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TTP mutilates Pak army soldiers in waziristan.

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Fortifying the border is the only way, because the mindset of the rebels is never going to change. I’ll say it till I’m blue in the face. Fortify each and every inch of the border (Afghan and Iran) with a fence, and cover the border for overlapping arcs of indirect fire (artillery or drones)

Ignore the theatrics of the Afghans, and speak from a position of strength before going into any dealing with them.

The longer this goes on, the more weapons they will capture and more this will get worse.
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The forces possesses thermobaric weapons time to use them plenty on their camps.


Also start to behead TTP fighters in the open, or bayonet them to death.
These pieces of devil sperm need the worst treatment.
Also start to crucify them alive on and put them high up on stakes on the Durrand line for their fellow filth to cry over.
No more being nice to the dogs of hell.

Snowflakes and softies here would be like, no airstrikes....

It's about time we start levelling the TTP, No matter how many kids end up dead It's on taliban and TTP.
Noone is against intervention in afgahnistan
Pakistan should intervenue
But it should be targeted
Would prefer drones
Rather then random arterllery shelling or large 500kg bombs
Fortifying the border is the only way, because the mindset of the rebels is never going to change. I’ll say it till I’m blue in the face. Fortify each and every inch of the border (Afghan and Iran), and ignore the theatrics of the Afghans.

The longer this goes on, the more weapons they will capture and more this will get worse.
Nope wont work
If fortyfung boarders worked then USA wouldnt have been in afghanistan nor turkey in syria

Drones work..not fortyfing boarders..that was waste of money.
TTP has been doing this since 2009. What action was taken by the sellout "leadership" Pakistan had then (and has recently come back in power)?

Remember SS trying to make a deal with the Taliban to let them attack the rest of Pakistan as long as they didn't attack Punjab?

Remember Zardari's time? Need I say more?

They will probably let another conflict start in the region to fund the American defence industry (out of which Mr.10% will take his cut), they didn't care about the country back then and they sure as hell don't care now.

You don't need to level ttp. Start building pressure on India, by all means.
Attacks in Kashmir are happening regularly. The media is very quiet about it.
As I said force the Taliban Ameer to declare a fatwa prohibiting takfir of Pakistani soldiers. If he doesn't then you know where the problem lies.
This is where pakistan failed
Unable to diplomatically pursue taliban to make hard decisions

Pakistan is stuck like what america was
"Cant alienate them..cant pursue them"

Est. Thinks that we dont want to loose taliban support but unless they calrify their position on both durand line and TTP there is no point of doing so

Clearly miscalculation..hopefully once bajwa leaves the next guy is like raheel sharif not another kiyani
Remember SS trying to make a deal with the Taliban to let them attack the rest of Pakistan as long as they didn't attack Punjab?
What kind of genius thinking went into this?

That's like giving the rest of the country away willingly to TTP, their goal is to literally capture it and establish their rule.
Pakistan simply needs to give IEA an ultimatum to accept both these conditions
1- ban TTP
2- accept durand line

If not pakistan should ban trade..reality is if IEA wont tackle TTP then a civil war in afghanistan is better

Seem we are stuck in same mentality as USA ..fear of things getting worse

What kind of genius thinking went into this?

That's like giving the rest of the country away willingly to TTP, their goal is to literally capture it and establish their rule.
Well it worked..attacks died down in punjab
Nope wont work
If fortyfung boarders worked then USA wouldnt have been in afghanistan nor turkey in syria

Drones work..not fortyfing boarders..that was waste of money.
It’s not meant to stop them but slow them down until some form of indirect fire like artillery or drones can take them out.

