'commentator'. The reporter should deal strictly in facts and nothing more. The commentator is allowed to express an opinion but that opinion should be based upon facts he received from the reporter.

After 9/11, it is the duty of the reporters to include the religion of the terrorists. It is also the same requirement for the commentators in their opinions. If the US media is so biased, then where did all these muslim leaders came from? No one denied them print space. No one deny them broadcast minutes. No one shouted them down. The muslims are free to offer their own commentaries each man with his own version of "It is not Islam" or "It is forbidden in Islam". Practically to a man, each wasted no opportunity to point out US support for Israel as if somehow it justified the terrorist attack on US.

If there is a negative perception of muslims in the West, not just in the US, then may be it has something to do with all those muslims who carried signs calling for a bloody death to anyone who 'dissed' their religion? May be it has something to do with Salman Rushdie and the death sentence ordered upon the man by...er...a muslim? May be it has something to do with the very public murder of van Gogh for 'dissing' Islam in his B-rated film? Are the reporters and commentators forbidden to include these facts for fear of appearing to be 'biased' against muslims?

You blame US for contributing to our own perceived ignorance of many things outside US borders. It is about time you examine your own societies to see what could contribute to others' perceptions of yourselves. In the free West, the only way you can eliminate facts and opinions that can influence self created opinions is to violently suppress those facts and opinions else they can become 'bias'. Better get busy.

In addition, they say the Channel 4 website treats the history and beliefs of Islam more reverently than it does Christianity.
Gee...Another 15 secs wasted.
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And you are grossly ignorant of how 'the media' really works. I advise you to take a class on basic communication.

I am entirely too aware of how the media works. I see the results of media manipulation in the various American wars, including the GWOT.

Perceptions cannot be imposed, even when there is a 'state media' like so many European countries and all of your petty dictatorships over there in the ME. Perceptions can only be formed and in their formations we require inputs from many sources, even from those who are hostile to us.

On the contrary, manipulation of public perception is the media's raison d'etre. The entire business model of the media is based on advertising revenue. And the whole point of advertising is to mould public perceptions about a product.

There is a clear difference between a 'reporter' and a 'commentator'. The reporter should deal strictly in facts and nothing more. The commentator is allowed to express an opinion but that opinion should be based upon facts he received from the reporter.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda. Almost everybody, including our favorite Fox News, complain that the media does not report any more. It merely editorializes.

After 9/11, it is the duty of the reporters to include the religion of the terrorists. It is also the same requirement for the commentators in their opinions. If the US media is so biased, then where did all these muslim leaders came from? No one denied them print space. No one deny them broadcast minutes. No one shouted them down. The muslims are free to offer their own commentaries each man with his own version of "It is not Islam" or "It is forbidden in Islam". Practically to a man, each wasted no opportunity to point out US support for Israel as if somehow it justified the terrorist attack on US.

The Western media selectively showcased those Muslims who were shouting anti-American slogans. The Muslims who condemned and stood in solidarity with Americans were mostly sidelined by mainstream American media.

September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Top Muslim organizations in the United States were swift to condemn the attacks on 9/11 and called "upon Muslim Americans to come forward with their skills and resources to help alleviate the sufferings of the affected people and their families". Top organizations include: Islamic Society of North America, American Muslim Alliance, American Muslim Council, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Circle of North America, and the Shari'a Scholars Association of North America. In addition to massive monetary donations, many Islamic organizations launched blood drives and provided medical assistance, food, and residence for victims.

The fact that you continue to believe and promote this canard shatters your credibility in the matter. It also strengthens my point about Western media bias.

If there is a negative perception of muslims in the West, not just in the US, then may be it has something to do with all those muslims who carried signs calling for a bloody death to anyone who 'dissed' their religion? May be it has something to do with Salman Rushdie and the death sentence ordered upon the man by...er...a muslim? May be it has something to do with the very public murder of van Gogh for 'dissing' Islam in his B-rated film? Are the reporters and commentators forbidden to include these facts for fear of appearing to be 'biased' against muslims?

Reporters should report both sides of the story. They should also report that Muslim media also defended Salman Rushdie and Van Gogh. Not their acts, but their right to free speech.

By reporting only a black-and-white, simplistic view of these affairs, the Western reporters were pushing an agenda, not reporting the whole truth.

You blame US for contributing to our own perceived ignorance of many things outside US borders. It is about time you examine your own societies to see what could contribute to others' perceptions of yourselves.

We are quite aware of the problems inherent in Muslim societies. In every situation, people find what they look for. If you look for the good, you will find it. Similarly for the bad. I need not remind you of the many faults in Western society that cause so many social ills. That does not deny the many good things about Western society -- it simply means that everyone has room for improvement.

I fully conceded your point that Muslim media, especially Arab media, should be more self-critical. And I applaud the Western media for naming and shaming Muslim countries so they would be forced to clean up their act, under international glare. The medival misogyny of Saudi Arabia and the Taliban, the case of Mukhtaran Bibi and others are situations where the international coverage helped improve local society. My only beef with the Western media is that it should also show positive sides of the Muslim world to provide a more balanced image.

