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TRUMP WILL DITCH MODI | Time to AVENGE the 1971' tragedy | Brig. Samson Sharaf

No wonder Kargil happened. Hope Bajwa is as brilliant as Musharraf.

What is wrong with it!!
UN charter allows Freedom struggles. You are allowed under world laws to fight the aggressors, occupiers and brutal regimes.
The person you showed in the Video, G Gul, ask his planning from the Russians, he was instrumental to break up USSR. Americans had been reaping benefits as a lone superpower of his hard work and planning.
Not so random when AP publishes it. It's not a narrative, you can look for videos of Pakistani former presidents accepting use of militants. Who are you kidding really?
You can wake someone who is asleep...but can't wake up someone pretending to be asleep....
For Pakistanis the word of their former Presidents/ Prime Ministers don't count....can't blame them though, all their former rulers get jailed or hanged....
My 0.0000000000002 cents

Modi did not surrender....he is (at most) buying space + time.....he did not anticipate that Chinese will march-in despite indulging them.......despite, RG's taunts, it is difficult imagine RG in place of Modi....

The biggest impact is this a setback to Modi's plans on economy + other infrastructure plans......now, Modi has to accommodate available resources to both China + pak fronts....that is the problem.....


After RG's comments, Sonia also asked some tough Qs from Surrender Modi. He has not responded. Instead he let the barking dogs of Indian media free on the Congress leaders.

Modi is buying space for what!! To bury more Indian soldiers!!

What a pathetic states Indians are, yesterday I heard the news that Indians are ordering Barak8 missiles on urgent basis.
The reporter said Israel is our old arms provider.
Yeah that's right. Every supplier is ripping Indian by selling their arms on high prices to India. Off course they are going to utter a word or two in India's favour, after all they are making mega bucks on the cowards' back.

I wonder why the Indians do not ask the questions from their politicians and DRDO, after decades of "Indi Genius" claims and spending thousands of crores in the process, why India has to buy almost all its arms and ammunition from outside suppliers!!!
This is exactly same situation between india & china.


there are massive differences

China can build and replace its losses.. as it builds it fighter planes tanks, etc ...india imports and cannot replace it losses in the short run. I wont even start on India's logistic nightmares as to spares etc

so even if I assume one to one kill ratio (FAT CHANCE).. china will still have more planes at the end of the day and win the battle

if China flexes it's muscle they will hurt you bad... you dont scare them, they are just not interested in some crazy wet dream like "greater india" project

why should we take a land full of muslims ?

You tell us.. why did you steal kashmir?.. it doesnt belong to you just bcos some oppressive hindu ruler signed some paper? Were you not aware of the rules of partition?

Muslims = to the land of pure
Hindus = Hinduistan

it was simple

You are not being honest.......it is up to you.....you can believe what you want to believe....

In your head you can believe what ever La La story Surrender Modi tells you. The truth is you provoked the Chinese and they sorted you out.

They have no reason to start a war, what they wanted they got in 1962 war, they have controlled Corona, they will have a modest 1% GDP growth, they are sitting pretty comparatively . India on the other has has every reason to start trouble.

Gandhi is the biggest mistake that India has to live with....it can never shed him.....he should have been a religious leader, but he became a political leader and messed-up everything......what a tragedy...

Thanks for supporting our assertion.. Hindus were historically never peaceful and current day's behaviour only proves that. You just lived of Ghandi's mantle for so long.

mess up?.. lol... people who dont know the true India, think of indians as peace full vege burgers only bcos of Ghandi. Yet we know your true face the best.. you are violent, unreasonable, shamelessly dishonest, have an absurd sense of self serving logic, rascist, unfair, intolerant to both ideas and people.

I have nothing more to say other than - try to put yourself in Indian shoes and think.....

we have seen your point of view, and there is no merit in your argument. If you do not have the courage or intellect to see what you are going is grossly wrong. In the end you are the loser not us.

Pakistan for the last 30 years was grossly on the wrong path. It has changed, with new leadership and vast majority of it's people have determined to change. We have started to win in all aspects be it cultural, education, religious tolerance, security except economy which will be a long fix.

Most important for once not looking like the global village idiot which now india has that title.
Brigadier Sharaf is back as a guest.

He described in details how Chinese cleverly have ceased the supply route of India to DBO.
He says that the airport is also made inoperable by the Indians.

It is very clear, Chinese have cleverly blocking all possible advantages India could have. China is carrying out the siege of India in Ladakh. In one part China has moved 16 km forward.
Sharaf said that it is clear that their GHQ knows about China's strategy and have an ostrich mentality, burying their heads in the sand.

this interview is worth listening to.

Let me paraphrase our beloved cm arvind Kejriwal --- " To karrr naaaaaaa"
why are you and your army is wasting time ? go take kashmir immediately.

China will take Ladakh and Pakistan will take Kargil & Kashmir.

Have Patience. It is only a matter of couple of weeks now.
China will take Ladakh and Pakistan will take Kargil & Kashmir.

Have Patience. It is only a matter of couple of weeks now.

I have feeling narendra in his twisted mind will use this defeat to start his long aimed goals of a muslim genocide In india. This will push muslim refugees in to Pakistan and Bangladesh weakeaning their economies and national unity, This may just give modi a chance to launch what he wanted all along the simultaneus invasion of Pak and Bangla, reclaim the rebel provinces and save his image.

Of course he will fail, sending muslim refugess into these two countries will only unite the pak and bangla and make india's position weak in the region.
Anyhow, why does this Pak commentator want to avenge East Pakistan and that too against India? Members here have been crying themselves hoarse that East Pak was only a small part of Pak, it was not really Pak, it was never meant to be with Pak, it was an unnatural part of Pak, that the break-up was inevitable. Or some other variant of the above. All of a sudden it's a tragedy?
Sour grapes to console psychological trauma of humiliating defeat ;)
L OL .......:D:D:D

Don't worry. Modi will still say this. :rofl:

Trump is unpredictable. China's leaders need to avoid giving Trump reasons to act for India. I'm not sure what sensitive areas these are but seems like XJP knows and XJP holds more power over Trump and Putin than many Indians believe.
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