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Tucker Carlson Attacks Chinese "Totalitarianism"


Jun 28, 2016
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May 2, 2020 Hunter Wallace China, Conservatism, Health, Libertarianism 69


Just … LOL.

China locked down Wuhan on January 23 when there were 17 deaths in Wuhan and 444 cases in Hubei province. The Chinese military quarantined Wuhan and Hubei province. The lockdown officially ended on April 8th. 700 million Chinese were locked down in February. In three weeks, China crushed the virus outside of Wuhan and Hubei province. It was over by the middle of February.

How has lolbertarianism worked out in the United States? There are 1,131,280 cases of coronavirus in the United States. We have had 65,766 deaths. Unlike the United States, the virus was never allowed to establish itself outside of Hubei province in China. There were 8 deaths in Guangdong and 22 deaths in Henan province. 9 people died in Beijing. 231 have died in Washington, DC.

If the Chinese response to the coronavirus was cruel “totalitarianism,” what does that say about us? Donald Trump and his donors decided to “ride it out” and “think of it as just the flu” in February. New York City and other hotspots were never quarantined. As a result, the virus has disrupted OUR ENTIRE COUNTRY and we are now in for a TWO YEAR ORDEAL. The lockdown has already lasted longer here than it ever did in China. In most places in China, it lasted for two weeks and virtually no one died.

We currently have 903,951 active cases of coronavirus in the United States. There are undoubtedly millions of Americans who are infected and who haven’t been tested. Tucker Carlson wants to “Reopen America” in the middle of an epidemic. He assures us that it isn’t that bad. There were a lot of people in China in January who thought the Chinese government overreacted in locking down Wuhan, but they have almost certainly changed their minds by now after watching how the virus has played out here in the United States. No one in China wants to trade places with Americans at the moment.

Suppose we had done what China did with Wuhan in this country. New York and New Jersey would have been quarantined for two months. In half of the United States, there would have been a two week vacation lockdown. In the other half, life wouldn’t have been disrupted at all. Now try to imagine that the only people who died from the virus were in New York City and this whole problem had been nipped in the bud in three weeks and we were over it and life had already returned to normal.

The ultimate irony here is that China cares more about the lives of its citizens than Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson who care more about the GDP.

Global Times:

“To be honest, during the lockdown, some people contacted me in private and said they thought that the country had overly responded to the epidemic and that the economic loss would be too great. If it weren’t for the later ability to compare the anti-epidemic performance of Western countries such as the US to China’s, we may never have known that China was right in almost every step it took starting from the Wuhan lockdown. If China had tackled the virus the way the US is doing, millions of people would have been infected and 100,000 to 200,000 Chinese people would have died.

Many things happening in other countries are surprising. Isn’t the US a democratic society? How come American lives are so much “cheaper” than Chinese lives? China would not accept high death tolls from the epidemic, but in the US 1,000 to 2,000 people die every day. US President Donald Trump really doesn’t seem to be taking people’s lives seriously – all for the sake of an election …”

It isn’t China that is going for “herd immunity” and writing off the elderly as useless eaters. It is “pro-life” conservatives on FOX News who are ready to engage in human sacrifice to save the economy.

Note: If what we are hearing now is true, the death toll could climb to 2.2 million before herd immunity is reached in the U.S. Good luck explaining that as the flu. So dumb.
Chinese made the hard choices to protect lives while US decided to live the high life and blame others instead of themselves. Probably we will never find out the whole truth about the origins of the virus but we all know US/West knew the seriousness of the virus weeks ago but did nothing other then talk.
Chinese made the hard choices to protect lives while US decided to live the high life and blame others instead of themselves. Probably we will never find out the whole truth about the origins of the virus but we all know US/West knew the seriousness of the virus weeks ago but did nothing other then talk.
All of the hard decisions are made with no previous examples, especially the decision of locked down a city of 10 million amides the Spring festival (Chinese new year, billion of people is about to go back to their home) which is all later proven right and mostly followed by the accusers.
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