In the free West, the only way you can eliminate facts and opinions that can influence self created opinions is to violently suppress those facts and opinions else they can become 'bias'. Better get busy.

Allow me to spell out how the media affects everything. Media control guarantees which issues get coverage and which are silenced. It shapes public opinion which, in turn, shapes public policy.

In "free" Western Europe, it is perfectly admissible to criticize Islam or Christianity, but if anyone even dares to question any aspect of the Holocaust, they face jail time. The French headscarf law bans Muslim headscarfs, but allows Christian crosses and star-of-david pendants.

Another 15 secs wasted

Indeed. The result, once again, reflects the effort. You are still confusing data points with trends.
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:hitwall::hitwall: sTop iT n0w . d0nt u kn0 ppl Americans dont kn0 wats happenin outside USA.even m0st of the Americans wont b aware of that PAkistan exist in this world.:rofl::rofl:
I don't think too many Pakistanis will be able to spot USA on a map, or for that matter, spell "United States". Better remember that when you call Americans ignorant.
But just because I believe that doesn't mean it won't happen.

What's your full-name - Thomas Paradox? LOL. And since you believe Pakistan would/Could fall to Taliban means that it would happen for sure? You guys believed Iraq to have weapons of mass destruction and the world has seen how believable your beliefs are. You also believe Osama to be here in Pakistan, Yea? and Pakistan Falling to Taliban? Yea? :lol:

Honestly, I have an apology to make, I misjudge you initially and thought I was talking to somebody sensible. I am sorry!
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I don't think too many Pakistanis will be able to spot USA on a map, or for that matter, spell "United States". Better remember that when you call Americans ignorant.

What makes you think like that?
What's your full-name - Thomas Paradox? LOL. And since you believe Pakistan would/Could fall to Taliban means that it would happen for sure? You guys believed Iraq to have weapons of mass destruction and the world has seen how believable your beliefs are. You also believe Osama to be here in Pakistan, Yea? and Pakistan Falling to Taliban? Yea? :lol:

Honestly, I have an apology to make, I misjudge you initially and thought I was talking to somebody sensible. I am sorry!

it means not everything is an absolute. and if you look closely I never said Pakistan would fall to the Taliban.
it means not everything is an absolute. and if you look closely I never said Pakistan would fall to the Taliban.

Your pervious post says that if Taliban took over Pakistan than US will take away Pakistan nukes.
If Pakistan is not falling to Taliban than why the plan?
I am entirely too aware of how the media works. I see the results of media manipulation in the various American wars, including the GWOT.

On the contrary, manipulation of public perception is the media's raison d'etre. The entire business model of the media is based on advertising revenue. And the whole point of advertising is to mould public perceptions about a product.
Conservatism is about suspicions and reluctance to change. Ruling regimes are usually conservative. From that perspective, despotic regimes have greater interests in media control than liberal democracies and more often than not they succeed in having near absolute media controls. So do not presume to lecture to me about direct first hand experience on how the media works. I probably have more experience in that area in your community than you do in mine.

Everytime I read a muslim using Western technology and Western information sources to complain about how muslims are portrayed in Western public eyes, from trying to make excuses for this...


...To trying to deflect attention from this...


...I savor every sweet moment of the irony. That is Theo van Gogh dead in broad daylight, by the way.

This is how I also see the man behind those complaints...


I am not a particularly religious person, but I thank whatever $diety there might be that I would never have to make this excuse for my society...
I fully conceded your point that Muslim media, especially Arab media, should be more self-critical.
The most I could ever do is to say that the San Francisco Chronicles should be have been more in-depth, or that ABC News should have interviewed more people, or that the Los Angeles Times should have been more fair in coverage. In other words, I could never charge 'the media' but only particular brand names inside 'the media', whereas muslims like yourself have no choice but to make the indictment against your own media in general, like you just did, while at the same time using Western resources to boot. I would rather the brands in my media be 'biased' than 'controlled', like the ones in your community. At least there are many biases in mine whereas the despots in your community allows zilch. See the differences in science and technology between the West and the ummah? That is the same chasm in 'the media' between yours and mine societies. It is awfully difficult to take seriously the criticisms from the ummah on NASA's many mistakes and institutional flaws.

You are jousting against windmills, buddy.
I'm curious if you have such a low view of the U.S. why do you live in the U.S.?

I bet you expected all germans to support hitler and if they did not they must be "traitors"?.....so hitler must have been right to move against all this "unpatriotism" and squash it.
At least we have more than Fox News whereas you have only the mullahs and al-whatever. You have no idea how sad is it for the ummah that it had to rely upon Western news sources to provide them with the (ridiculous) notion that 'the media' is biased against the muslims. Even when it comes to loony 9/11 conspiracy theories, the muslims latches onto non-muslims sources. You cannot see the contradiction because you are self-blindered by your own victimhood mentality.

agreed, atleast you agree to be biased,,,
no it is for rest of the memmbers to keep this post in mind whenever reading your future ppost about analysis of any situation related to Paksiatn,,
i hope it serves as a wake up call for everyone!!

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