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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

let me assure you that we are not oblivious of the plight of the Palestinians. However, unlike palestininas and arabs i don’t think driving the Jews to the sea is the solution. Israelis have always been ready to negotiate, but the Palestinians want nothing short of destruction of Israel.

yes people are calling israelis cruel , becoz they are the victims of false propaganda.

What concerns me is why you are so worried about the Palestinians and not about other Muslims that are being butchered by fellow Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, etc?

Palestinians under the leadership of Fatah has always recognized israel as a country, Hamas recognizes it as long as the border goes to the one in 1967. on the other hand, the far right Liberman's party never ever recognizes palestine as a country and has categorically said that they will never see a future palestinian country, the same thing is position of Lekud party, both of these parties are in power at the moment. Labour and Kadema recognizes palestine as a country in the future, but they have never stopped illegal settlmetn constructions which is making the process of 2 state solution incridibley difficult, do you know how much the palestinians are harrased and abused on daily basis by the extremest settlers? even tony blair recognized this in his trip to the west bank. and yes, i know about the jews who were expelled from the arab countries which is equally cruel, but you should know that it was israel too that expelled hundreds of thousands and took their homes, ever wondered where those palestinians in jordan, egypt and lebanon and other countries have come from? your claim of honest negotiations by israel is nothing but a made up senario which is not acceptable to any sane mind.

Hamas is party of freedom fighter. They have been fighting against terrorist killer for last 60 years. They have all the right to defend their motherland.

When I see Bharati support Zionist then Maoist action justify against you bloody Terrorist.

So ROC is a freedom loving nation, so is Nepal, so are the Uighurs and people of the TAR
Give you an example:

There used to be a Ruthless hindu regime in a country almost 1200 years ago.

They Burnt women alive along with their dead husband , they treated poor like dogs who couldn't even hear the voice of the elite if so they would be Punished .

They used to bury their female kids alive and felt ashamed of having one , they fought amongst themselves and Killed people majority of those "untouchables".

The Evil regime went on for thousands of years oppressing the poor and discriminating against them.

Then they were taken over by another Nation who believed in equality , Justice and harmony for a thousand years.

But the Evil regime came back again somehow now they are Killing mass amount of people in Kashmir , they still are doing what they were doing before.

Burning places of worship , Demolishing the mosques , Taking away the resources of those who are weak.

They support another Evil regime of Israel whatsoever , should i say worship them.

But the evil regimes are going to an end one day --by someone--:china:

By god's grace this raja cannot be compared to Ikhtiyaruddin Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khalji..

The greatest example of castrated bigoted Islamic fundamentalist of all times...

Kameenapan koi isse sikhe....

He owes an answer to the Buddhits of India....
if we gave Plastine to israel. Then war gonna end? No and never then the main war just begin. To stop this war we dont give the land of Plastine to Jews. Remember israel dont support india too they just using you..
Give you an example:

There used to be a Ruthless hindu regime in a country almost 1200 years ago.

They Burnt women alive along with their dead husband , they treated poor like dogs who couldn't even hear the voice of the elite if so they would be Punished .

They used to bury their female kids alive and felt ashamed of having one , they fought amongst themselves and Killed people majority of those "untouchables".

The Evil regime went on for thousands of years oppressing the poor and discriminating against them.

Then they were taken over by another Nation who believed in equality , Justice and harmony for a thousand years.

But the Evil regime came back again somehow now they are Killing mass amount of people in Kashmir , they still are doing what they were doing before.

Burning places of worship , Demolishing the mosques , Taking away the resources of those who are weak.

They support another Evil regime of Israel whatsoever , should i say worship them.

But the evil regimes are going to an end one day --by someone--:china:

every beleief has some good aspects and some bad aspects.caste system in india was a social evil , just like racism in west. and steps have been taken over the years to curb this evil with great success.
although it has nothing to do with the religion.
however Islamic judicial system (Shariaat or Hudud laws) is loaded with cruelty, barbaric, uncivilized and draconian punishment for even simple crime like stealing an apple to eat,
listening songs or music, shaving beards or not putting hijab for women.
Quran emphatically orders Muslim ruler to chop hands and feet for simple stealing of some meager amounts of foods!
This is the only reason we have seen so much draconian punishments in Islamic Afghanistan, Iran , Sudan , Nigeria and Saudi Arabia
Muslims are killing Muslims.
Because, cruelty and killings, beheadings, stoning death all are the hall mark of Islamic judicial system.
Please give us just one Islamic kingdom (from present or past) in which peace and tranquility was prevailing because of Islamic rule.

