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U.S. goal is to end Afghan combat mission in 2013

Its a little different , because the population is higher , and unimaginably higher , if lets say you have situation like no bread in super markets or food is not present , and economy fails

Their would be chaos like POST Katrina as there are huge number of blacks and Latinos now living in USA , before it was just few migrants and Americans etc

So when there is no bread or food or oil in country - what do you think will happen ?

Yep every one will blame the black and Latinos and then all chaos will break lose


Likely the Rich , will try to secure the oil centric states , and the poor Americans will try to revolt to save their homes , so there would be major power struggle at some point for sure

A few migrants? Its a nation of immigrants. Germans, Dutch, British, French etc. Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, African it don't matter.

Most likely nationalism will rise in Europe and Asia first and then war starts somewhere around those places and the U.S. provide weapons which means jobs at home. If isolationism takes effect.
The fact is none of Afghanistan's neighbors and regional powers trust America being in the region. Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China all want the U.S. out, the sooner the better. U.S. has destabilized the region by invading Afghanistan in 2001. The region was much safer before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

Dear Omar1984:

Are you in denial about the progress Afghanistan has made in the last decade? Could we have imagined a democratically elected government leading the country prior to the U.S. arrival? Could we have even thought that ANSF will be independently protecting the nation one day? Afghanistan is no longer the breeding ground for terrorism, and while challenges remain, the progress exhibits the hard work of U.S. and NATO forces. The organization responsible for conducting its terrorist activities around the globe has been toppled, and those responsible for harboring the organization are on the run, many of them laying down their weapons and opting to work for the betterment of the country. The future that we had envisioned for Afghanistan is still emerging, slowly but surely, and the people of Afghanistan have every reason to look forward to a bright future. The doubters have consistently showered our efforts with the wrath of criticism, but our resilience against terrorism has kept us focused on the ultimate goal of stabilizing the region. It’s our common stance against terrorism that keeps the U.S. and Pakistan bonded despite all the challenges. The government officials of both nations repeatedly emphasize the importance of both nations working side by side. We wish and desire a safe and stable Pakistan for the sake of the region. The government of U.S. recently donated $750,000 worth of equipment to the Sindh Police in order to enhance their capability to fight terrorism. We will continue to support Pakistan, and work to improve our relationship for the sake of clearing the region of terrorism.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command |
Dear Omar1984:

Are you in denial about the progress Afghanistan has made in the last decade? Could we have imagined a democratically elected government leading the country prior to the U.S. arrival? Could we have even thought that ANSF will be independently protecting the nation one day? Afghanistan is no longer the breeding ground for terrorism, and while challenges remain, the progress exhibits the hard work of U.S. and NATO forces. The organization responsible for conducting its terrorist activities around the globe has been toppled, and those responsible for harboring the organization are on the run, many of them laying down their weapons and opting to work for the betterment of the country. The future that we had envisioned for Afghanistan is still emerging, slowly but surely, and the people of Afghanistan have every reason to look forward to a bright future. The doubters have consistently showered our efforts with the wrath of criticism, but our resilience against terrorism has kept us focused on the ultimate goal of stabilizing the region. It’s our common stance against terrorism that keeps the U.S. and Pakistan bonded despite all the challenges. The government officials of both nations repeatedly emphasize the importance of both nations working side by side. We wish and desire a safe and stable Pakistan for the sake of the region. The government of U.S. recently donated $750,000 worth of equipment to the Sindh Police in order to enhance their capability to fight terrorism. We will continue to support Pakistan, and work to improve our relationship for the sake of clearing the region of terrorism.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command |

why is America running away from Afghanistan if you guys are so sure of the progress made over there ?

Are you sure in a couple of years the ANA will be able enough to keep the Taliban at bay ? Most of the world doesnt seem to think so .

Or do you wish to leave at all ? what is the plan ?
why is America running away from Afghanistan if you guys are so sure of the progress made over there ?

Are you sure in a couple of years the ANA will be able enough to keep the Taliban at bay ? Most of the world doesnt seem to think so .

Or do you wish to leave at all ? what is the plan ?

You can call it running away if you want. But its easy to tell that Obama is doing this because of elections and not American troops abandoning weapons and taking off. In any case the ANA has to start defending their country instead of being too dependent on Americans. We can't stay forever. We pulled out of Saudi Arabia and Iraq with the threat of Iraq gone as well as the Iraqi military becoming more mature and experienced now. Al Qaeda in Iraq will never take over the country. Same for the Taliban. Think about it, the number of attacks drop drastically when winter comes when its hard to travel from Pakistan and Afghanistan. They have to return to Pakistan to rebuild and rearm, they never actually conquered any territory in Afghanistan. Suicide bombings don't occupy a territory.
Dear Omar1984:

Are you in denial about the progress Afghanistan has made in the last decade? Could we have imagined a democratically elected government leading the country prior to the U.S. arrival? Could we have even thought that ANSF will be independently protecting the nation one day? Afghanistan is no longer the breeding ground for terrorism, and while challenges remain, the progress exhibits the hard work of U.S. and NATO forces. The organization responsible for conducting its terrorist activities around the globe has been toppled, and those responsible for harboring the organization are on the run, many of them laying down their weapons and opting to work for the betterment of the country. The future that we had envisioned for Afghanistan is still emerging, slowly but surely, and the people of Afghanistan have every reason to look forward to a bright future. The doubters have consistently showered our efforts with the wrath of criticism, but our resilience against terrorism has kept us focused on the ultimate goal of stabilizing the region. It’s our common stance against terrorism that keeps the U.S. and Pakistan bonded despite all the challenges. The government officials of both nations repeatedly emphasize the importance of both nations working side by side. We wish and desire a safe and stable Pakistan for the sake of the region. The government of U.S. recently donated $750,000 worth of equipment to the Sindh Police in order to enhance their capability to fight terrorism. We will continue to support Pakistan, and work to improve our relationship for the sake of clearing the region of terrorism.

MAJ Nevers,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command |

To be honest with you, I care more about Pakistan than Afghanistan because Pakistan is my country and Pakistan is far worse today than before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan-Afghanistan border was one of the most peaceful borders in the region now its the most dangerous border in the world.

Since September 11, 2001, 21,672 Pakistani civilians have lost their lives or have been seriously injured in an ongoing fight against terrorism. The Pakistan Army has lost 2,795 soldiers in the war and 8,671 have been injured. There have been 3,486 bomb blasts in the country, including 283 major suicide attacks. More than 3.5 million have been displaced. The damage to the Pakistani economy is estimated at $68 billion over the last ten years.

Before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, Pakistan had only 1 suicide attack in its soil. Pakistan was a peaceful country. We were competing with India. We had strategic depth in Afghanistan. We had no such thing as TTP in Pakistan, and our military never suffered casualties near our western border.

So how can you convince 185 million Pakistanis that its in Pakistan's interest for U.S. to be in Afghanistan?
The fact is none of Afghanistan's neighbors and regional powers trust America being in the region. Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China all want the U.S. out, the sooner the better. U.S. has destabilized the region by invading Afghanistan in 2001. The region was much safer before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.

Much safer? Seriously? Taliban controlled the entire country , killed whoever opposed them , engaged in ethnic cleansing , people were stoned , thrown from top of cranes etc. Movies and music were deemed anti islamic and of course prohibited, little investment in education , if any. You must read about the taliban regime. Did some pretty nasty stuff back then.
Much safer? Seriously? Taliban controlled the entire country , killed whoever opposed them , engaged in ethnic cleansing , people were stoned , thrown from top of cranes etc. Movies and music were deemed anti islamic and of course prohibited, little investment in education , if any. You must read about the taliban regime. Did some pretty nasty stuff back then.

More innocent lives were lost after U.S. invasion of Afghanistan than when Taliban were controlling Afghanistan.

You are Indian so its natural for you to not want Afghan Taliban controlling Afghanistan again. They will kick out indians from Afghanistan, and that is what Pakistan wants to have an indian-free Afghanistan. You don't care what happens to Afghans, you don't even care about the 400 million indians living below the poverty line in india and millions of indians dieing of poverty in india. Not to mention the Muslims killed in Gujrat in 2002, so why the hell would you care about Afghani Muslims. Don't try to fool the world, india just like every country cares about self-interests not people's lives.
Much safer? Seriously? Taliban controlled the entire country , killed whoever opposed them , engaged in ethnic cleansing , people were stoned , thrown from top of cranes etc. Movies and music were deemed anti islamic and of course prohibited, little investment in education , if any. You must read about the taliban regime. Did some pretty nasty stuff back then.

yes but did you know that it coud have been secretley without a war like the CIA and the ISI teaming u togethr to kill every taliban in kabul. instead of USA attacking afghanistan, they should have used swift and silent move, now the taliban are spread out, so it's harder to kill the taiban
yes but did you know that it coud have been secretley without a war like the CIA and the ISI teaming u togethr to kill every taliban in kabul. instead of USA attacking afghanistan, they should have used swift and silent move, now the taliban are spread out, so it's harder to kill the taiban

You are pretty much talking about Obama's Doctrine where the use of special forces and drones will be used in the GWOT instead of invading other countries to root out terrorists.
More innocent lives were lost after U.S. invasion of Afghanistan than when Taliban were controlling Afghanistan.

You are Indian so its natural for you to not want Afghan Taliban controlling Afghanistan again. They will kick out indians from Afghanistan, and that is what Pakistan wants to have an indian-free Afghanistan. You don't care what happens to Afghans, you don't even care about the 400 million indians living below the poverty line in india and millions of indians dieing of poverty in india. Not to mention the Muslims killed in Gujrat in 2002, so why the hell would you care about Afghani Muslims. Don't try to fool the world, india just like every country cares about self-interests not people's lives.

