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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

Pakistan is pre industrialisation/economic revival the prospects for growth are enormous Pakistan's debt is nothing compared to the prospects if growth in all departments Pakistan has
Yes pakistan is in pre industrial state and has huge growth propects. But with increasing growth you will need more loans and more fdi as your own industrial base is pretty nascent and your country doesn't have the kind of monetary support needed.
What is most important in all these cycles is that pakistan need strong govt policies and an stable environment to grow.which i don't see happening in near future. Maybe your cpec might help you eventually but then again it's still long way to go. Your foreign currency reserve has declined significantly to only 14 billion dollars which is only 3 months of pakistani imports.
If pakistan has to prosper it has to come out of borrow pay borrow cycle. You can't keep borrowing money to pay your old bebts, you need to generate it some how, either by services, fdi, manufacturing,exports etc..
Not exactly, check the statistics, now a 400 billion plus GDP, nominal more than Pakistan with a population of about 90 million or 9 crore.

It's literacy rate is 85%, young literacy rate is now 92%...during Shah of Iran period literacy level was the lowest at around 45%. Yes sanctions did hurt Iran but came stronger more mean and lean...
Maybe you are right brother.

But Iran is a pariah state in international politics and is a oil based economy.
For sanctions to bite USA needs China. You think Chinese are gonna play ball? Nah. Just tough talking. Same has been said by ever administration. If I remember correctly Admiral Mullen Chief of Staff, Obama administration went as far as to call "Taliban the veritable arm of he ISI". What Trump said is no where as harsh as what Mullen said.

So my advice to Indians, pull you little things in and zip them. Masturbation time over.

* There is not much US can do to a full on nuclear weapons state which has China standing behind it. Unlike the Iranians we have cultivated strategic relationship with external power that carries clout and when time was right developed the nukes.
Was/is NK an partner of China they even have mutual defence agreement to defend each other which you don't have and don't we know the state of NK,you guys have too much hope of China .
But Iran is a pariah state in international politics and is a oil based economy.

Yes Iran is a Pariah state, an outcast for the United States, but that's about It, EU all countries has many trade deals with Iran. China and Russia has good terms with Iran. India too imported lots of oil from Iran at deferred and low payments during santions.

With UK out of EU after the BREXIT, EU terms with Iran will only improve. Only UK supports US policies...

About time Pakistan also improve its relations with Iran...keeping good relations with GCC countries also.
By the way .... inevitable defeat of US in Afghanistan... this blame game will result in conclusion that Pakistan is at least partially responsible for it... thus giving us another victory in long run... without fighting
Well carrot is only given when stuck doesn't work
Seemingly stick is working with no push back from military or more importantly political leadership
The problem here is Pakistan's concerns have been ignored in the past with regards to the Afghanistan policies by the previous US Admins and the same is to continue as per Trump speech, nothing much will change as US Admin is unwilling to address the concerns of a very important ally; if they wish to see peace in this region. To be honest and in my understanding US dont want a stable Afghanistan as it will be the end of US presence in the region. Cant give China an open play ground, seems US is more concerned about China's growing influence compared to stable & peaceful Afghanistan...
which i don't see happening in near future.

Most of your points are correct, except for this 'which i don't see happening in near future.' Things will be very different in Pakistan in a matter of months, NAB is going after the corrupt mafia, N.Sharif gone through SC, and JIT.

Huge trial and tribulations in Pakistan now...corrupt mafia is totally shaken and looking for some NRO, and escape routes not possible. Also bank accounts will be frozen, many has already frozen of cartels. More changes in near future...as it is said any chaos that brings in new system is a short lived thing and a good omen. No wholesome changes without chaos and disorder...the rotten system, status quo is going haywire, will be gone for sure in near future....

Telling this after observing closely the Pakistan socio political situation...bigger change than the demonetization in India.

Also check this, reserves are around 21 billion USD after the decline.
According to the State Bank of Pakistan''s statistics, the country''s foreign exchange reserves fell 7 percent during the last fiscal year (FY17). The country''s total liquid forex reserves (comprising SBP and banks) stood at $ 21.37 billion as on June 30, 2017 compared to $ 23.08 billion on June 30, 2016, depicting a decrease of $ 1.72 billion in FY17.


Also brecorder is a better business news site for such business news...can be bookmarked.
So his total bigly new south Asia policy is 4000 more troops and new threats to Pakistan. That's quiet stunning.
What is the alternative if Pakistan refuses safe passage?

