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Turkey in 2020 ? What will happen in Turkey after 2023 ?


Sep 25, 2016
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This small video talks about the new Possible era of Turkey where they will be free from the Treaty of Lausanne , This video didn't go in detail but I was surprised to see the mention of Pakistan and its closing ties with Turkey .

May Allah help both Turkey and Pakistan in future to create a even stronger bond that unite to help the miserable Muslims around the world .. May the unity and brotherhood of the two countries flourish and strengthen with time Ameen .

@Hakikat ve Hikmet @cabatli_53 @Mucahit @-SINAN- and other Turk members feel free to educate me on the topic of this treaty and its past and future Implications .

We were explaining this once a year, now we are explaining every month to a Pakistani user....
Man, almost every information given in that video is either completely made up or straight out wrong.

1- The Allies forced Turkey to sign the Sevr treaty which triggered the War of Independence. Turkey secured %90 of all territories with the Turkish majority and made concessions about Batum (which is part of Georgia today), Western Thrace (part of Greece), Mosul (part of Iraq).

2- The treaty does NOT have an expiration date.

3- Turkey has been drilling its limited oil and gas reserves since the 1930s. There's no limitation about that in the treaty.

4- The Istanbul Kanal can also be built right now, not sure how that's even related.

5- Turkey or the Ottoman Empire had already lost Cyprus, Egypt, Libya Sudan, Levant years before the treaty was even signed. We had no sovereignty over those nations, to begin with.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Turkey, with the current government, is going down the hill right now. Most of the goals set by the AKP for 2023 (100th anniversary of the Republic) is out of reach.
If Turkey is smart it would do what the other vanquished empire did after WW1....get prosperous and make tonnes of money from its former territories being business wise.

I'm talking, ofcourse, about Austria.
I want to read the mind of GOD, the rest is all deatils - Albert Einstein

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish - Steve Jobs

As for 2023, the following incidences have already started:
  • Turkey is conducting military ops in Syria, Irak and Libya coupled with the Eastern Mediterranean against the proxies supported by the grand coalition of the USA/Russia/EU/KSA/UAE/Egypt/Israil etc.
  • The USA and EU are facing unprecedented problems at the home fronts, so they'll internalize their energies
  • The rise of China as an alternative, which puts Pak in an "enviable" position
  • The current "world order" is being devastated by the Coronavirus
  • etc.
As a refreshment, the following song, Turkler geliyor (Turks are coming), is presented:

the is one thing is right, when Mosul is taken from Turkey, it was mentioned that if in 100 years there would be a kaos, Turkey has the right to take it bak. as we see, there is still instabiliti in the area. so most probably, if it still the same until 2023, Turkey will be able to take it by army.
This moronic AKP conspiracy theory again lol.

I love my people with all my heart, but absolutely despise their conspiracy fetish.
I heard this 'we have a lot of oil/gas reserves as well as boron but are not allowed to pump and sell it for 100 years because of Lausanne treaty' theory for many years now. Even before AKP was in power, I remember hearing this when I was a kid. This is a myth that has persisted for a very long time. And there was a moment where I believed it could be plausible (not surprising considering the idea was planted since childhood), it was an AKP minister who said in an interview that it was not the case and that this was pure nonsense, was when I was finally fully convinced this theory was false. He went on to explain that they were excavating shale oil near edirne and south east Turkey without any problems. But that the reserves there are just not a lot, but they used whatever resources they could where and whenever possible. He also went on to say that Lausanne treaty does not have an expiry date. This was a while back, I can't even remember the which minister it was but it was an interview on tv. I have been in several discussions with people regarding this conspiracy ever since I saw this interview, because I was convinced from there on it wasn't true.
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