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Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan


Apr 4, 2013
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Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has claimed that Israel was behind the July 3 military coup in Egypt, adding that Ankara has evidence as to the country’s involvement in President Mohamed Morsi’s overthrow.

“Now the West starts to say democracy is not the ballot box or not only the box but we know that the ballot box is the people’s will,” Erdoğan said Aug. 20 at an expanded meeting of the provincial chairs of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

“This is what has been implemented in Egypt. Who is behind this? Israel. We have evidence,” the prime minister said, citing a meeting between an intellectual and the justice minister in France before the 2011 elections.

Erdoğan said the intellectual was Jewish. “‘The Muslim Brotherhood will not be in power even if they win the elections. Because democracy is not the ballot box’: This is what he said at that time,” Erdoğan said.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Israel was behind Egyptian coup on Tuesday.
Erdogan, "If we want a world, where nation's will dominates, we need to respect the ballot boxes, where this will appear."

Turkish PM Erdogan, "Each of you shall take shelter behind those, who purpose the 'strong Turkey' case"

Here are some of Erdogan's remarks:
Erdogan said regarding Egypt: "Those who want to see a dictator must look at Egypt."

"Nobody can pronounce the word 'dictator' where dictatorship exists. They hang them as it is in Egypt."

"Again for Egypt, the West says democracy is not just the polls. But we say polls are the way to democracy, election is the will of people itself. That's what has been staged in Egypt. Israel is behind the Egyptian military coup, we have the related documents to confirm that."

"West should receive the description of democracy, they need to learn it. If it would not be learnt, all these clashes in the definition of democracy, all these conflicts will take the world into another place."

"Several press members have been killed in Egypt by those appointed by Egypt's dictators."

"The Egyptian people know that they are right and do not give up the legal ground."

"This is a foolproof coup, where blood exists. There are women in this coup. People were killed mercilessly in this coup."

"As Turkey, we were the country, which most harshly scolded the coup."

"We know that there are rich people in the Islamic world, but we also know that there are poor people in need of alms. It is those rich of the Islamic world who support the dictators."

"If we stay silent in front of the coup in Egypt, we would not hold the right to say something if they set the same trap for us in the future."

"The Islamic world is like the brothers of Prophet Yosouf who threw him down the well. As in the case of the brothers of Prophet Yosouf, Allah will shame those in the Islamic world betraying their brothers and sisters in Egypt. Nobody can prevent the Egyptian people to rule Egypt."

Addressing the Gulf countries providing financial aid to Egypt's military government: "The situation of the African Muslim countries is obvious. To which of them did you help and give such a support?"



?Israel behind Egypt coup? ? Turkish PM ? RT News
I believe Erdogan, this time Israel went at it alone without consulting Turkey, unlike Syria, where Israel and Turkey went at it hands in hands.

Its a dog eat dog situation, each one at it for their own benefits. Asaad, Erdogan, Morsi all war criminals in bed with each others.
This disgusting, loud mouth Islamist has managed to isolate Turkey.

They have very few friends now.

I like his "strong evidence":"a jew met an egyptian 2 years ago"...:closed:
This remarks are almost quite as funny as the ones of a former romanian spy made a few days ago :"Ceausescu sold romanian children to visiting aliens in exchange for extraterestrial tehnology"....we have to face it though,they make our day sunnier :omghaha:
Very possible, the jews have been pulling stunts like this for centuries, this resulted in the vast majority of their population being exterminated like rats
This disgusting, loud mouth Islamist has managed to isolate Turkey.

They have very few friends now.

Respect for turkey is at all time high levels, they are a respected and honourable nation

There economy over the last decade has been superb and they have much to their credit opposed the scum like assad, mubarak, israel and the new military junta in egypt

Whether it be assad oppressing syrians, israelis oppressing palestinians or mubarak and his junta going after egyptians much to their credit the Turks have remained honourable

They are angels compared to lowlifes like you
Turkey is not in the EU and they'll probably never be with this guy in charge.

I dont think Turkey needs to be in Europe or AKP wants to be in Europe.

The limitations of the European Union have all been evident over the last 10 years

Not only will Turkish entry be opposed Turkey could benifit from being part of the EEC as it already is but out of the reach of alot of Brussles laws
I dont think Turkey needs to be in Europe or AKP wants to be in Europe.

The limitations of the European Union have all been evident over the last 10 years

Not only will Turkish entry be opposed Turkey could benifit from being part of the EEC as it already is but out of the reach of alot of Brussles laws

This Chavez type of speech will only bring bad things to Turkey in the future,mark my words.If he keeps it up even EEC membership will be revised.
Look again at the rise of turkey over the last 10 years whilst most of europe has been in a economic crises Turkey has shone

Yes, it has 'shone' with additional activities by pimping Syrian blood to Qatris and Saudis with weapons sales and hosting terrorists and logistics support has only helped the erdogon economy in the last two years
We have bigger problems then the EU entry,we dont need to get in the EU.
The EU has become sinking ship,watch the news cause it will not take long.
Making enemies evrywhere is the problem,his ''zero problem'' policy has become a big joke.
His blaming evrything on Israel for having the support of the ''Muslim/Arab''world has failed in any way.
I like his "strong evidence":"a jew met an egyptian 2 years ago"...:closed:
This remarks are almost quite as funny as the ones of a former romanian spy made a few days ago :"Ceausescu sold romanian children to visiting aliens in exchange for extraterestrial tehnology"....we have to face it though,they make our day sunnier :omghaha:

dont you understand tayyip erdogan just shows reference him (that jew intellectual) this is just excuse so that he is right because states always gives this kind of messages each other
in hear the main message is to israel or america israel lobby

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