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Trump pushing Afghan president to close Taliban office in Qatar

Sher Malang

Aug 3, 2010
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Donald Trump has sought to persuade the Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, to agree to the closure of a Taliban mission in Qatar, which had been a channel for dialogue for more than six years, according to several sources familiar with discussions between the two countries.

Ghani is said to be considering the proposal – made at a meeting between the two leaders on Thursday – and some sources said he was inclined to agree.

The Afghan leadership sees the 36-strong informal delegation in Doha – which the Taliban calls its ‘political office’ – as conferring political legitimacy on a group Kabul views as no more than a tool of Pakistan.

Trump is said to be hostile to the maintenance of the Taliban office for several reasons. He portrays it as a failed initiative of his predecessor that had not led to the peace negotiations Barack Obama had hoped for. Meanwhile, the Saudi and Emirati monarchies have been pressuring for its closure since its inception, seeing it as a symbol of Doha’s diplomatic prestige and US-Qatari ties.

A request to close the office would have to be formally initiated by Kabul, but the ultimate decision would lie with the Qatari government.

According to one source close to the diplomatic exchanges, the office has become collateral damage of the continuing Saudi-Qatari standoff. Saudi Arabia and three other countries - Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates – have been locked in a dispute with Qatar since June because of claims that Qatar supports Iran and Islamists and funds terrorism. Qatar has denied the claims.

Trump has offered to mediate in that dispute while indicating strongly he shared Riyadh’s view of the dispute. The US president is believed to have raised the issue of the Taliban office at a meeting last Tuesday with the emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani.

It is not known whether the Qatari leader agreed to close the office, but he is eager to cultivate support from Washington at a time when his country has been subjected to a crippling economic blockade by hostile neighbours.

The Taliban’s political commission established a permanent presence in Doha in 2011, soon after making its first secret contacts with the US in Germany. It became the point of contact for Taliban diplomacy from then on, though an attempt in 2013 to open a formal embassy collapsed in the face of fierce opposition from Kabul.

The Taliban were quickly forced to remove their flag and nameplate, but the compound has remained as an informal delegation in Doha for diplomatic contacts. Those contacts have not led to substantive peace talks, but have been a channel for humanitarian agreements aimed at reducing the toll the 16-year war has taken on civilians.

It was instrumental in a 2014 prisoner exchange in which the US transferred five Taliban members from Guantánamo Bay to Qatar, in return for a captured US army sergeant, Bowe Bergdahl.

“I am concerned that if the Taliban political commission is closed down in Doha, hardliners in the movement will exploit this to claim that the US is uninterested in peace. It will provide these hard-liners with the perfect excuse to stay out of peace talks and fight on,” said Michael Semple, an expert on the region and visiting research professor at Queen’s University Belfast.

“The main people who would benefit in the Afghan context would be the war mongers,” he added.

Semple said he had supported political engagement with the Taliban movement and that allowing a political delegation in Qatar was an “important gambit” – despite a lack of meaningful progress so far.

It is not clear whether the Taliban representatives in Doha would be expelled. They are likely to be arrested if sent to Pakistan, which has never supported the office, which was created in part as a way to bypass Islamabad to make direct contact with the US. But it appears Taliban would be prevented from holding political and diplomatic meetings there, a source told the Guardian.

The importance of the Doha office has waned since 2013, particularly since the head of the office, Tayeb Agha, resigned in 2015 amid rifts following the death of Mullah Omar, the movement’s founder.

Agha, a young, former personal secretary to Omar, criticised the way Omar’s successor, Mullah Akhtar Mansour, had been selected.

The split between the political office and commanders have never healed, and most observers believe the Doha office holds limited sway over fighters in the battlefield.

But Doha holds symbolic importance as a possible channel for reopening peace talks, a process that has been stagnant for years.

In 2016, representatives of the office travelled to Pakistan to meet security officials, following secret meetings in Doha with Afghanistan’s spy chief and a senior US diplomat.

Even if mostly a symbolic move, shuttering what is perhaps the only permanent channel to the insurgency would show a lack of determination to make peace negotiations work, according to a Western diplomat in Kabul.

“Everybody thinks there is no military solution, but their actions suggest a desire to fight. All sides are guilty of this, especially the leadership of the Afghan government – the leaders who feel the least pain and enjoy the most profit from the conflict,” the diplomat said.

The diplomat said people on both sides were torn. On the Afghan side, Hanif Atmar, the national security adviser, was apparently in favour of shutting the office, while the head of the intelligence agency, Masoom Stanekzai, was more hesitant.

The presence of an official Taliban office in Qatar has always been a nuisance to the Afghan government, who worries that it allows other players to engage with the Taliban in a peace process, which Kabul insists must be owned and led by Afghans. For the Afghan government, closing the office could help prevent third countries from starting their own bilateral conversations with the Taliban, which have previously derailed the process.

It won't help. It will close down any diplomatic corridor to dialogue with them and then they will focus the ground and will talk through bullets only.
good thing, unnecessary importance was given to taliban. It only egged them to carry on more attacks in afghanistan and threat of violence as a bargaining chip in negotiations. Why have office in a foreign country? If they want representation let them get elected to the afghan parliament. Freedom & power comes with responsibility & accountability.

It won't help. It will close down any diplomatic corridor to dialogue with them and then they will focus the ground and will talk through bullets only.
It just sends a message that either talk or fight. Cant do both.
Donald Trump has sought to persuade the Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, to agree to the closure of a Taliban mission in Qatar, which had been a channel for dialogue for more than six years, according to several sources familiar with discussions between the two countries.