Russia's northern route?
Nope Not Russia But Central Asian Route from Germany Turkey to Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan to Afghanistan
USA & NATO have spent billions of $ dollar and can easily put couple of billions more, Pakistanis overate their supply route importance the Facts are contrary to this , the USA & NATO does Not depend on Pakistan for transport as their are other routes available & have also been used before they can do it again Pakistan seriously needs to change its policy & should be worried
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Trump will become biggest of the three American failures in Afghanistan. Being tough on Pakistan will bring more harm than good to US interests in Afghanistan specially when US is already licking Indian a** to an unprecedented height.
This is Pakistan's biggest diplomatic defeat. Pakistan has suffered so much and the reward of this suffering is being reaped by someone else.

But this situation has arisen in last 4 years more than ever before. We dont have any foreign policy. Our foreign policy under Nawaz Sharif has been limited to Qatar, London and Turkey. Thats where Sharifs either have looted money invested or have future potential to earn money through lucrative business contracts.

In the past 4 years we did not have foreign minister. This is how serious we have been towards our foreign policy. In the past 7 months since Trump assumed Presidency, there has been no official contact. Only reason being Nawaz Sharif, who happened to be foreign minister too of our helpless country, was busy saving his a** from corruption charges.
No You are Wrong plain & simple ! You very well know that the foreign policies of Pakistan are made by its Army & Not by its Civilian Administrations , whom the Army directly or indirectly constantly threatens ,you think the world doesn't sees it ? , so Face the Hard Reality ! which is that whether or not Pakistan has a foreign minister is irreverent , as Pakistan's Foreign policies are Not allowed to be made by its Foreign ministers or Prime ministers even ! But are Made by its Army in the GHQ so if you have to blame , then blame the real culprits which is the Military Establishment !
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Britishers use to call Indians servile and docile and Pathan tribes and FATA people, Afhanistan as 'graveyards of the empires' I think US miscalculated or misread the history, or didn't read it at all. Characteristics can never be changed, it remains.
Britishers never used the term "Graveyard of empires" for Afghanistan or tribal areas. Its a very modern term, two decades old , and is coined by Americans after collapse of Soviet Union.

As late Hameed Gul, the late ISI head has said...'you cannot buy an Afghan fighter(Pashtuns), you can simply do a small time transaction or lease some of them for some time'...
Why you have "Pashtuns" in brackets for Afghan fighters in the quote of Hamid Gul?. It is said about all citizens of Afghanistan. Punjabis use word Pathan when they specify Pashtuns among people of Afghanistan.

if they attack us do you know Pakistan is the country of 3.5 crore Taliban (pashtuns)
You must have hit your head on wall or some thing. Why you have declared 3.5 crore Pashtuns of Pakistan to be Taliban?.
Britishers never used the term "Graveyard of empires" for Afghanistan or tribal areas. Its a very modern term, two decades old , and is coined by Americans after collapse of Soviet Union.

Why you have "Pashtuns" in brackets for Afghan fighters in the quote of Hamid Gul?. It is said about all citizens of Afghanistan. Punjabis use word Pathan when they specify Pashtuns among people of Afghanistan.

You must have hit your head on wall or some thing. Why you have declared 3.5 crore Pashtuns of Pakistan to be Taliban?.
do yu know the meaning of Taliban ? and bytheway if America or India Attack us We can Be Taliban For them.
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...Also US companies have big presence in Pakistan like Coke and Pepsi. Pepsico DEW sales in Pakistan was the 2nd highest in the world. Both Coke and PEPSICO investment in Pakistan is more than 2 billion USD, each comapny. Sales in excess of 80 billion Rupees per year, for COKE and 90 billion Rupees for PEPSICO.

P&G a US company has just inaugurated the 2nd largest plant outside USA of FMCG products in Pakistan near Karachi.

Big presence of Nestle(sales last year about 100 billion Rupees, all products locally made in Pakistan). Unilever a British cong. sales were also similar, about 110 billion RS. last year in Pakistan, all factories in Pakistan.

So US will not alienate Pakistan...many other strategic reasons...

Food and beverages: Pakistan among PepsiCo’s top 10 non-US markets

I don't think you get my point. I am extremely happy countries are investing in Pakistan - be it USA or China. More investment means more jobs and more jobs means less jehadis.

My point was to the person who said Pakistan can make burgers even if McDonalds pulls out or some such insinuation. Heck, I would be happy if Indian companies like Tata, Reliance and our entire pharma and FMCG home-grown companies invest in Pakistan - it will add to bottomline of Indian companies and it would reduce prices amidst competition for Pakistan companies.

All I am saying that right now, with a man like Trump at the helm, they will not think twice about "economic loss".

You think you loser indian can match China?!
How dare you insult our Pakistani brothers!
Fire on us you indian pig!!!
No. No one can match China in flaring nostrils and issuing threats.
I consider Pakistan as a brother nation - someone I have issues with but whom I can get along with. With China,
I just see a devious little runt.
All I am saying that right now, with a man like Trump at the helm, they will not think twice about "economic loss".
But he won election that was base on US economical growth?
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