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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

Gilgit-Baltistan is a separate administrative unit from Azad Kashmir. BBC should not use India centered language like "Pakistan-administered Kashmir".
Gilgit-Baltistan is a separate administrative unit from Azad Kashmir. BBC should not use India centered language like "Pakistan-administered Kashmir".

As per UNSC resolution the whole state of J&K (including Jammu, Laddakh, Askii Chin, G&B, Pak Admin Kashmir, Kashmir valley) are part of the over all dispute between India and Pakistan. You can shout till you are blue in the face, but the fact stays that G&B and northern areas are also part of Pakistan-administered Kashmir
As per UNSC resolution the whole state of J&K (including Jammu, Laddakh, Askii Chin, G&B, Pak Admin Kashmir, Kashmir valley) are part of the over all dispute between India and Pakistan. You can shout till you are blue in the face, but the fact stays that G&B and northern areas are also part of Pakistan-administered Kashmir

GB and Northern Areas are same....I think u meant to say AJK............
5 Ukrainian, 3 Chinese, 1 Russian and 1 Pakistani shot dead in Gilgit.
Now blame on COAS Kiyani or PAF Chief's statements ensure us that they can't tolerate terrorisms but now look, they are big failures.

Well I would say its our collective failure on multiple fronts cant get away by just blaming it on army . We were never able to identify the real people behind all this nuisance in our country the only thing we know is the front faces namely TTP and BLA etc and are busy fighting them and when we kill some of them even more are recruited and its all labeled on Pakistan being the the terror supporter and when we look beneath this veil of propaganda all we see is the blood of our innocent people and forces.

I feel had it not been for ISI things would have been much worst but still there is a hell more that can be done on their part . But lack of any will on the part of civilian leadership to get rid of the real supporters of terror in Pakistan is costing us heavily.
I hope NZ understand this wicked game sooner than later .
RIP to deads…
atleast the base camps security should be full proof……:unsure:

kiya wahan bhi cantonment chahiye janab? har jaga security kese ho sakti hai yar?

ask @krash how peaceful it is to be there...
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RIP to deads…
atleast the base camps security should be full proof……:unsure:

Nobody would have thought that there would be an attack at such a place where there is no proper road and temperatures are well below zero 24/7 , It is a very well planned attack which needs high level of expertize and training and cant be done by mere gun holders.

It happened around 1 AM means those bastards were around wearing proper clothing and waiting for tourists to fell asleep silently.
As per UNSC resolution the whole state of J&K (including Jammu, Laddakh, Askii Chin, G&B, Pak Admin Kashmir, Kashmir valley) are part of the over all dispute between India and Pakistan. You can shout till you are blue in the face, but the fact stays that G&B and northern areas are also part of Pakistan-administered Kashmir

Its a province of Pak with an elected govt and a chief minister........ on topic...RIP to the murdered people... its the first of its kind attack ever... hope security agencies catch those mofos responsible!
Foreigners killed were mountaineers attempting to climb Nanga Parbat via AP
The Government of Pakistan needs to go after the foreign funded training camps in Afghanistan and block Afghan transit goods and place an embargo on Afghanistan. These terrorists are being funded from across the border and it is time action is taken against them. Another task internally is to clean the Afghan refugee camps because lot of terrorist activity originate from there as well.

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