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Same and worse happened when Chechen people came to Baku during Chechen war. They went to businesses and asked money. who didnt pay, got shoot and killed. They just forgot that actually Azerbaijani people are the boss of Mafia in whole Russia and Ukrain. within days, they killed whole members of them, and they understood that this is not Russia baby..
Arab-wannabe have always been enemy to Turks. AKP unfortunately giving huge support to these traitors.

I bet one of his ancestors were hanged by Atatürk because of cooperation with the enemies, keske o savasi kaybetseydik... and the brainless idiots there are quiet and keep listening him :hitwall:

His words dishonor the Martyres and Veterans of our Independence War, he dishonors the glorious Turkish flag.

"Her kimki Mustafa Kemal ve Kuvayi Milliye aleyhine fetva verip Düsmanlik yapar bilinki Damarlarinda kafir kani akar."
Sütcü İmam Ali
A teacher woman at 21 years old hanged herself on the eve of the Bayram(Ramadan Holiday) as she was not appointed to any school by the government; meantime, a man who graduated from Imam and Preacher school has 41 different jobs inlcuding a press chair in Turkish Airlines.

Unfortunately, Committing suicide has become ''solution'' among the desperation as recent news signs it for different ages at both genders.

Mehmet Kasım ,who is the head of the EU Harmonization Committee of the Grand National Assembly and the AKP representative for the city of Şanlıurfa, says Allah won't judge you in the afterlife because you have voted for us.

Also, he said Supporting Erdoğan is the requirement of the faith.


Avrupa Birliği Uyum Komisyonu Başkanı ve AK Parti Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Mehmet Kasım Gülpınar, 'Erdoğan'ı desteklemenin imanın gereği' olduğunu söyledi ve "Yarın mahşerde Allah'ın karşısına çıktığınız zaman, Allah o emaneti bize verdiğinizden dolayı size inşallah hiçbir hesap sormayacak" dedi.

The source: https://tr.sputniknews.com/turkiye/...i-kasim-gulpinar-yerel-secim-oy-allah-mahser/


...Suriye kuzeyinde PKK devletçiğinin batı parçasının kurulmasındaki hızlı gelişmeler.

...Fransız parlamentosunun dış ilişkiler komisyonu başkanı ve parlamento üyeleri geçen hafta Ayn İsa beldesinde SDG karargahını ziyaret ettiler.

...25 Mayıs'ta Avrupa Parlamentosundan parlamenterin olduğu bir Avrupa heyeti PYD bölgesine resmi bir ziyaret yaptı.

...Norveç krallığından bir heyet 02 Haziran'da Suriye kuzeydoğusunda SDG yönetimdeki yetkililer ile bir araya geldi.

...İsrail ile SDG arasında Suriye Kürdistan'ının kurulması için Barzani bölgesinde Mayıs ayı ortalarında gizli görüşmeler yapıldığı haberleri de var.


The source: https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/suriyede-pkk-devletcigine-siyasi-tanima-52166yy.htm

Norwegian throne representatives, EU parliaments, French parliaments, Israeli officials visit PKK/YPG terrorists in Syria.

Meantime, What is the AKP and Erdoğan doing?
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After seeing the traitorous actions of AKP over the past few months all I can say is that we need change.

These motherf*ckers are hellbent on destroying our nation and they know that if they lose power they will all be either hanged or jailed. You would need a thousand page book to list all the heinous things which they have done. Yet due to brainwashing half of our nation is oblivious to true nature of AKP.

Right now our enemies are getting support from our so called allies. And what are we doing about it? Instead of working together against all enemies like Imamoğlu suggested, all AKP is doing is throwing immature insults at the opposition. After getting in bed with Ocalan now we have started an operation in Iraq... presumably to regain nationalist votes. I'm telling you right now if CHP was running this country Kandil would be flattened because unlike AKP they won't take orders from "daddy America" and even more importantly they won't tell the military what to do. They will let the military act by itself and therefore you will see unrestrained military action.

