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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Thats a shame, source?

It turned up on AFP, which is quoting CNN.

---------- Post added at 10:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:24 PM ----------

I guess the Turks are having second thoughts..
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will not ride in an aid flotilla bound for Gaza, the country's foreign minister told CNN Sunday.

"No. No. No, no, no, no. Prime Minister Erdogan doesn't have such an intention," Ahmet Davutoglu said in an interview, nearly a week after nine civilians were killed in an Israeli raid on a previous flotilla.

He stressed that the aid shipment was "absolutely" an effort of aid groups and not sponsored by the Turkish government.
"As the Turkish government, we didn't encourage them, but it was a civilian activity," he said.

But, Davutoglu said, Turkey was concerned about the use of force against its civilians.

"If there is a new attempt again within the framework of this civilian approach, we cannot say anything against them. But if another country attacks this civilian convoy and kills our citizens, of course, we have full right to ask why," he said.

and people were discussing possible war and weapons etc.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will not ride in an aid flotilla bound for Gaza, the country's foreign minister told CNN Sunday.

"No. No. No, no, no, no. Prime Minister Erdogan doesn't have such an intention," Ahmet Davutoglu said in an interview, nearly a week after nine civilians were killed in an Israeli raid on a previous flotilla.

He stressed that the aid shipment was "absolutely" an effort of aid groups and not sponsored by the Turkish government.
"As the Turkish government, we didn't encourage them, but it was a civilian activity," he said.

But, Davutoglu said, Turkey was concerned about the use of force against its civilians.

"If there is a new attempt again within the framework of this civilian approach, we cannot say anything against them. But if another country attacks this civilian convoy and kills our citizens, of course, we have full right to ask why," he said.

thats it...end of the dream Erdogan leading a flotilla to Gaza.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Turkish PM mulls over joining Gaza aid flotilla backed by Turkish Navy

TURKISH Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was considering sailing to the Gaza Strip as part of an aid flotilla backed by the Turkish Navy.

Lebanese newspaper al Mustaqbal quoted security sources as saying that Mr Erdogan was pondering the move in order to break the barrier imposed against Gaza by Israel.

It said that "as part of the open conflict between Turkey and Israel following the massacre against the 'freedom sail' to Gaza and the protest sparked in the world, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is considering going to Gaza himself in order to break the blockade imposed on the Strip."

The sources said Erdogan raised the option in discussions with associates.

The report added that the Turkish leader also told the U.S. that he planned to ask his navy to escort another aid flotilla - but officials in Washington asked him to delay the plan in order to look into the matter.

The move followed strong criticism of Israel by Erdogan after Israeli armed forces killed several people on board an aid flotilla Monday, sparking widespread international condemnation.

When the possibility of Erdogan joining a flotilla was posed to Mark Regev, the spokesman for the Israeli prime minister, he said such a move was not a "realistic scenario" and dismissed it outright.

"Some of these reports must be taken with a grain of salt ... I am not sure that is a realistic scenario," he told Sky News.

"I prefer that we sort these things out peacefully. Nobody wants any saber-rattling. It does not do any good," said Regev.

Turkish PM mulls over joining Gaza aid flotilla backed by Turkish Navy | News.com.au
The original story of Turkish PM sailing to Gaza with aid convoy and navy never had any authenticity to begin with. There were no official quotes. Such stories are often floated in times as these. It could also have been a pressure building tactic against Israel.
Well Turkey had to stop the rhetorics at some point, else it would have gone out of their hands. If anyone expected Turks will wage war on Israel he was living in fools dream. I mean come on, they never gave two hoots about Gaza before. This new found love can be only explained by Erdogan's commitment to internal politics. I think the only reason Turk would want to involve in Gaja conflict if they want to make themselves more credible to Arab world, but historically they are more aligned to Europe, even if Erdogan has some other plan in his mind, Turks armed forces will never allow it to happen.

Nothing to undermine Palestinians plight, but all these incidents dont make much sense.
So it now happened as I was telling before. back door pressure and no PMs on any flotillas.
Turkey going to war with Israel neither makes sense nor it benefits the supresd palesitnians. it will never be good for turkey as well. they are doing great by keeping pressure deplomatically, that will give alot more positive result than the war.
I think Pakistan should join turkish PM...........along with some NSSG...??

Turkey going to war with Israel neither makes sense nor it benefits the supresd palesitnians. it will never be good for turkey as well. they are doing great by keeping pressure deplomatically, that will give alot more positive result than the war.

Exactly! only way turks can help palesitnians is if they can pressurize uncle sam. Uncle holds the key to middle-easts peace.
Turkey is not going to war, its just going to feed Palestinians.
Turkey is not going to war, its just going to feed Palestinians.

An Armed intervention seems must because feeding the people of Gaza looks a job too difficult for simple Humanitarian workers. (We already saw what happened with the freedom flotilla)
An Armed intervention seems must because feeding the people of Gaza looks a job too difficult for simple Humanitarian workers. (We already saw what happened with the freedom flotilla)

Well as per Israeli official sources, they are letting through a certain amount of food and basic necessity items. They are scanning all the incoming aid to check whether some arms has been smuggled through for Hamas, which they wont like for obvious reasons.

Aid has been going through and will keep going through to Gaza. If the cursed flotilla commander would have agreed to cooperate the Israeli commandos then these ill fate would not have happened.

I am strictly against any armed conflicts in that region as that would do people of Gaza more harm.

Again, please pardon my ignorance, but is it common to have a couple of journalists on board in each aid ship? Or is it that they wanted to showcase this incident by having some?
Well as per Israeli official sources, they are letting through a certain amount of food and basic necessity items. They are scanning all the incoming aid to check whether some arms has been smuggled through for Hamas, which they wont like for obvious reasons.

Aid has been going through and will keep going through to Gaza. If the cursed flotilla commander would have agreed to cooperate the Israeli commandos then these ill fate would not have happened.

I am strictly against any armed conflicts in that region as that would do people of Gaza more harm.

Again, please pardon my ignorance, but is it common to have a couple of journalists on board in each aid ship? Or is it that they wanted to showcase this incident by having some?
Whats wrong in showcasing a good deed? I mean pro-Israelis complain why they are getting caught committing human rights abuses.

The cameras prevent them from going too.

There is a constant attempt by the pro-Israeli gang to cheapen the efforts of the people to feed and cloth Palestinians.

It wreaks of propaganda.

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