Now, let us suppose everyone converts to Islam. Will this end the bloodshed?
Of course not!
Despite the fact that hundreds of millions of people have been
killed by Muslims during these 1400 years, this number thwarts in comparison
to the number of Muslims that have been put to death by fellow Muslims of
other sects.
Muslims kill more Muslims than they kill non-Muslims. If ever the
world is converted to Islam, these bloodsheds over whose interpretation of the
Qur'an and Hadith is correct will only augment and mankind will be ushered
into an era of perpetual killing and mayhem. This means the end of civilization
and return to barbarity.
We can clearly see that Islamic countries are barbaric. However, the West still
exerts a powerful influence on Muslims and holds them from reverting to total
Muslims want to impress the West and therefore they feign civility.
To Muslims, image is everything. Once the whole world becomes Islamic, this planet will
become the planet of apes.
The extremists will be emboldened and the insanity
that now is reigning in Islamic countries will be magnified a hundred fold,
civilization will end and dark ages will begin. Imagine the entire world ruled by
invigorated Taliban! They were the only Muslims who did not care about the
opinion of the world. Even the wicked Iranian Mullahs and the Saudis are
concerned about their image. Since there is no possibility of dissent in Islam
and learning any knowledge contrary to the Qur’an is strictly prohibited, the
dark age imposed by Islam will never end.
The Islamic mentality of might in right will disallow any thinking person to express his views and this planet will
be doomed. :hang2:
Last edited:
These verses are for those jews who will be the enemy of Muslims... Surely Israel is the Enemy of Islam....

So to maintain Peace, Israel should start to maintain peace in Palestine otherwise it will keep on facing the threats and attacks that its facing today....

With the hate-verses calling for Genocide of Jews embedded in Islamic literature, even if Israel wants to maintain peace, You will kill the Jews just to fulfill Islamic prophecy.

You see how senseless, arrogant you people are.
With the hate-verses calling for Genocide of Jews embedded in Islamic literature, even if Israel wants to maintain peace, You will kill the Jews just to fulfill Islamic prophecy.

You see how senseless, arrogant you people are.

We fight to defend ourselves unlike those Israelis who attack Aid Ships.

Of course this will lead to Islamic prophecy, you nut. You read one Surah and you're generalizing that we are "senseless and arrogant", but in the end, it's is you who is arrogant and senseless.

And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit. [Qur'an 29:46]

As you can see, all Jews aren't the target. Only those who act like retards shooting everything in sight.

Not all of them are alike; a party of the people of the Scripture stand for the right, they recite the Verses of God during the hours of the night, prostrating themselves in prayer. They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin Al-Ma'rûf and forbid Al-Munkar ; and they hasten in (all) good works; and they are among the righteous. And whatever good they do, nothing will be rejected of them; for God knows well those who are Al-Muttaqûn .(3:113-115 Quran)

Read these Surahs and interpret the truth, not that bullshit genocidal crap the media loves to feed you.

Verily! Those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve . [Qur'an 2:62]
Lol why do you guys quote from Quran - Why cannot you quote something from Pure Logic and Reason - Keep your religion to yourself guys
The way indians are playing with our senti's here by openly supporting israel
I think now All of the Pakistani members here should support Naxalites\Maoists.

They call palestinian (freedom fighters) terrorists and supports israel
We should call Maoists freedom fighters and India a terrorist state

Forget abt peace Lets have tit for tat and hit where it hurts the most.

Indians would you be happy if we support Maoists?
Twelve Reasons for the International Community to Bomb Israel

Wednesday June 02 2010 23:03:29 PM BDT

By Yamin Zakaria , UK

"Maybe because we all grew used to seeing the Israelis kill Arabs, maybe the Israelis grew used to killing Arabs. Now they kill Turks" (Robert Fisk)

1--Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction; Iran or any of the other peaceful countries in the region does not have any nuclear weapons, except Israel.

2---Israel refuses to become a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and denies international inspection of its nuclear weapons; the recent declassified documents shows Israel offered nuclear weapons to the old apartheid regime of South Africa. One can see Israel’s natural affinity towards another racist regime; it is a clear threat to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

3---Iran has not attacked any of its neighbours, whereas Israel has constantly attacked its neighbour, and repeatedly in some cases, killing thousands of innocent civilians. It has now sent two of its submarine equipped with nuclear weapons to the coast of Iran. In the words of Norman Finkelstein, Israel is a lunatic state, armed with nuclear weapons, constitutes a real threat to the peace and security in the region.

4---Israel has been violating UN resolutions almost from its illegitimate birth in 1948, and it continues to steal lands by building illegal settlement in the West Bank. Israel is a bastard child that fails to see the legitimate fathers of the land; they are the Palestinians.

5---Israel operates like the criminal mafia organisation, resorts to cowardly assassination; recently it murdered the Hamas commander in Dubai, and earlier Sheikh Ahmed Yasin.

6---The Gaza slaughter in 2009 has been certified as a war crime by the UN Judge, Richard Goldstein, where Israel broke the norms of warfare and used chemical weapons on the civilian population, attacked ambulances carrying the dead and injured. They killed 1500 Palestinians, bulk of them innocent women and children.

