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Two restaurants in Abu Dhabi emirate closed over food safety violations

Two restaurants in Abu Dhabi emirate closed over food safety violations

Pak Restaurant and Al Thana Restaurant had failed to rectify inspectors’ concerns

Published: May 09, 2022 15:47Samihah Zaman, Senior Reporter


Insects found on premises were among the concerns raised by officials

Abu Dhabi: The Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (Adafsa) has closed two restaurants in the emirate for food safety breaches.
The authority announced that Pak Restaurant in Al Dhafra Region and Al Thana Restaurant in Al Ain will remain shut until the facilities resolve public health and safety concerns noted by inspectors.

أصدرت هيئة أبوظبي للزراعة والسلامة الغذائية قراراً بالإغلاق الإداري بحق منشأتي "مطعم باك" في مدينة زايد بمنطقة الظفرة والتي تحمل الرخصة التجارية رقم CN-1310623، و"مطعم الثناء" في مدينة العين والتي تحمل الرخصة التجارية رقم CN-1111776 pic.twitter.com/ccCfGBYk6p
— هيئة أبوظبي للزراعة والسلامة الغذائية (@adafsa_gov) May 9, 2022

Safety concerns​

The administrative closure decision was implemented against Pak Restaurant because inspectors had found a large number of pests, insects and rodents within the premises. Workers were also using tools unsuitable for food preparation.
At Al Thana Restaurant, authorities noted small insects in the vegetable storage area, and the use of products without expiration dates.

Multiple reminders​

The Adafsa had issued several reminders to both restaurants, as well as three fines, but the concerns were not rectified. This prompted the administrative closures, Adafsa said.
Yup… typical Pakistani restaurant

Zero hygiene standards
Food safety standards are very tough here and violators have to suffer. The fines are usually huge, when it impacts ones pocket he reminds the lesson.
For every purchase of food material one have to buy from authorise/registered vendor, the restaurant to keep the receipts for tracking purpose.
To avoid contamination, separate colour coded cutting boards and knives are used. Separate washing marked washing sinks are required for installation in kitchen.
The system builds the confidence of end-user/customer.
A display picture for reference of cutting boards:
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