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Trump Issues Reckless, Anti-Muslim Statement Following Berlin Truck Attack

Yes you are correct. It should concern you however that the executive is a man who as good as he is at reading people, doesn't understand the implications of his actions. Furthermore his cabinet and advisers chosen will formulate policy driven by the specific interests of his campaign donors and not for the common good of the American people. Your right at this point, Trump has carte blache. You think George W Bush and the neocons were bad with their arrogant and destructive meddling in the Middle East, just wait till you see what Trump and his crew have in store for the world.

And btw the real winner in all this is Israel and hawkish pro-Israeli individuals in the world.

Not the American people.
I don't actually have a clue how a Trump administration is going play out. I didn't vote for the man. Indeed, I voted against him, but what I do know about him is that it's not that he, "doesn't understand the implications of his actions.". It's that he doesn't care. He views those who have been running our foreign policy, for example, with complete and utter disdain. I 100% agree with him on that. He does not care if China is upset at his Twain comments. He does not care, if Iran throws a fit over his scrapping of the nuclear deal and endorsing sanctions. He doesn't even care if neo-cons are pissed at his Russian rapprochement. I absolutely agree that he is like a bull in a china shop (no pun interceded.)....and American foreign policy has desperately needed a bull there, for a long time now.
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Actually i agree with you somewhat. It IS more that he doesnt care.

Read todays articles....more nuclear weapons anyone?

I agree the "establishment" whatever the hell thats supposed to mean was terrible and had to go.

My concern is what has replaced is FAR FAR worse.

Look man I'm a Muslim American and I want good for the US. I live here and love the country. But what i see is that Trumps victory will NOT be good for the common American person. It will however greatly reward those who supported him and their specific interests. This is not much different from Hilary and the Dems and past Repubs of course.

However the difference this time is those past individuals DID care and thus may have tempered their actions.

Trump may well have no limits.
Actually i agree with you somewhat. It IS more that he doesnt care.

Read todays articles....more nuclear weapons anyone?

I agree the "establishment" whatever the hell thats supposed to mean was terrible and had to go.

My concern is what has replaced is FAR FAR worse.

Look man I'm a Muslim American and I want good for the US. I live here and love the country. But what i see is that Trumps victory will NOT be good for the common American person. It will however greatly reward those who supported him and their specific interests. This is not much different from Hilary and the Dems and past Repubs of course.

However the difference this time is those past individuals DID care and thus may have tempered their actions.

Trump may well have no limits.

With regard to the bolded above, more than expanding our arsenal we really need to modernize it. Russia is doing so, and we really need to.
Modernization is different than expanding.

I agree with you about the modernization part, just not making more of them.
With current policies its a matter of time till a terrorist strikes again in American soil. When this happens Trump will start taking measures against muslims showing what really this war is about. Its not a war against "terrorism" but against muslims. A muslim should learn not to complain when the west destroys muslim countries. The god is not allah but the American government that has blank check to assassinate whoever she wants across the globe with drones
Ban all Muslims?
I am not talking about his previous statements,

but the current one
Our hearts and prayers are with the loved ones of the victims of today’s horrifying terror attack in Berlin. Innocent civilians were murdered in the streets as they prepared to celebrate the Christmas holiday. ISIS and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad. These terrorists and their regional and worldwide networks must be eradicated from the face of the earth, a mission we will carry out with all freedom-loving partners.
As he did frequently throughout his campaign, Trump is again exploiting a tragedy in order to push an anti-Muslim narrative. After all, blaming an entire religion for the senseless violence of a few is a whole lot easier than actually knowing what you’re talking about. It’s a simple way to frame what is a much more complex issue – one Trump likely doesn’t know how to address in a thoughtful, honest way.

Lets see when a man who called for banning Muslims makes an anti Muslim statement you cant even have a negative view of his statement is that what you are saying?

Anywho you should check authors of articles before posting bs

You can criticize any statement, but only the actual contents.
You cannot pretend that the person making a statement says anything else,
and then criticize that.
Actually i agree with you somewhat. It IS more that he doesnt care.

Read todays articles....more nuclear weapons anyone?

I agree the "establishment" whatever the hell thats supposed to mean was terrible and had to go.

My concern is what has replaced is FAR FAR worse.h

Look man I'm a Muslim American and I want good for the US. I live here and love the country. But what i see is that Trumps victory will NOT be good for the common American person. It will however greatly reward those who supported him and their specific interests. This is not much different from Hilary and the Dems and past Repubs of course.

However the difference this time is those past individuals DID care and thus may have tempered their actions.

Trump may well have no limits.

Basically Mr Trump is a disrupter. He belongs to the group who sees every thing in black and white. If any one is American then he wanta the intrest and benifit of America should be the motto of the people. The reason it is challenging for Muslims as they have to allign completely with intrest and benifit of their own nation...

Religious preference for Muslims has be secondary than the intrest of USA.As long as this basic thing is not being sorted out, Muslims will be in conflict in US with Mr Trumph.
Basically Mr Trump is a disrupter. He belongs to the group who sees every thing in black and white. If any one is American then he wanta the intrest and benifit of America should be the motto of the people. The reason it is challenging for Muslims as they have to allign completely with intrest and benifit of their own nation...

Religious preference for Muslims has be secondary than the intrest of USA.As long as this basic thing is not being sorted out, Muslims will be in conflict in US with Mr Trumph.

So the the US is heterogenous right. Different segments of the population have different interests. However there is some overlap. I would consider this overlap to be interests of the common American. (Completely based on my opinion and nothing objective) These interests would include a strong national defence and continuance of the American way of life. Rule of law. Social mobility based on merit. The ability to express ones self without fear of repercussion. And the general ability to pursue individual happiness. This of course is an incomplete list i just made up and is relatively abstact.
What you will see is the actually policy Trump and crew roll out do not further the above principles. Rather they will reward the various factions that supported his candidacy.

Similarly, Muslims are EXTREMELY heterogenous as you can see in this website alone. There really is no common Muslim interest other than based on the religion itself. Long story short...I dont think American muslims put their being Muslim above being an American. I dont think theres any sort of polarity between the two.
Its not about Trump growing up. Its about the special interests he is beholden too to carry out their agenda. He has already implemented this by installing these extremist viewed cabinet members. Every single one that i can recall is vehemently anti-Muslim. This is just the beginning man.

The real winner in this are the folks in Tel Aviv and their brethren in Washington.

Yes, Israel has effectively taken over the US government. US policy is run for Israel's benefit, not the US. Make war with Muslims, Israel gains.
Yes you are correct. It should concern you however that the executive is a man who as good as he is at reading people, doesn't understand the implications of his actions. Furthermore his cabinet and advisers chosen will formulate policy driven by the specific interests of his campaign donors and not for the common good of the American people. Your right at this point, Trump has carte blache. You think George W Bush and the neocons were bad with their arrogant and destructive meddling in the Middle East, just wait till you see what Trump and his crew have in store for the world.

And btw the real winner in all this is Israel and hawkish pro-Israeli individuals in the world.

Not the American people.

What campaign donors? It is common knowledge that he self funded most of his campaign. He is a very rich man. You seem to be in the Trump is a closet Jew camp? Do you think it would matter much one way or the other? Obama is the most anti Israel President I have seen since I have been following your politics. And see where that got the Middle East and the Muslim world.
You think George W Bush and the neocons were bad with their arrogant and destructive meddling in the Middle East, just wait till you see what Trump and his crew have in store for the world.
what's your worst case scenario, what might they unleash on the world that's so terrible ?
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