7--Israels disregard for the UN goes beyond ignoring UN resolutions; it attacked the UN compound during the carnage in Gaza. It also attacked and killed Journalists.

8---Israel has an official policy of ethnic cleansing; accordingly, it systematically targets Palestinian women and children. This is partly because the Palestinian population is growing at a much faster rate, and the Israelis cannot compete on demographic front, perhaps the Zionist seeds are weak; this is compounded by a religion that emphasises on racial exclusivity.

9---Israel is not the democracy of the Middle East, but symbolises tyranny and oppression that has no place in the civilised world. It regularly demolishes Palestinian homes and continues to prevent the building of basic facilities; thus, deprive them of the most basic human rights. Far from being a democracy, Israel displays all the traits of a Fascist state that has no regard for anyone else.

10---Israel is a racist state that practices hate and intolerance of non-Jews. The policy of the right to return means, any Jew can come and occupy the Arab land, whereas the Palestinians displaced in 1948 cannot return, which is a clear violation of international law.

11---Israel is responsible for creating the largest concentration camp of Gaza by the illegal blockade placed over it for the last three years, which the Amnesty International has called a flagrant violation of international law. It defies belief that these were the people put in concentration camp by the Nazis only 60 years ago, yet they find it so easy to treat other human beings in a similar way.

12---Now, Israel has shamefully attacked a peace convoy in international water, killing innocent peace activists carrying aid for the desperate people of Gaza. Subsequently, Israeli authority imprisoned the activists, which is akin to holding them as hostages.

Why was there a need to conduct the raid in the middle of the night using live ammunition, instead of rubber bullets? Those boats would have come to the ports, and the Israelis could have easily inspected the boats for weapons. In any case, the boats had already passed through several European ports and cleared by customs. Maybe Israel has become accustomed to attacking the weak and defenceless, but it is the shame in seeing that many people around the world coming to break the criminal siege of Gaza that prompted the shameless Israelis to react in a shameful way.

If this were Iran or any other Muslim nation, condemnation would have been swift; the US would have been preparing to send bombing raids, the politicians and the media would have made the usual howling noise about terrorism and militancy, demonising the entire civilisation of Islam. The initial reaction from the US shows great caution, rather than a single word of condemnation for the murderous acts of Israel.

So, where is the will of the international community now? The arrogant US always talks as the ‘international community’ when it speaks to Iran. However, the real international community has spoken today in response to Israeli terrorism and piracy, as they did over the Gaza carnage. Will the UN Security Council reflect the voice of the real international community now? Unlikely, because the US will most likely use its veto power to protect the tiny pariah nation, and ignore the voice of the majority nations, in line with its democratic credential!

A military response of Israel needs to be met with a military response, and it would be within Turkey’s right to bomb Tel-Aviv. At the very least, Turkey should demand compensation, UN sanctions, and the extradition of the Israeli soldiers responsible for the crimes committed in the international waters.

Peace cannot take place without justice; Israel is an obvious obstacle to peace. It is time for the real international community to demand the current international trend of bombing a nation, to bring about a regime change. Israel has committed war crimes, state terrorism, piracy, theft of land, murder of innocent civilians, assassination, ethnic cleansing. Why should it be any different for Israel? Bringing Israel to account would be the first step to bring about real justice, which would allow real peace to prevail in the region.

Yamin Zakaria
E Mail : yamin@radicalviews.org
London, UK
Published 1/06/2010
A Moderate View in a Radical World


What about the innocent Isrealies should they also be bombed ? or just becoz they are jew they deserve to Die...
There will not be a war between Turkey and Israel, but the Turkish people will NEVER EVER forget what Israel have done. An Indian kid was talking about us here and said that we were only 'barking'. What do you want us to do? Attack Israel? Just shut up already. Turkey is the only country that sent threat after threat to Israel, and we will stand up to these terrorists if need be. The Turkish nation was not handed over a piece of land, technology, money and resources when it was re-built after the WWI. We are where we are because of who we are. We are not going to be bullied by the Israeli dogs in any way, shape or form. At this very moment, the Turkish people feel so much hatred against Israel, Israelis should be dead scared. Underestimating the Turkish nation will be the biggest mistake Israel will ever make, and have made.
Twelve Reasons for the International Community to Bomb Israel

Wednesday June 02 2010 23:03:29 PM BDT

By Yamin Zakaria , UK

"Maybe because we all grew used to seeing the Israelis kill Arabs, maybe the Israelis grew used to killing Arabs. Now they kill Turks" (Robert Fisk)

1--Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction; Iran or any of the other peaceful countries in the region does not have any nuclear weapons, except Israel.