Ghani is said to be considering the proposal – made at a meeting between the two leaders on Thursday – and some sources said he was inclined to agree.

The Afghan leadership sees the 36-strong informal delegation in Doha – which the Taliban calls its ‘political office’ – as conferring political legitimacy on a group Kabul views as no more than a tool of Pakistan.

Trump is said to be hostile to the maintenance of the Taliban office for several reasons. He portrays it as a failed initiative of his predecessor that had not led to the peace negotiations Barack Obama had hoped for. Meanwhile, the Saudi and Emirati monarchies have been pressuring for its closure since its inception, seeing it as a symbol of Doha’s diplomatic prestige and US-Qatari ties.

A request to close the office would have to be formally initiated by Kabul, but the ultimate decision would lie with the Qatari government.

According to one source close to the diplomatic exchanges, the office has become collateral damage of the continuing Saudi-Qatari standoff. Saudi Arabia and three other countries - Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates – have been locked in a dispute with Qatar since June because of claims that Qatar supports Iran and Islamists and funds terrorism. Qatar has denied the claims.

Trump has offered to mediate in that dispute while indicating strongly he shared Riyadh’s view of the dispute. The US president is believed to have raised the issue of the Taliban office at a meeting last Tuesday with the emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani.

It is not known whether the Qatari leader agreed to close the office, but he is eager to cultivate support from Washington at a time when his country has been subjected to a crippling economic blockade by hostile neighbours.

The Taliban’s political commission established a permanent presence in Doha in 2011, soon after making its first secret contacts with the US in Germany. It became the point of contact for Taliban diplomacy from then on, though an attempt in 2013 to open a formal embassy collapsed in the face of fierce opposition from Kabul.

The Taliban were quickly forced to remove their flag and nameplate, but the compound has remained as an informal delegation in Doha for diplomatic contacts. Those contacts have not led to substantive peace talks, but have been a channel for humanitarian agreements aimed at reducing the toll the 16-year war has taken on civilians.

It was instrumental in a 2014 prisoner exchange in which the US transferred five Taliban members from Guantánamo Bay to Qatar, in return for a captured US army sergeant, Bowe Bergdahl.

“I am concerned that if the Taliban political commission is closed down in Doha, hardliners in the movement will exploit this to claim that the US is uninterested in peace. It will provide these hard-liners with the perfect excuse to stay out of peace talks and fight on,” said Michael Semple, an expert on the region and visiting research professor at Queen’s University Belfast.

“The main people who would benefit in the Afghan context would be the war mongers,” he added.

Semple said he had supported political engagement with the Taliban movement and that allowing a political delegation in Qatar was an “important gambit” – despite a lack of meaningful progress so far.

It is not clear whether the Taliban representatives in Doha would be expelled. They are likely to be arrested if sent to Pakistan, which has never supported the office, which was created in part as a way to bypass Islamabad to make direct contact with the US. But it appears Taliban would be prevented from holding political and diplomatic meetings there, a source told the Guardian.

The importance of the Doha office has waned since 2013, particularly since the head of the office, Tayeb Agha, resigned in 2015 amid rifts following the death of Mullah Omar, the movement’s founder.

Agha, a young, former personal secretary to Omar, criticised the way Omar’s successor, Mullah Akhtar Mansour, had been selected.

The split between the political office and commanders have never healed, and most observers believe the Doha office holds limited sway over fighters in the battlefield.

But Doha holds symbolic importance as a possible channel for reopening peace talks, a process that has been stagnant for years.

In 2016, representatives of the office travelled to Pakistan to meet security officials, following secret meetings in Doha with Afghanistan’s spy chief and a senior US diplomat.

Even if mostly a symbolic move, shuttering what is perhaps the only permanent channel to the insurgency would show a lack of determination to make peace negotiations work, according to a Western diplomat in Kabul.

“Everybody thinks there is no military solution, but their actions suggest a desire to fight. All sides are guilty of this, especially the leadership of the Afghan government – the leaders who feel the least pain and enjoy the most profit from the conflict,” the diplomat said.

The diplomat said people on both sides were torn. On the Afghan side, Hanif Atmar, the national security adviser, was apparently in favour of shutting the office, while the head of the intelligence agency, Masoom Stanekzai, was more hesitant.

The presence of an official Taliban office in Qatar has always been a nuisance to the Afghan government, who worries that it allows other players to engage with the Taliban in a peace process, which Kabul insists must be owned and led by Afghans. For the Afghan government, closing the office could help prevent third countries from starting their own bilateral conversations with the Taliban, which have previously derailed the process.

What do you think should be a way forward?
1 - Fight with taliban and end it
2 - Negotiate on certain terms
US viceroy in Kabul must act according to demands of White house
The US in the past also 'accidentally' derailed talks, the last example of which was a drone strike. Good luck trying to beat the Taliban. Failing that, which you might, I hope you folks have some sort of way to resume talks a few years down the line when either Afghans tire of perpetual war, or the public in the US start paying attention again to Afghanistan and demand the war ends.
Preventing dialogue will only prolong the conflict. Who benefits from that, well one can always guess.
good thing, unnecessary importance was given to taliban. It only egged them to carry on more attacks in afghanistan and threat of violence as a bargaining chip in negotiations. Why have office in a foreign country? If they want representation let them get elected to the afghan parliament. Freedom & power comes with responsibility & accountability.

It just sends a message that either talk or fight. Cant do both.

Ghani uses taliban for bargaining chip. Pretty sure some tajik told Trump about what is happening.
Afghanistan and the US constantly cry and beg Pakistan to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table, they are just making it harder for themselves by closing a channel of communication with them.

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