The ball is rolling. I just wonder how much longer we have to wait. I hate seeing our army in chains. I hate seeing wolves being led by sheep.
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After seeing the traitorous actions of AKP over the past few months all I can say is that we need change.

These motherf*ckers are hellbent on destroying our nation and they know that if they lose power they will all be either hanged or jailed. You would need a thousand page book to list all the heinous things which they have done. Yet due to brainwashing half of our nation is oblivious to true nature of AKP.

Right now our enemies are getting support from our so called allies. And what are we doing about it? Instead of working together against all enemies like Imamoğlu suggested, all AKP is doing is throwing immature insults at the opposition. After getting in bed with Ocalan now we have started an operation in Iraq... presumably to regain nationalist votes. I'm telling you right now if CHP was running this country Kandil would be flattened because unlike AKP they won't take orders from "daddy America" and even more importantly they won't tell the military what to do. They will let the military act by itself and therefore you will see unrestrained military action.

The ball is rolling. I just wonder how much longer we have to wait. I hate seeing our army in chains. I hate seeing wolves being led by sheep.

I dont think those tactics would work the only excuse Erdogan had but lost was the economy now that's gone people voted him for that they were at disgust what he said but you know if money coming keep mouth shut I think Turkey has a bright future but needs to get the AKP out
No idea

Because Jews were allowed to practice their religion in the Ottoman empire and Sultan Erdogan is the man who will reestablish the empire. Well that's what an AKP fanatic will say.. or just blame CHP for it.

They can just give a room to them to be honest. Same for the Muslims no need for a mosque or a synagogue.

Welcoming the Jews was the biggest mistake in history.

Remember Arabs and Jews are semites they are made for each other. Thats why they are blasting each other ever since the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Thats what they get for betrayal.

I bet one of his ancestors were hanged by Atatürk because of cooperation with the enemies, keske o savasi kaybetseydik... and the brainless idiots there are quiet and keep listening him :hitwall:

His words dishonor the Martyres and Veterans of our Independence War, he dishonors the glorious Turkish flag.

"Her kimki Mustafa Kemal ve Kuvayi Milliye aleyhine fetva verip Düsmanlik yapar bilinki Damarlarinda kafir kani akar."
Sütcü İmam Ali

When are people going to get into their thick heads that the Ottoman Empire lost ww1 and collapsed with the last sultan basically being a captive to the Allied forces??

Ottoman Empire collapsed as a Muslim it is Allah's will if so many Islamic and Turkic Empires collapsed there was a reason.

Empires are just like us Humans. We are born, grow up, reach our prime after that we weaken then die.

Ottoman Empire collapsed due to numerous factors it is not Ataturk or whoever it was. I find it ridiculous to blame one guy for the collapse because before Ataturk was born the Ottoman Empire was known as the Sickman of Europe.

World War 1 was a gamble which the Ottoman government took hopefully to regain lost lands along with prestige also getting revenge on Britain which backfired. I think even if Ww1 did not happen the Ottoman Empire would still collapse.

Before ww1 there was 3 empires that were destined to collapse that was the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire.

Ataturk was just a soldier who serviced the empire until the end and has a decorated career the medals all prove it. He was doing his best to save the Empire until the end nothing could be saved only thing that mattered was the Anatolian heartland which was the home of the Turks since Alparslan was under threat!!!

He saved the heartland and made an independant country on the ashes of a dead empire how many people were able to achieve this especially at time of Western-European colonialism.
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. I'm telling you right now if CHP was running this country Kandil would be flattened because unlike AKP they won't take orders from "daddy America"

Lol.....CHP will want to show they are different form the fasict AKP and give concession to YPG/PKK to please US and Europe.
I want AKP to lost, they deserve it, but don't kid yourself....even Ekrem Imamoglu praise Demirtas to court Kurdish's supporting HDP.
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