2---Israel refuses to become a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and denies international inspection of its nuclear weapons; the recent declassified documents shows Israel offered nuclear weapons to the old apartheid regime of South Africa. One can see Israel’s natural affinity towards another racist regime; it is a clear threat to the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

3---Iran has not attacked any of its neighbours, whereas Israel has constantly attacked its neighbour, and repeatedly in some cases, killing thousands of innocent civilians. It has now sent two of its submarine equipped with nuclear weapons to the coast of Iran. In the words of Norman Finkelstein, Israel is a lunatic state, armed with nuclear weapons, constitutes a real threat to the peace and security in the region.

4---Israel has been violating UN resolutions almost from its illegitimate birth in 1948, and it continues to steal lands by building illegal settlement in the West Bank. Israel is a bastard child that fails to see the legitimate fathers of the land; they are the Palestinians.

5---Israel operates like the criminal mafia organisation, resorts to cowardly assassination; recently it murdered the Hamas commander in Dubai, and earlier Sheikh Ahmed Yasin.

6---The Gaza slaughter in 2009 has been certified as a war crime by the UN Judge, Richard Goldstein, where Israel broke the norms of warfare and used chemical weapons on the civilian population, attacked ambulances carrying the dead and injured. They killed 1500 Palestinians, bulk of them innocent women and children.

7--Israels disregard for the UN goes beyond ignoring UN resolutions; it attacked the UN compound during the carnage in Gaza. It also attacked and killed Journalists.

8---Israel has an official policy of ethnic cleansing; accordingly, it systematically targets Palestinian women and children. This is partly because the Palestinian population is growing at a much faster rate, and the Israelis cannot compete on demographic front, perhaps the Zionist seeds are weak; this is compounded by a religion that emphasises on racial exclusivity.

9---Israel is not the democracy of the Middle East, but symbolises tyranny and oppression that has no place in the civilised world. It regularly demolishes Palestinian homes and continues to prevent the building of basic facilities; thus, deprive them of the most basic human rights. Far from being a democracy, Israel displays all the traits of a Fascist state that has no regard for anyone else.

10---Israel is a racist state that practices hate and intolerance of non-Jews. The policy of the right to return means, any Jew can come and occupy the Arab land, whereas the Palestinians displaced in 1948 cannot return, which is a clear violation of international law.

11---Israel is responsible for creating the largest concentration camp of Gaza by the illegal blockade placed over it for the last three years, which the Amnesty International has called a flagrant violation of international law. It defies belief that these were the people put in concentration camp by the Nazis only 60 years ago, yet they find it so easy to treat other human beings in a similar way.

12---Now, Israel has shamefully attacked a peace convoy in international water, killing innocent peace activists carrying aid for the desperate people of Gaza. Subsequently, Israeli authority imprisoned the activists, which is akin to holding them as hostages.

Why was there a need to conduct the raid in the middle of the night using live ammunition, instead of rubber bullets? Those boats would have come to the ports, and the Israelis could have easily inspected the boats for weapons. In any case, the boats had already passed through several European ports and cleared by customs. Maybe Israel has become accustomed to attacking the weak and defenceless, but it is the shame in seeing that many people around the world coming to break the criminal siege of Gaza that prompted the shameless Israelis to react in a shameful way.

If this were Iran or any other Muslim nation, condemnation would have been swift; the US would have been preparing to send bombing raids, the politicians and the media would have made the usual howling noise about terrorism and militancy, demonising the entire civilisation of Islam. The initial reaction from the US shows great caution, rather than a single word of condemnation for the murderous acts of Israel.

So, where is the will of the international community now? The arrogant US always talks as the ‘international community’ when it speaks to Iran. However, the real international community has spoken today in response to Israeli terrorism and piracy, as they did over the Gaza carnage. Will the UN Security Council reflect the voice of the real international community now? Unlikely, because the US will most likely use its veto power to protect the tiny pariah nation, and ignore the voice of the majority nations, in line with its democratic credential!

A military response of Israel needs to be met with a military response, and it would be within Turkey’s right to bomb Tel-Aviv. At the very least, Turkey should demand compensation, UN sanctions, and the extradition of the Israeli soldiers responsible for the crimes committed in the international waters.

Peace cannot take place without justice; Israel is an obvious obstacle to peace. It is time for the real international community to demand the current international trend of bombing a nation, to bring about a regime change. Israel has committed war crimes, state terrorism, piracy, theft of land, murder of innocent civilians, assassination, ethnic cleansing. Why should it be any different for Israel? Bringing Israel to account would be the first step to bring about real justice, which would allow real peace to prevail in the region.

Yamin Zakaria
E Mail : yamin@radicalviews.org
London, UK
Published 1/06/2010
A Moderate View in a Radical World


the author of this article is a lunatic hatemonger.

we can check more of his debates here Yamin Zakaria | Faithfreedom.org
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