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Turkey wants 'stolen' artifacts back from British Museum

Man, Pakistan is the most fake country on earth, in fact it's so fake that it doesn't even exist

That still does not change the fact that India was never a country until 47
Now run along troll and maybe read a book or two about history. :)

You need to read Mahabharat. :cheesy: Good you aknowlege about Pakistan. ;)
instead of quoting this and that I just want you to show me where all of India was ruled by a dynasty like China.

And I am sorry that I am constrained by logic and definitions, but unlike Indians I can't believe that one = many and many = one.
Even if I use the loosest term for a country, you still have to show me where India was run by 1 government for more than 1 generation. I don't deny that a few strongmen in history conquered most of India, but that only lasted for a few years and when they died India went back to being warring states.

If I use your definition for country then I can make anything a country, the equator is a country, Antarctica is a country, mars is a country.

1 dynasty?
Asoka and his son Bindusara....around 320 BC
Bangladesh has no claim to it, so I say India and Pakistan should play Qabadi and the winner gets it.

Pakistan cant claim it either since Kohinoor was first obtained from region which is presently known as state of andhra pradesh a part of republic of india
How long did the first two rule all of India? 100 years? 200? remember, we are talking about a 4000 year history. I hardly call that the basis of a country. THe roman empire existed for a 1000 years and they were a real country but even that doesnt mean they are a country now.
The British never gave India country status, it was a federation of directly ruled areas and princely states.
And Vedas and tribes proves nothing. To be a country you must be under a single government for at least a few generations.
By sharing cultural links, you are no more a country than Europe or Africa

I don't think there's a time limit for a country's existence. Geography is changing all the time. For an example Bangladesh was formally east pakistan which was theoretically adjoined with west pakistan. That lasted a little over than twenty years unless of course you're referring to pakistan as an "empire". Regardless of which princely states were warring with whom, the same group of people still managed to control the same territory switching among their successors, including the time of foreign rule.
you guys are crazy if you think the crown is gonna get torn up for this jewel....but then again, you are Indians on an ego trip, anything is possible.
This thread is no fun!!

Lets have a flame bait!!

If Britishers decided to return the Kohinoor, who should they give it to??

India, Pakistan or Bangladesh?? :partay:

They took it from Lahore last, so Pakistan.
Kohinoor Pakistan ka kaise hua. Logic batao, . :lol:

Granted India has a stronger claim but you also have to remember that the Koh i Noor was in the possession of the Mughals (Akbar and Jehangir of whom had their courts in Lahore), and the Sikhs who again had their capital in Lahore. Dulip Singh who was born and ruled in Lahore was the last native to have held possession of the diamond before the British took it.
Pakistan cant claim it either since Kohinoor was first obtained from region which is presently known as state of andhra pradesh a part of republic of india

It matter where it was taken from last, which was Lahore, Pakistan. :cheesy:

1 dynasty?
Asoka and his son Bindusara....around 320 BC

They didn't last long enough to be considered a "generation".
Granted India has a stronger claim but you also have to remember that the Koh i Noor was in the possession of the Mughals (Akbar and Jehangir of whom had their courts in Lahore), and the Sikhs who again had their capital in Lahore. Dulip Singh who was born and ruled in Lahore was the last native to have held possession of the diamond before the British took it.

So, a thief stole the diamond from other thieves and your suggestion would be that instead of returning it to its rightful owner, it should be returned to the other thieves ? :D
Granted India has a stronger claim but you also have to remember that the Koh i Noor was in the possession of the Mughals (Akbar and Jehangir of whom had their courts in Lahore), and the Sikhs who again had their capital in Lahore. Dulip Singh who was born and ruled in Lahore was the last native to have held possession of the diamond before the British took it.

All Sikhs left Pakistan ,but originally diamond belonged to a South Indian kingdom. Lahore was not seat of the government of Mughals but Delhi or Agra
So, a thief stole the diamond from other thieves and your suggestion would be that instead of returning it to its rightful owner, it should be returned to the other thieves ? :D

All Sikhs left Pakistan ,but originally diamond belonged to a South Indian kingdom. Lahore was not seat of the government of Mughals but Delhi or Agra

The origins of the diamond is in India which is why i said India has a stronger claim. Im just pointing out the historical links of the diamond to the various native dynasties ruling out of Pakistan. At one time it was even one of the jewels put in the Badshahi Mosque (during Aurengzebs rule), and since these dynasties (Mughals, Sikhs, Lodhis) are all considered "native" dynasties it adds a certain amount of legitimacy to the Pakistani claim. Just showing both sides of the arguments so calm down.

Regarding "all sikhs left Pakistan", no they didnt. Most did but a small community still exists not to mention the thousands of Sikh yatris who visit their holy sites in Pakistan every year. And Lahore was a seat of government for the Mughals during the reigns of Akbar, Jahangir (Pakistan & the Karakoam Higfway 7 - Sarina Singh, Lindsay Brown, Paul Clammer, Rodney Cocks, John Mock - Google Books), and also Shah Jahan and Aurengzeb spent significant time in Lahore during their campaigns in the north west of the Empire. It was only the "lesser" Mughals who permanently moved to UP, and consequently the Sikhs emerged in Punjab, who again made Lahore their capital and seat of government.
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