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Turkish constitutional referendum 2017 - News, Update & Discussion

Turkey today have joined the authoritarian club. along with Iran Saudi arabia Russia Venezuela zimbabwe china. welcome on board.
erdogan said that we will offer penalty death to our people
new a referandum is coming
this times ,the result will come out %70 and over:-)
This guy in the pic below is Ak Fazlul Haq who was a prominent Bengali statesmen, former Chief minister of bengal province and one of founding leaders of Pakistan:

There is a very famous quote from him in which he is addressing bengali Muslims in pre-partition hindu India :
" If you Muslims ever see hindu newspapers praising me know that I have harmed interest of Muslims but if you see them condemning me know that I have done something good for Muslims".

This quote perfectly describes Western reaction to Turkish referendum. The virulent opposition of west IMO proves that the referendum changes are good for Turkish Muslims. :D @HAKIKAT @tesla @Max @Al-zakir @azzo @AUz
So what, everyone who voted "Yes" is a real Muslim, and those who voted against it are kufars and traitors? At least that's what a Jihadi Radical Muslim from Bangladesh thinks about it so it must be right I guess. It doesn't matter that Turkey, it's history, it's economy, society, politics, traditions and even Islam that is being practiced by the majority are different than in Bangladesh (for what we should thank Allah and our great leaders of the past everyday). :D

@Luffy 500, how many times have you been in Turkey and how many turks with different views on life you know personally? I see that for you everyone who is not as backward and radical as you is a western kafir slave or something but for one to be a Muslim it is not needed to be a person like you... People who are always parading with how good are they at something or how much better are they than others are usually just insecure and are looking for people's respect... for things they don't have.
I really would want to know your opinions. What's next ? @T-123456 @Sinan @Deliorman @xenon54
Well,nothing much really.
The relations with Europe will be good again(he won,no more evil Nazi Europe).
He wont leave NATO,some new reforms(military,school system etc) maybe,a new deal with the PKK probably.
Some more mosques(we dont have enough,only 84.684+).
For those jumping on the Kurd card too fast... Enjoy
Votes in Kurdish majority towns, huge increase for Erdogan - Red: June 2015 elex - Yellow: November 2015 elex - Blue: 2017 referendum

Seems it was the Kurds who made it Happen... :)
An increase of 20-30%... lol

As for the Attaturk fans... remember that he was the one who hated the most Kurds and pluralism... :)

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