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Mar 20, 2006
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news are coming out that the U.S might do complete withdraw of troops from Afghanistan contrary to the earlier option of leaving some troops behind till 2024

US Considers Total Afghan Withdrawal

How many US troops should stay in Afghanistan after the NATO combat mission ends next year? For the first time, officials are now saying zero is an option. Commanders recommend keeping a force of up to 15,000 in the country, but Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, speaking to reporters ahead of Hamid Karzai's meeting with President Obama later this week, says withdrawing all troops will be considered if conditions allow, Reuters reports.

As recently as a year ago, officials were talking about leaving a 30,000-strong force to combat al-Qaeda, but now officials are considering as few as 2,500, the Washington Post reports. What's more, the troops will be pulled out faster than previously deemed prudent, officials tell the LA Times; General John Allen had asked to keep most of his 66,000 troops for this summer's fighting season, but now the consensus is that troop levels will dip significantly lower than that. The US will demand legal immunity for any troops it does wind up leaving behind, the denial of which led to the complete withdrawal from Iraq.
US Considers Total Afghan Withdrawal - 'Zero option' after 2014 raised before Karzai talks

Afghanistan Withdrawal: US Does Not Rule Out Complete Pullout

WASHINGTON, Jan 8 (Reuters) - The Obama administration does not rule out a complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan after 2014, the White House said on Tuesday, just days before President Barack Obama is due to meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

The comments by U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes were the first signal that, despite initial recommendations by the top military commander in Afghanistan to keep as many as 15,000 troops in the country, the final decision may be to remove everyone, as happened in Iraq in 2011.

Asked about consideration of a so-called zero-option once the NATO combat mission ends at the end of 2014, Rhodes said: "That would be an option that we would consider."

"Because again, the president does not view these negotiations as having a goal of keeping U.S. troops in Afghanistan," he added, saying the objective was to ensure the training and equipping of Afghan forces and combating al Qaeda.

Rhodes, lowering expectations of any breakthrough in the talks with Karzai at the White House on Friday, said it would be months before a final decision is made on troop levels.

In Iraq, Obama decided to pull out all U.S. forces after failing in negotiations with the Iraqi government to secure immunity for any U.S. troops who would remain behind.

The Obama administration is also insisting on immunity for any U.S. troops that remain in Afghanistan, and that unsettled question will figure in this week's talks between Obama and Karzai and their aides.

Jeffrey Dressler, an Afghanistan expert at the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War who favors keeping a larger presence in Afghanistan, questioned what battlefield conditions would allow for a complete U.S. pullout.

"I can't tell that they're doing that as a negotiating position ... or if it is a no-kidding option," Dressler said. "If you ask me, I don't see how zero troops is in the national security interest of the United States."

U.S. officials have said privately that the White House had asked for options to be developed for keeping between 3,000 and 9,000 troops in the country, a lower range than was put forward initially by General John Allen, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan.

Allen suggested keeping between 6,000 and 15,000 troops in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan Withdrawal: US Does Not Rule Out Complete Pullout
Afghan 'zero option' raised as Karzai set for Obama : BBC Quentin Sommerville reports on the US troops returning from Afghanistan

The White House has said for the first time it is possible that no US troops will remain in Afghanistan past 2014, as President Hamid Karzai arrived in Washington for talks with Barack Obama.

Ben Rhodes, a top US security official, told reporters the administration was still considering a range of options.

Mr Karzai's three-day trip will include crucial talks with Mr Obama and other officials, but no final decision.

The Afghan president wants US troops out of Afghan towns and villages.

Correspondents says the meeting comes as relations between the two countries have been more fractious than usual.

'Two goals'

Continue reading the main story Analysis Dawood Azami BBC World Service
Important issues are on the agenda during this visit. The number and scope of US soldiers in post-2014 Afghanistan is one. Mr Karzai will also demand that his country's sovereignty be respected.
He wants the US to rescind control of Afghan airspace, stop raids on villages, and hand over prisoners and detention centres it still controls. The future size and focus of the Afghan military is also on the agenda.
The two leaders will also discuss talks with the Taliban and the opening of a formal Taliban political office, most probably in Qatar. President Karzai will insist on a peace process which is truly Afghan-led.
President Karzai will not stand in next year's presidential elections. Both sides will be keen to ensure this political transition - widely seen as no less important than the security handover - goes smoothly.

When asked whether the US was considering a "zero option" for a residual force after the end of the US combat mission in 2014, Mr Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser, told reporters: "That would be an option that we would consider."

"The President does not view these negotiations as having a goal of keeping US troops in Afghanistan," Mr Rhodes said, adding the US' position would be guided by the "two goals of denying a safe haven to al-Qaeda and training and equipping Afghan National Security Forces".

Most foreign combat troops, including Americans, will leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014. There are currently about 68,000 US soldiers in the country.

Mr Rhodes told reporters that an announcement on post-2014 troop levels was not expected during Mr Karzai's visit.

But he added that a bilateral security agreement between the US and Afghanistan is expected by November of this year.

White House officials have previously suggested they favour keeping between 3,000 and 9,000 troops in Afghanistan after the combat mission ends.

Drone strike

The Afghan leader is due to see President Obama on Friday, their first meeting since the US presidential election.

Ahead of the trip, the White House issued a statement saying Mr Obama "looks forward to... discussing our continued transition in Afghanistan, and our shared vision of an enduring partnership" between the two countries.

The BBC's Quentin Sommerville in Kabul says the US president is likely to discuss the size of the force that remains, and whether they are there to fight the Taliban or shift their primary focus to tackling al-Qaeda.

The visit comes days after a drone attack that killed Pakistan militant leader Mullah Nazir, who was accused of sending fighters to Afghanistan to support the Taliban.

Mr Karzai is expected to provide a request for future requirements for the Afghan military such as heavy weaponry, an improved air force and medical support.

Our correspondent says the US spent almost $120bn (£74bn; 91bn Euros) in Afghanistan in 2011, a figure that diplomats in Kabul say will be increasingly difficult to justify because of economic problems at home and extensive corruption within Afghanistan.

Meanwhile Mr Karzai has held back from signing a long-term binding security agreement with the US, amid fears that Afghan sovereignty is being undermined.

He is unwilling to grant US soldiers immunity from prosecution and is unhappy that Afghans are still being held in US-run military prisons on Afghan soil, our correspondent adds.

US and Iraqi authorities reached a similar sticking point in negotiations over the drawdown of US troops from Iraq. Aside from a contingent guarding the embassy, all US soldiers left the country by December 2011.

As of December, Nato forces in Afghanistan numbered 102,000, including 68,000 US troops
BBC News - Afghan 'zero option' raised as Karzai set for Obama

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