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Turkish Hackers Take Down Indian Govt. Tourism Website To Express Solidarity With Pakistan

Then, You perefer money over the humanity and the Islam.

In a single post, you collapse the whole pages and messages here, thanks for honesty.

Money?? My home is in china my future wife future children. I grew up in china. I share a bond with china. Never visited turkey but i loved 7 years in china plan to move there again soon.

My allegence is from the times i was a school boy , jf 17 was called super 7, J-20 was called j-xx

China was developing. My personal bond with china is old but not as old as Chinaz bond with pakistan which is 80 years.

You view china as replacement of usa masters. I view china for china it has always been there for me and my people.

Im the most pro chinese pakistani you will meet. And im very transparent about it. Money holds no value for me . Allah has given me more than enough.

Allegiance brotherhood liyalty to friends and intersts of ur country have no monetary value.

Quit looking at china via CPEC spectrum. There will be 100s of CPEC type things with chinese.

You think so small dude.

Then, You perefer money over the humanity and the Islam.

In a single post, you collapse the whole pages and messages here, thanks for honesty.


I see the respect and love.
Oh my God! So you are one of those types... Capital T.

I use capital Letters for Creator's name only mostly unless auto correct corrects it. U seem like a troll to me.
Money?? My home is in china my future wife future children. I grew up in china. I share a bond with china. Never visited turkey but i loved 7 years in china plan to move there again soon.

My allegence is from the times i was a school boy , jf 17 was called super 7, J-20 was called j-xx

China was developing. My personal bond with china is old but not as old as Chinaz bond with pakistan which is 80 years.

You view china as replacement of usa masters. I view china for china it has always been there for me and my people.

Im the most pro chinese pakistani you will meet. And im very transparent about it. Money holds no value for me . Allah has given me more than enough.

Allegiance brotherhood liyalty to friends and intersts of ur country have no monetary value.

Quit looking at china via CPEC spectrum. There will be 100s of CPEC type things with chinese.

You think so small dude.

As they say you cannot buy happiness with money, like Faith and Morality.

At least do not open such threads after such confessions for the sake of Morality despite our unconditional support, if any.

Oh my God! So you are one of those types... Capital T.

I use capital Letters for Creator's name only mostly unless auto correct corrects it. U seem like a troll to me.

The sepaking or writing is reflection of quality in intelligence, respect, morality etc.

You seem hypocrite to me with two contradictive remarks in minutes.
Then, You perefer money over the humanity and the Islam.

In a single post, you collapse the whole pages and messages here, thanks for honesty.

With much respect, you must understand that our moderators are not in any form biased in favor of Chinese; we and they have nothing to gain from it, you saw how sensitive and emotional the average Pakistani on this forum can get but how objective throughout it the moderators stay, we respect them much for this. They have been closing threads, both, by Chinese and Turkish people that have become a platform for attacking each other and saying extremely vulgar stuff (i.e. about ''Uighur Detention Camps'', or ''Genocide''), if such posts regarding ''Detention Camps'' are allowed, would you be willing to allow ''Genocide'' posts to maintain objectivity? Nonetheless, I have confidence however that it is for only a limited time. I encourage you to take your complaint to GHQ part.

And this isn't about money. Turkey has been a brother to us in time of need just like China has been a friend, although I would argue Turkey is closer. But I believe the reason for threads closing is because of the drama and vulgar between the two communities on the forum. Like I said, I am confident they will re-allow it once its calmer because friendly and clean environment on this forum needs to be made. Again, I encourage you to take this to GHQ sub-forum.

@The Eagle @waz
As they say you cannot buy happiness with money, like Faith and Morality.

At least do not open such threads after such confessions for the sake of Morality despite our unconditional support, if any.

The sepaking or writing is reflection of quality in intelligence, respect, morality etc.

You seem hypocrite to me with two contradictive remarks in minutes.

Hmm thats your opinion. Lets hope u will find out oneday if u are intersted.
Anyways my interst lies with pakistan.

Thanks to them and all other brothers, Bangladeshi ,Azeri, Turks, Nepal, Sri Lanka,Somalia who are supporting Pakistan's stance on social media giving tough time to Indian propaganda machine.
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