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TTP leaders evacuated by mysterious airlifts


Feb 12, 2006
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TTP leaders evacuated by mysterious airlifts

Akhtar Jamal

Islamabad—Mysterious airlifting of some Taliban elements from areas of Pakistan-Afghanistan border linking Waziristan have been reported by several sources and fears are growing that anti-Pakistan TTP terrorists are also being rescued by their “foreign allies” from across the border.

The unexplained movements of “un-marked” helicopters and aircraft have been reported since last few days along Pak-Afghan border and one source claimed that they were being transported to the Eastern Afghanistan.

Some experts believe that secret allies of friendly-Talibans took the action in order to secure the militants from an assault in South Waziristan by Pakistani Armed Forces while others believe the secret evacuation was part of a larger deal between some Western States and “good Taliban.”

The airlifting and evacuation of TTP leaders from South Waziristan coincided with a report by foreign news media or a similar mysterious evacuation of “militants” from South Afghanistan to North Afghanistan.

An Iranian news site on October 18 reported that “British Army has been relocating Taliban insurgents from southern Afghanistan to the north by providing transportation means.” Quoting diplomats who spoke on condition of anonymity, the Iranian site claimed that insurgents are being airlifted from the southern province of Helmand to the north amid increasing violence in the northern parts of the country.

The PressTV.com also claimed that “the aircraft used for the transfer have been identified as British Chinook helicopters.”

The report suggested that the secret operation was being launched under the supervision of Afghan Interior Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar, who “was still operating under the British guidance.”

Last week Afghanistan’s Pajhwok news agency reported that “US ambassador scotched speculation that his country was helping terrorists in the north, saying America had nothing to do with the air-dropping of armed men from helicopters in Samangan, Baghlan and Kunduz provinces.” At an October 11 news conference in Kabul, President Hamid Karzai had himself claimed that “some unidentified helicopters dropped armed men in the northern provinces at night.”

According to Pajhowk news report President Karzai revealed “the government had been receiving evidence of the air-dropping of gunmen from mysterious helicopters in the provinces over the last five months.”

A comprehensive investigation is underway to determine which country the helicopters belong to; why armed men are being infiltrated into the region; and whether increasing insecurity in the north is linked to it.
How is this even remotely possible and if we consider the case to be true, what in the hell was our air force doing? The way i see it those areas are constantly being monitored both from land and the skies and PAF is constantly patrolling the area and striking militant outfits.
So if the case is true then it cannot be accomplished without the help of some insider on our side but then again that's all speculation.
How is this even remotely possible and if we consider the case to be true, what in the hell was our air force doing? The way i see it those areas are constantly being monitored both from land and the skies and PAF is constantly patrolling the area and striking militant outfits.
So if the case is true then it cannot be accomplished without the help of some insider on our side but then again that's all speculation.
For airforce to work you need a Anti Air ground system there which include radars, SAMS, Airbases near border ares etc. You know more than me. We dont have anything like that there. Coz ground is not fully controlled by Pak army.
For airforce to work you need a Anti Air ground system there which include radars, SAMS, Airbases near border ares etc. You know more than me. We dont have anything like that there. Coz ground is not fully controlled by Pak army.

That does not mean our airspace is not monitored, specially when we are in a middle of war.
How is this even remotely possible and if we consider the case to be true, what in the hell was our air force doing? The way i see it those areas are constantly being monitored both from land and the skies and PAF is constantly patrolling the area and striking militant outfits.
So if the case is true then it cannot be accomplished without the help of some insider on our side but then again that's all speculation.

PAF was also "monitoring" & "patrolling" and had army in region when US was slamming villages with predator drone strikes.

The question is not about the possibility but about "self-respect"
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PAF was also "monitoring" & "patrolling" and had army in region when US was slamming villages with predator drone strikes.

The question is not about the possibility but about "self-respect", Pakistan has handed its balls to US on silver platter.

This is ridiculous!

Any unauthorized aircraft in Pakistani airspace in the middle of a war zone should be shot down.
I think this article is a bit of a twist on the original reports of Karzai complaining about Taliban being airlifted to the Afghan-Tajik and Afghan-Uzbek border.
PAF was also "monitoring" & "patrolling" and had army in region when US was slamming villages with predator drone strikes.

The question is not about the possibility but about "self-respect"

By the way for your technical information, that area is hilly & helicopters can fly very low also, below radar coverage & hilly terrain provides extra protection to hide from radars as they can fly in between the valleys.
By the way for your technical information, that area is hilly & helicopters can fly very low also, below radar coverage & hilly terrain provides extra protection to hide from radars as they can fly in between the valleys.

Well Khan G, is it really possible that choppers lift up without getting spotted and shot? I personally don't think so. A chopper evac might need some time that might be enough for our jets to scramble and destroy them.

Corrections welcomed.

They have no right do do anything inside the Pakistan's border wherever it is evac or anything else, You guys should put them under the pressure! This is violation of sovereignty to the Pakistan!
PAF was also "monitoring" & "patrolling" and had army in region when US was slamming villages with predator drone strikes.

The question is not about the possibility but about "self-respect"

Now is a different scenario. As i pointed it out war is going on in the region with PAF fully involved. Back then it wasnt the case and i remember that particular incident by the yanks, the PAF regularly started patrolling the area and drones had to run away every time they tried to enter Pakistan air space beacuse PAF spotted them.
Moreover that was a case where they randomly picked a village and entered where as this is a particular area we are talking about where both the army and the airforce have all eyes and ears.
They have no right do do anything inside the Pakistan's border wherever it is evac or anything else, You guys should put them under the pressure! This is violation of sovereignty to the Pakistan!

Dude spare us the hypocrisy. Last time we checked Iranians are also dying to step over our soverignity. Heck you guys even surpassed the Indians into blaming us.
They have no right do do anything inside the Pakistan's border wherever it is evac or anything else, You guys should put them under the pressure! This is violation of sovereignty to the Pakistan!

What sovereignty you are talking about bro? Our Govt. couldn't stop the Drone attacks. They just condemn. Our Air Chief Marshall says that we have the ability to down a Drone but what will happen next time it will be accompanied with escorts.........

Peak of unprofessionality. A country would risk its pilots' life and a supersonic jet to defend an unmaned, less worthy aircraft.

Our politicians are beggers just want more and more aid not for the country, mind it, but for themselves.

KIT Over
Well Khan G, is it really possible that choppers lift up without getting spotted and shot? I personally don't think so. A chopper evac might need some time that might be enough for our jets to scramble and destroy them.

Corrections welcomed.


Sir, the Afghan Border is very long, there are many vast areas with no population for miles, many mountainous ridges which are located on both side of the border, if a helicopter lands about 5 Km away from you, you won't be able to hear its engine sound either when it comes or when it leaves. On daily basis at least 5 to 10 times helicopters pass right above my home going toward the airbase or towards the action area & i hear their sound when they are very very near or within visual range. So we can have dozens of black spots where no eye can see them. As i said, helicopters can very well fly below radar coverage, nap of the earth flying & the hilly terrain further helps them as they can hide behind mountains to not get detected by radars. So if they can't get detected how are we gonna send fighter jets to intercept them. The landing & picking their cargo & taking of will hardly take 5-10 mins.

Its kind of little bit hard to detect, in the soviet days we had good radar coverage, with lot of ground spotters to give visual warning of incoming aircrafts, but those days are gone.
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