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TTP only want to get out of US war, not impose sharia by force: Imran Khan

That we are going towards a peaceful settlement as they have backed out from their earlier stance that they want to establish Sharia in Pakistan.
Hope you remember what Muslim khan said after swat pact that now our next stop would be islamabad and even Diesel felt that and said TTP has almost reached margala hills.
So how can we trust them if any agreement reached ?will they lay their weapons?
TTP only want to get out of US war, not impose sharia by force: Imran Khan
By Saqib Nasir
Published: March 27, 2014

ISLAMABAD: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) only want to get out of America’s war and they do not want to impose sharia law by force, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan claimed on Thursday.

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, Imran stated that he had been saying the same thing for the past ten years.

Commenting on the success of the ongoing peace negotiations, the PTI chief said the interaction between the government and the TTP has made it clear which groups want peace and which do not.

The government committee met the TTP Political Shura in a remote tribal area on March 26 and it was agreed that they would continue with the peace talks. There were reports of an extension in the month-long ceasefire but TTP spokesperson Shahid Shahid denied any such reports.

Today, Imran further said that ceasefire should continue and the non-combatants – women, children and the elderly – should be released.

The TTP have demanded the release of women and children of TTP members alleged in the custody of security agencies and this was one of the main topics of discussion during the meeting between the government intermediaries and TTP Shura.
Khan sahab marwaa na danna.....pata chala Jamima found in Burka in KPK....
Hope you remember what Muslim khan said after swat pact that now our next stop would be islamabad and even Diesel felt that and said TTP has almost reached margala hills.
So how can we trust them if any agreement reached ?will they lay their weapons?

if they wont keep their end of the bargain, we have the option of military operation any day.

Here I was thinking all along they wanted to implement Shariah and kill more people. Glad the truth has finally come out. These guys have always been misunderstood.

if they wont keep their end of the bargain, we have the option of military operation any day.
And you think a military op can happen just like that? Ttp will in a position of great strength when it decides to go back on its word. Means they'll unleash the kind of violence we'll remember for years.

Then we launch military operation causing more sacrifices of our brave soldiers, more damage to our infrastructure. Meanwhile, we have the option of finishing this fight right now from a position of strength.

Why is PTI and it's supporters hell bent on inflicting more pain to our already injured nation?
Oh bhai, you do understand that if we re to implement 100% shariah in Pakistan than the likes of Taliban and their supporters are likely to get the first chop for butchering innocent men, women and children. They broke the rule of war set down by Islam, cmon sir, you probably know about Islam than me, tell me, did they not repeatedly break the laws of war set down in the Qur'an, hadith and by the Khulafa Rashidun.

Don't indulge the fundoz. They seek your attention, deny it to them! :D
Mr its secular impotent pets of USA and NATO who seek attention not me and @Pakistani Exile Mr Taliban will keep rising if governments will not implement Shariah these kind of groups will keep rising and you can't stop it and
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And you think a military op can happen just like that? Ttp will in a position of great strength when it decides to go back on its word. Means they'll unleash the kind of violence we'll remember for years.

Then we launch military operation causing more sacrifices of our brave soldiers, more damage to our infrastructure. Meanwhile, we have the option of finishing this fight right now from a position of strength.

Why is PTI and it's supporters hell bent on inflicting more pain to our already injured nation?
The results after the first operation weren't very productive, we got rid of them from swat but they spread like a disease to the rest of the country. I'm in support of an operation if you can guarantee that this time they wont spread and diminish from Pakistan forever.

Mr its secular impotent pets of USA and NATO who seek attention not me and @Pakistani Exile Mr Taliban will keep rising if governments will not implement Shariah these kind of groups will keep rising and you can't stop it and
The situation has less to do with shariah and more to do with the lal masjid incident.
The results after the first operation weren't very productive, we got rid of them from swat but they spread like a disease to the rest of the country. I'm in support of an operation if you can guarantee that this time they wont spread and diminish from Pakistan forever.

The situation has less to do with shariah and more to do with the lal masjid incident.
SWAT 200000 Army has to sit their to make sure they don't return and they already are returning slowly sitting on mountains and if we have to keep 200000 in each Tribal area to keep Taliban out than they would enter cities so for every city you would need 200000 Army than would mean at least 5 million wow you are super economy who can afford this kind of force and Lal Masjid incident has lot to do with Shariah and government not doing anything to implement it
SWAT 200000 Army has to sit their to make sure they don't return and they already are returning slowly sitting on mountains and if we have to keep 200000 in each Tribal area to keep Taliban out than they would enter cities so for every city you would need 200000 Army than would mean at least 5 million wow you are super economy who can afford this kind of force and Lal Masjid incident has lot to do with Shariah and government not doing anything to implement it
Don't get the wrong idea, from a military POV the operation was a success but the government that came after "PPP" was complete garbage and handled the situation in the worst way possible. I have the same view about the current one it just doesn't have the metal capacity to think beyond their own problems.
wtf...just before his death the scum mehsud said he will fight pak forces everywhere untill sharia is enforced ("sharai nizam")
why is imran acting as the devil's advocate?
Imran Khan is delusional. He has the ability to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to apologize and justify the Taliban.

The irony is that if the Taliban were to come into power one day they would take his head off too for having such a "yuppy" view of them.
^^^ i would wait for a view from PTI supporters...surely they understand that imran is making a short sighted assessment of the situation at hand...the TTP is no org with morale...they will bite the hand that feeds them.
^^^ i would wait for a view from PTI supporters...surely they understand that imran is making a short sighted assessment of the situation at hand...the TTP is no org with morale...they will bite the hand that feeds them.

Appeasers believe that if you keep on throwing steaks to a tiger, the tiger will become a vegetarian.
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