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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I dont know I strongly belive in the fact that we need a dedicated CAS aircraft like A-10 or SU-25! something tougher than armed Hürküş or ATAK!

ypg terrorists have been transformed to pro-regime forces.
According to France24:
Besher Assad :
SAA has entered and moving forward inspite of Turkish warning and shelling.
Turkey has been supporting terror groups in SYria such as Al-Nusra front.
Turkey never supported HTS (Al-Nusra) in Syria. Turkey was (and is) arming FSA units against ISIS and HTS. HTS will be removed after Afrin operation. Ahrar Al-Şam and Zinki, together with 10s of small FSA froups formed new faction against HTS (Al-Nusra) in Idlib, with the support of Turkey.

You have no idea about Turkey's role in Idlib. You cannot blame us to support HTS terrorists while we are actually arming HTS's enemies.

Yes you back terrorists. The groups who sides with PKK/PYD terrorists againat Turkish Army is also considered as terrorist in our terminology and they will be reaponded same way terrorista deserve.

Our policy is to keep Syria as whole , YPG/PKK/PYD were lesser evil version of Al Nusrah and ISIS for us , SAA have to put them under control in any way and any time ...
Thanks to Turkey , our allied force don't need to put them in line by force .... if you think we really care about them , then you are wrong ...
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