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Truth behind Sudan partitioning


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Sudan is the largest muslim country by land mass. The southern part of Sudan aimed for independence from mainland Sudan is proven rich in oil and mineral wealth. While landlocked, its majority Christian population can play a key role in being another satellite state of Europe and America which will have strong implications on the future of Africa.

Sudan will remain strong and united despite vicious attempts by biased parties

Published: Oct 24, 2010 21:00 Updated: Oct 24, 2010 21:00

Sudan is, no doubt, one of the key gateways to the Arab world and the focus of attention of several world powers.

Despite vicious attempts by certain major world powers, Sudan will continue to march ahead with its head held high because of its supreme confidence that it will be protected at every turn by the people who can see through the dramas played by vested interests. This is also the reason Sudan is able to torpedo conspiracies and machinations coming from different quarters.

Sudan will continue to be a coherent and strong country thanks to the hard work and concerted efforts by its men and women in all walks of life and even its elders and children are prepared to go to any length to safeguard their country. The Sudanese believe that they are an integral part of the Arab world as well.

The resolutions of the recent Afro-Arab summit in the Libyan city of Sirte had been supportive of the peace effort in Sudan. The summit declaration affirmed Sudan's sovereignty and unity. The summit also stressed the necessity of implementing all clauses in Sudan's comprehensive peace agreement, including a referendum for its southern region.

The resolution extended full support to the peace efforts in Darfur and urged the armed movements there to join the current negotiations in Doha. The significant resolutions of the Afro-Arab summit came at a critical time in the history of Sudan. However, it is imperative that these resolutions are implemented lest they remain mere ink on the paper.

Some world powers are keen on widening the chasm between northern and southern Sudan so they can see the ultimate dismemberment of the country. It is crystal clear that Israel has been one of the key players behind such attempts to divvy up Sudan since the seventies. This is the chief reason Israel has been backing the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA). Who doesn't know that some world powers have an eye on the rich natural resources of the country?

Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi in his speech described the volatile situation in Sudan as an epidemic that could spread to other African countries as well. President Gaddafi had, of course, southern Sudan in mind. The Afro-Arab world must pay heed to this statement and take due precautions early on lest various conflict-ridden situations go out of hand.

The whole Arab world should back Sudan now more than ever, as protecting Sudan from conspiracies is tantamount to protecting several Arab countries. No doubt, the detractors of Sudan have always wanted it to be another Iraq. But this is a dream that will never come true. Excuses like those pitched in by then US President George W. Bush for invading Iraq will not work in the case of Sudan.

It is also clear that the oil discoveries in Sudan have drawn vested interests to the country and it is no more a secret that they are behind the current political game there. Sudan started exporting oil in 1999, pulling in huge revenues. And it is no surprise that multinational oil companies are gung-ho about mediating between northern and southern Sudan.

The time is ripe for all political parties, sects or factions in Sudan to take a united stand and foil the conspiracies for the separation of southern Sudan. It is pertinent to note that the US has not, so far, taken a neutral stand with regard to the Sudanese question.

Balkanization of southern Sudan could lead to a depressing political scenario in Sudan. The country must stand united and work to forestall such a situation and teach the disruptive forces a fitting lesson.

Last Tuesday, Sudanese Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Mohammed Hussain called for the postponement of the referendum scheduled for January 2011 till all the security and border issues are settled. He was speaking after meeting Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo. The minister's suggestion, if put into practice, will help protect his country's national interests.

The Sudanese minister also stressed the necessity of resolving the fate of the oil-rich disputed area of Abyei within the framework of a single state of Sudan. The resolution of the issue under a two-state framework, he said, will only pave the way for foreign interventions. Without doubt, the defense minister's statements are important and should be taken on board by the parties concerned. The Arab world should extend all help for whatever efforts Sudan might take to translate these statements into reality.

We hope that Sudan will grow stronger and be ever more coherent. Darfur is a region in Sudan that is rich in oil and other natural resources like copper, uranium, etc. It doesn't take supreme intelligence to understand that the Western countries are trying to find a way to control the wealth of this region. Furthermore, it is strategically located in Central Africa on the North-South trade route.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the courageous people of Sudan will face the challenges head on and foil the plans of all those powers who are keen on laying their hands on the country's wealth. If Sudan's rich history and great civilization is any guide, it will remain strong and impregnable and will not fall victim to varied threats and conspiracies.

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