Only Afghans decide who stays and who doesn't stay in our country. No pakistani or Iranian or any other neighbour has the right to tell us what to do. We want good relations with India, Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan has to stop acting like a little child and being paranoid about so called Indian invasion. But I guess fear of Indian invasion is a strong excuse to fool the ordinary common pakistanis to forget the incompetence and failures of the government just like America exagerates terror attack threats to divert attention from domestic issues. I sincerely hope both pakistan and Afghanistan can be ruled by righteous and good rulers who are accountable to their public. I know pakistan is rubbing its hands together for when the US/NATO leaves Afghanistan but remeber you reap what you sow and Pakistan's double game will come back to bite it in the ***.

(When I say pakistan I mean its rulers and establishment, not its people. The people are just innocent sheeps)
Only Afghans decide who stays and who doesn't stay in our country. No pakistani or Iranian or any other neighbour has the right to tell us what to do. We want good relations with India, Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan has to stop acting like a little child and being paranoid about so called Indian invasion. But I guess fear of Indian invasion is a strong excuse to fool the ordinary common pakistanis to forget the incompetence and failures of the government just like America exagerates terror attack threats to divert attention from domestic issues. I sincerely hope both pakistan and Afghanistan can be ruled by righteous and good rulers who are accountable to their public. I know pakistan is rubbing its hands together for when the US/NATO leaves Afghanistan but remeber you reap what you sow and Pakistan's double game will come back to bite it in the ***.

(When I say pakistan I mean its rulers and establishment, not its people. The people are just innocent sheeps)

Pakistan has more at stake in what happens in Afghanistan more than any other country on earth. If you haven't looked at the map, Pakistan shares a long border with Afghanistan and that border is hard to control because of the difficult terrain. And India is using Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan's western provinces. India will not try to invade Pakistan. They tried it in 1965 and failed miserably. India will use Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan's western provinces particularly Balochistan. They helped Bengal to break away from Pakistan in 1971 and now they are helping Baloch separatists break the country again. So Pakistan has a real concern. You would know if you studied the history of Pakistan-India relations and put yourself in Pakistan's shoes.

No country in the region cares about the betterment of the Afghan people. Everyone cares about their national and strategic interests, including Pakistan, India, America, Iran, China, and Russia. So if you think India and America are there in Afghanistan because they care about Afghan lives, you are kidding yourself.
Pakistan has more at stake in what happens in Afghanistan more than any other country on earth. If you haven't looked at the map, Pakistan shares a long border with Afghanistan and that border is hard to control because of the difficult terrain. And India is using Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan's western provinces. India will not try to invade Pakistan. They tried it in 1965 and failed miserably. India will use Afghan soil to destabilize Pakistan's western provinces particularly Balochistan. They helped Bengal to break away from Pakistan in 1971 and now they are helping Baloch separatists break the country again. So Pakistan has a real concern. You would know if you studied the history of Pakistan-India relations and put yourself in Pakistan's shoes.

No country in the region cares about the betterment of the Afghan people. Everyone cares about their national and strategic interests, including Pakistan, India, America, Iran, China, and Russia. So if you think India and America are there in Afghanistan because they care about Afghan lives, you are kidding yourself.

I am not foolish enough to think India cares about Afghanistan for something other than their self interest. I know very well that India supports the opposition to the Taliban to counter Pakistani support for Taliban. But the truth is it was Pakistan first who supported the Taliban and India was forced to support northern alliance. Can you prove that before Pakistan's support for Taliban India was supporting Massoud and other factions? Can you give me evidence of India using Afghanistan against Pakistan before pakistan's support for Taliban? You make claims but you have to back them up with facts. until then its all talk and no substance.

The sad thing with many pakistanis is that they always blame India for their own shortcomings and corruption in their government who fail to distribute wealth evenly amongst all the provinces. The western provinces of khyber pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan have the lowest standard of livingn in Pakistan. Pakistani government has failed to adress the issues of the people so ofcourse people such as Baloch will be fed up with the corruption and incompetence of pakistani government.

I know very well India will use this oppurtunity to support Baloch seperatists and cause trouble in pakistan and they are no better than pakistan who also support groups such as lashkar e taiba and other millitant groups in India. If pakistan adressed the grievences of its own people they wouldn't be so easy to be used by others. This is something for pakistani people and the government to think about. I can see Pakistan's dilema but there must be some sort of agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan to ease Pakistani fears regarding India.
Only Afghans decide who stays and who doesn't stay in our country. No pakistani or Iranian or any other neighbour has the right to tell us what to do. We want good relations with India, Pakistan and Iran. Pakistan has to stop acting like a little child and being paranoid about so called Indian invasion. But I guess fear of Indian invasion is a strong excuse to fool the ordinary common pakistanis to forget the incompetence and failures of the government just like America exagerates terror attack threats to divert attention from domestic issues. I sincerely hope both pakistan and Afghanistan can be ruled by righteous and good rulers who are accountable to their public. I know pakistan is rubbing its hands together for when the US/NATO leaves Afghanistan but remeber you reap what you sow and Pakistan's double game will come back to bite it in the ***.

(When I say pakistan I mean its rulers and establishment, not its people. The people are just innocent sheeps)

No offence brother, but do u really believe that?

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