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Featured Trump supporters have breached the Capitol building, tearing down 4 layers of security fencing

They have gone to the dogs but one thing i respect about trump is that he kept his stance of the election being stolen until the end.. Lmao that is comical
Now is the time for Chinese,Russian,Iranian governments to fund rebels inside the US.

Its difficult doing that in a wealthy country like the US. You gotta pay alot in millions per person to some ragtag rednecks and hillbillies
Its difficult doing that in a wealthy country like the US. You gotta pay alot in millions per person to some ragtag rednecks and hillbillies
Yes, very fair and wealthy country

It was quite evident before elections that trump has such plans. Proud boys and others mentioned it. If you go to online forums people were sharing kill list of neighbors who support democrats and they gonna kill if there is civil war. Few. Examples can be found on www.godlikeproductions.com

Hundreds of supporters of President Trump stormed the barricades surrounding the US Capitol building and were met with police who sprayed pepper spray during Wednesday’s historic joint session of Congress which was convened to ratify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Video uploaded to social media shows Trump supporters waving pro-Trump banners and American flags as they walked toward the steps of the Capitol building.

Capitol Hill police were seen using pepper spray to keep the Trump supporters at bay as they approached the entrance to the building.

Videos posted to social media show supporters of the president tearing down metal barricades surrounding the building.

The dramatic images come during a dramatic day in Washington, DC, where Trump held a massive rally in front of tens of thousands of his supporters near the White House.

Police led a man away in handcuffs and Donald Trump Jr and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle gave a rousing speech declaring that the GOP was 'Donald Trump's party' as thousands of the president's supporters make one last-ditch effort to urge Congress not to ratify President-elect Joe Biden's victory.

President Trump addressed the crowd on Wednesday, insisting that he was real winner of the election and vowing 'never to concede.'

Authorities expected at least 30,000 people to gather on the Ellipse just south of the White House where backers of the president are demanding that Republicans in Congress refuse to certify Biden's victory.

The procedural vote in Congress on Wednesday, which will be presided over by Vice President Mike Pence, is largely ceremonial, but Trump has convinced his supporters that there is hope of undoing the election results.

'I hope Mike is going to do the right thing. I hope so,' the president told his supporters, even though Pence has no power under the Constitution to affect the outcome of the election.






Trump will be carried out the White House by the Federal Martials if and when it comes to that. I never thought Trump will be defiant to the end like this!!

America is divided like it was pre 1860 election days. What needs to happen is that the 'Winner Takes All' system needs to end. Yes, things have worked, and been working, but that's not a guarantee they will continue to work in the current political system when the country is THIS divided.

I mingle with Americans a lot and I know how much there is the divide!! To the point hatred!!!
Rep. Dan Kildee



I am in the House Chambers. We have been instructed to lie down on the floor and put on our gas masks. Chamber security and Capitol Police have their guns drawn as protesters bang on the front door of the chamber. This is not a protest. This is an attack on America.
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