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Two Pak women gang raped in ‘honour-revenge’ attack

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malang and salim the bleeding hearts.......head to delhi......

Delhi: Neighbours beat up rape victim
12 Apr 2008, 0218 hrs IST,TNN

SMS NEWS to 58888 for latest updates
NEW DELHI: In an incident that led to public outrage and outpouring of sympathy from rights groups and the National Commission for Women, a 35-year-old alleged rape victim was thrashed by the family members and neighbours of the accused at east Delhi’s Mandawali on Thursday night.

Seema (name changed), a mother of two, who supplies domestic helps, had on April 5 alleged that she was raped by her landlord, Ramkumar, at the point of a knife when his wife was away. He was arrested on the basis of her complaint and sent to judicial custody, said police sources. Seema continued to stay in the same house. Soon after the arrest, Seema said, she started getting threats from Ramkumar’s family.

On Thursday evening, his wife, Sia Devi, allegedly barged into Seema’s room along with a some others and started abusing her for trying to malign Ramkumar. Sia also claimed that Seema has demanded Rs 2 lakh and a house for withdrawing the case. Shaken by the threats, Seema said, she went to the police station. "On my return, around 10pm, I found Sia had locked me out. When I protested, she abused me again."
malang and salim the bleeding hearts.......head to delhi......
Delhi: Neighbours beat up rape victim
12 Apr 2008, 0218 hrs IST,TNN

NEW DELHI: In an incident that led to public outrage and outpouring of sympathy from rights groups and the National Commission for Women, a 35-year-old alleged rape victim was thrashed by the family members and neighbours of the accused at east Delhi’s Mandawali on Thursday night.

Seema (name changed), a mother of two, who supplies domestic helps, had on April 5 alleged that she was raped by her landlord, Ramkumar, at the point of a knife when his wife was away. He was arrested on the basis of her complaint and sent to judicial custody, said police sources. Seema continued to stay in the same house. Soon after the arrest, Seema said, she started getting threats from Ramkumar’s family.

On Thursday evening, his wife, Sia Devi, allegedly barged into Seema’s room along with a some others and started abusing her for trying to malign Ramkumar. Sia also claimed that Seema has demanded Rs 2 lakh and a house for withdrawing the case. Shaken by the threats, Seema said, she went to the police station. "On my return, around 10pm, I found Sia had locked me out. When I protested, she abused me again."

This thread is about an incident in Pakistan.. please open a new thread for the Delhi incident.. ""Incidentally the woman was accused of filing a false case""

""Too bad the current event/social issue happened to portray Pak in a badlight... Are such events and issues in Pak's arch-rival nation? Yes.. do they get posted? Yes.. Should I bother posting them? we have some very active Pak members I would be doing them a disservice..""

Not to worry, Titanium has nothing intellectually to offer.

He is here merely to tote up his post value with inane and childish inanities!!

His personal attacks indicate that he is slighted to the quick and his intellectual deficiency angers him that he cannot refute with intelligent posts!!

I rather discuss with Agnostic, Mastan, Neo and Asim. From them, I can at leaast learn!!

But without having Om Prakash, Mukri and Mehmood would Indian film world be the same?

As Milton wrote - They also serve who stand and wait!! :)

And it appears that Titanium has a "standstill agreement with his brains!"

Not surprising! It is Titanium!!

It is time to get to real business.
Rape in any country and in any religious clime is condemnable.

What is so sensational about it.

I am sure many sane and educated Pakistanis would have been aggrieved and condemned all this mish mash about Honour rape as was done to Mukhtar Mai or the woman ravished and shamed in Blaoshistan by a Major.

Are the actions of these depraved souls the stamp of Pakistaniat?

I don't think so!
I don't care if this thing happens in every country of the world or just Pakistan.

It should not happen in my country. The only way to reduce this type of crime trend is to educate rural Pakistani society, and to empower women in these areas.
I don't care if this thing happens in every country of the world or just Pakistan.

It should not happen in my country. The only way to reduce this type of crime trend is to educate rural Pakistani society, and to empower women in these areas.

That is true, but then it takes time.

One must be patient and not expect miracles and sensationalise.

It requires a humane touch!!
Correct thou, but i would have loved to think of it as a discussion on honour killing or Raping issues, rather Malang posted a Rape Inncident in Pakistan to create a situation which shows his intent...


Pakistanis are Raping for Honour in very very isolated incidences... Should get hanged for it!

