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Trump says maybe U.S. will have a President for life someday


Aug 24, 2015
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Mr. Trump praised Mr. Xi as “a great gentleman” and added: “He's the most powerful [Chinese] President in a hundred years.”
President Donald Trump says he thinks it’s great that China’s President now holds that office for life and muses that maybe the U.S. will do the same someday.

Mr. Trump’s remarks came during a luncheon for Republican donors on Saturday at his South Florida estate. CNN reported the remarks based on a recording it obtained.

“He's now President for life, President for life. And he's great,” Mr. Trump said, according to audio excerpts of Mr. Trump's remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot someday,” Mr. Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

U.S. Presidents by tradition served a maximum of two four-year terms until President Franklin Roosevelt was elected a record four times starting in 1932. An amendment to the U.S. Constitution approved in 1951 limits Presidents to two terms in office.

Chinas annual Parliament gathering kicks off on Monday as Mr. Xi presses ahead with efforts to ward off financial risks without undermining the economy. The Communist party announced on Feb. 25 the end of the two-term limit for the President — and the Parliament is expected to ratify the move.

During the remarks, Mr. Trump praised Mr. Xi as “a great gentleman” and added, “He's the most powerful [Chinese] President in a hundred years.” Mr. Trump said Mr. Xi had treated him “tremendously well” during his visit in November.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment late on Saturday.

Mr. Trump has often praised Mr. Xi, but in January Mr. Trump told Reuters the United States was considering a big “fine” as part of a probe into Chinas alleged theft of intellectual property. He has been critical of China's trade policies.

Mr. Trump told The New York Times in December that because of North Korea he had “been soft on China because the only thing more important to me than trade is war.”

Mr. Trump criticised his Democratic presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, repeated his view about “a rigged system,” and called the invasion of Iraq “the single worst decision ever made.” He referred to former President George W. Bush as “another real genius.”


Not only Mr. Trump deserve this status but also India should make Modi P.M for life.
@war&peace @django

What you guys think about China's move to make current president as president for life? do you think may be this move effects Pakistan also and someday Ayra Ghaira nathu khaira made himself president /P.M for life in Pakistan.

Mr. Trump praised Mr. Xi as “a great gentleman” and added: “He's the most powerful [Chinese] President in a hundred years.”
President Donald Trump says he thinks it’s great that China’s President now holds that office for life and muses that maybe the U.S. will do the same someday.

Mr. Trump’s remarks came during a luncheon for Republican donors on Saturday at his South Florida estate. CNN reported the remarks based on a recording it obtained.

“He's now President for life, President for life. And he's great,” Mr. Trump said, according to audio excerpts of Mr. Trump's remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN. “And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot someday,” Mr. Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

U.S. Presidents by tradition served a maximum of two four-year terms until President Franklin Roosevelt was elected a record four times starting in 1932. An amendment to the U.S. Constitution approved in 1951 limits Presidents to two terms in office.

Chinas annual Parliament gathering kicks off on Monday as Mr. Xi presses ahead with efforts to ward off financial risks without undermining the economy. The Communist party announced on Feb. 25 the end of the two-term limit for the President — and the Parliament is expected to ratify the move.

During the remarks, Mr. Trump praised Mr. Xi as “a great gentleman” and added, “He's the most powerful [Chinese] President in a hundred years.” Mr. Trump said Mr. Xi had treated him “tremendously well” during his visit in November.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment late on Saturday.

Mr. Trump has often praised Mr. Xi, but in January Mr. Trump told Reuters the United States was considering a big “fine” as part of a probe into Chinas alleged theft of intellectual property. He has been critical of China's trade policies.

Mr. Trump told The New York Times in December that because of North Korea he had “been soft on China because the only thing more important to me than trade is war.”

Mr. Trump criticised his Democratic presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, repeated his view about “a rigged system,” and called the invasion of Iraq “the single worst decision ever made.” He referred to former President George W. Bush as “another real genius.”


Not only Mr. Trump deserve this status but also India should make Modi P.M for life.
Lol Does this buffon even knows how the U. S political system works? The U. S is the last country on earth that can have a president for life or even a 3rd term president. There's just too much check and balances in the U. S political system, reason trump (like most american presidents before him) can't always pass even a basic law/ reform(forget about a complex controversial move about removing term limits) . Especially when that new law/reform is controversial. I'm not even talking about the fact that either one of the opposition party (Democrats or republicans will be against depending on which party is in power.)

So no chance whatsoever for any U. S president to ever touch a controversial issue as the 2 term limit. Not possible, especially when it's means changing the rules in the middle of the game. Its more suitable or possible in developing countries who don't yet have a mature political system(appropriate checks and balances) and have a different way in which their people regard/view those in authority.
Trump is really an embrasssment to even believe such a thing is possible in the U. S of all countries.
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Trump is inspired by Putin. ;)
Na, his recent crush is President XI.

Lol Does this buffon even knows how the U. S political system works? The U. S is tht last country on earth that can have a president for life or even a 3 term president. TheresT just too much check and balances in the U. S political system, reason trump (like most american presidents before him) can't always pass even a basic law reform. Especially when that new law/reform is controversial. Im not even talking about the fact that either one of the opposition party (Democrats or republicans will be against depending on which party is in power.)

So no chance whatsoever for any U. S president to ever touch a controversial issue as the 2 term limit. Not possible. Its more suitable or possible in developing countries who don't yet have a mature political system and have a different way in which their people regard/view those iniauthority.
Trump is really an embrasssment to even believe such a thing is possible in the U. S of all countries.
You don't know they power of being retard and buffon, not only he is US president but also a very rich guy and if he made his mind he can elect himself as President for life since he seems to be immune to shame.
Might as well with all the special interest groups, lobbies, bought politicians its the next logical step for the U.S after electing a doofus for a president
@war&peace @django

What you guys think about China's move to make current president as president for life? do you think may be this move effects Pakistan also and someday Ayra Ghaira nathu khaira made himself president /P.M for life in Pakistan.
Personally I do not think a leader should have more than two terms, any longer a leader starts believing they are probably indispensable.Kudos
You guys do realize this was a comedy routine! The Gridiron Club has a dinner where politicians and members of the press give comedic speeches that are often self deprecating.
US president is just a spokesperson on behalf of someone else, strings pulled by the corporations and banksters

So yeah US is ruled by the puppet masters/war mongers no matter who the next president is.

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