Pakistan simply needs to give IEA an ultimatum to accept both these conditions
1- ban TTP
2- accept durand line

If not pakistan should ban trade..reality is if IEA wont tackle TTP then a civil war in afghanistan is better

Seem we are stuck in same mentality as USA ..fear of things getting worse

Well it worked..attacks died down in punjab
They will never accept the Durand line as a hard border, because it will alienate them with the Afghan public.
It’s not meant to stop them but slow them down until some form of indirect fire like artillery or drones can take them out.
It wont for attacks..
What nees to be done is extenisve drone op with surgical strikes/ killing with impunity untill taliban takes it seriously

Pakistanis should learn for isreal or turkey
The only solution these namak haram will understand is if we drop Shaheen 3 on Kabul. Shit is getting out of hand, publicly display the dead bodies of ttp khawarij on the af-pak border.
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ruled by buzdil mfers!!

harami dollar keh bikao swine generals!

avenge our soldiers destroy this cancer TTP!
Snowflakes and softies here would be like, no airstrikes....

It's about time we start levelling the TTP, ******************* end up dead It's on taliban and TTP.
You can make your point without justifying loss of children. I cannot even quote your garbage wordings. So I redacted them.

Keep your video-game influenced teenage garbage away from high morals that Pakistan's and Islam's fundamentals lay out for us.

For how many years this been going on? Is this a surprise, which we were not expected to be prepared for?
Have we not developed the ability to do something pre-emptively? Recce? Intelligence? or detecting an impending attack.
& if we couldn't pre-emptively detect, have we not developed the ability to fight them at the time of attack? Or in the field? Like truly brave soldiers do!

You're gonna take out your lack of preparedness on children of enemy?
Aren't "Snowflakes and softies" those who could not deal with the mess in 20+ years?

Instead made the mess even bigger due to un-wise handling. I guess they recruited too many mind of your kind. Who think that your approach will cause likes of TTP to relent. Big misconception you have there. Such will only aggravate the situation.

Read the context of what "Snowflakes and softies" say, Look what's in the dot-dot-dot after the word "no airstrikes"....


"Snowflakes and softies" want to contribute to the discussion around the issue at hand, but your support of indiscriminate killing of children distracts them.

saying it on internet is different but when you see dead kids- you truly know what's up
I don't want to post those photos

I have small kids myself. Do they not remember the pain of APS incidence involving children?
These teenies tweenies video-game inflicted lot don't realize what garbage they are spewing. What they purport will only make the mess bigger.

What if criminals also started to openly say similar things about our children?

You don't get the point do you?
These fighters have families and after the attacks they hide with them. After they're traced we can let them go or drop a bomb to level them. Casualties in some cases can't be avoided.
No YOU don't get the point.
There are hours if not days between them leaving their families, and returning to their families to hide. Are we not capable of dealing with them during those hours?

If you're gonna aggravate problems for yourself by attacking their children, then stay ready for their like-wise retaliation and don't be a cry-baby.
اسلہے سے لیس چوکی پہ اٹیک کو روکنے کی صلاحیت تو ہے نہیں، اگر انہوں نے سکولوں پر جوابی حملے شروع کر دیئے تو کیا کرو گے؟

What if this mutilation in OP was in fact result of criminals getting furious over children's loss on their side and that made them go to this extent.

I warned of this kind of retaliation just few days ago and back in 2014 too:

Both are the same 20% in the scenario you provided :lol:

But your point "اتوں لنگ گیا"

Anyways, Carry on with air raids and stuff. And [WARNING - Graphic] shooting protesters that just happened in Balochistan yesterday (in Chaghi).
Don't fight them at the time of attack, instead bomb their houses at a later point when they are with their children, concentrated and guards lowered, as most posters here seem content with that approach. I hope that will bring lasting peace and my fears will be proven wrong. Last time they weren't though, as no slowing down was seen as a result of air raids in start-to-mid of 2014, instead APS happened in Dec 2014 same year. I saved all replies to my posts with hope that I never have to quote them with a "told you so" and some other ones explicitly celebrating children's loss on this thread.

View attachment 835512

And my fear/warning that I mentioned above is at the end of post below:

And there you go:
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