But INIDIANs are raping as a common practice like having a cup of tea in the afternoon!

Could this be a title for discussion on rape from an Indian!

Shame: Rape is India’s fastest growing crime

Rape is the fastest growing crime in the country, shows government data, even as reports of sexual crimes, including those against foreign tourists, continue to pour in from across India.

The latest crime statistics, pertaining to 2006, released by the Home Ministry’s National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) show that every hour 18 women become victims of crime. The number of rapes a day has increased nearly 700 per cent since 1971 — when such cases were first recorded by NCRB. It has grown from seven cases a day to 53.

The figure grew 5.5 per cent over the number of cases registered in 2005.

In comparison, all other crimes have grown by 300 per cent since 1953 when the NCRB started keeping records.

And these are just the cases that have been reported; the number of unreported cases is far higher.

There have been at least a dozen cases of molestation and rape of foreign tourists in the first couple of weeks of 2008. The latest was reported on Saturday — a British woman alleged that she was raped in Panaji. Worried over the sexual assaults on tourists, which has the potential to damage the tourism industry as well as the country’s image, the Centre has convened a meeting on January 24 with state governments to review their safety and security.

According to NCRB figures, among 35 cities with a population of more than a million, Delhi topped the list of crimes against women with 4,134 cases (nearly one-fifth of the total crimes against women). One-third of the rapes and a fifth of the molestations took place in the city. Hyderabad was second most dangerous for women with 1,755 cases.

Among the states, Andhra Pradesh had the highest number of crimes committed against women — 21,484 cases or 13 per cent of the total cases in 2006. Uttar Pradesh was a close second, with 9.9 per cent of such crimes. Madhya Pradesh reported the highest number of rape cases, at 2,900, and also molestation cases.

Records reveal that 7,618 women were killed for dowry in 2006, an increase of 12.2 per cent over 2005. Uttar Pradesh with 1,798 cases had the highest number of such deaths, followed by Bihar with 1,188 cases.

It is not a intent to fight but can't we all discuss without pointing in a direction we want to Mock!
I would think that rising rape cases are due to more women reporting rape, as they now realize that the culprits will get punished for it. In the past, it was the woman who used to get blamed, and get "shamed" in society. Now attitudes in south asia are finally changing.

girls in school should be taught to give a nice kick to the balls in case a man tries to rape her. women who work and walk home through ghetto areas where they are vulnerable to rape should carry pepper spray and always keep it in their hand while walking home.

It really doesn't matter if the crime happens more in India, but it is
absolutely shameful and also extremely disgraceful for this to happen in our society!

Ofcourse these perpretators must be lampooned for the heinous crime they have commited!

These brainless people who live in penury, will only give a bad name to our nation.

Allah Hafiz

It really doesn't matter if the crime happens more in India, but it is
absolutely shameful and also extremely disgraceful for this to happen in our society!

Shameful for who exactly? It's certainly no reflection on other Pakistanis that some groups of people find gang rape acceptable. This is a minority problem, as it is in any country, and one which noone will ever be able to eradicate, just as prostitution will never be totally eradicated. Gang rapes and prostitution have always been around, since the beginning of time.

Certainly it is nothing to feel shameful about for anyone not committed in the act itself. Discussing India's problem puts the Pakistani one in perspective and offers a comparative insight to highlight how bad the problem is within society, and indeed on the state of the society health itself.
This topic has turned into a battle between the Pakistani members and Indian members of this forum. As far as I am concerned rape, honour killings and other medieval acts are common in both India and Pakistan, and almost throughout the third world. The two main reason why these acts are allowed to happen is that no one is scared of the law, they know they can commit this act and get away with it, and the second reaason is lack of education. If our laws are enforced and we give these people education I can say that these acts will surely decrease.
This topic has turned into a battle between the Pakistani members and Indian members of this forum. As far as I am concerned rape, honour killings and other medieval acts are common in both India and Pakistan, and almost throughout the third world. The two main reason why these acts are allowed to happen is that no one is scared of the law, they know they can commit this act and get away with it, and the second reaason is lack of education. If our laws are enforced and we give these people education I can say that these acts will surely decrease.

Well said Mujahideen, I second that! :tup:

Morale: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

There's enough ***** and misery in both Pakistan and India to have endless debates but lets waste our time to degrade ourselves or this forum discussing who's the bigger loser.

I'd rather repair and build new bridges for future generations than burn the ones we already have.

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