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Trump & his neocons advisers

Green Ranger

Sep 20, 2016
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Steve Mnuchin - Treasury Secretary?

A former Goldman Sachs executive, Steve Mnuchin could be in line for Treasury Secretary. He's been Trump's campaign finance chairman and a few days ago Trump was reported to favour him for the top economic role.

He is currently chief executive of the property investment firm, Dune Capital Management.

He also dabbled in the movie business, executive producing the films American Sniper and this summer's superhero blockbuster Suicide Squad.

His Neocon Background
Trump Names Former Soros Money Manager as Trump National Campaign Finance Chair

"Mnuchin, according to Bloomberg, is a Co-Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Dune Capital Management LP. He co-founded OneWest Bank Group LLC in 2004 and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He is a Founder of Dune Real Estate Partners LP. He was an Investment Professional of Soros Fund Management LLC."

Newt Gingrich - Secretary of State
The combative conservative, an early Trump supporter who made it on to the shortlist of running mates, has been tipped as America's top diplomat.

As Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1994, Mr Gingrich masterminded the Republican wave election that won control of the chamber from Democrats.

The 73-year-old former Georgia legislator quit the speakership because of ethics violations.

Mr Gingrich, who recently accused Fox News presenter Megyn Kelly of being "fascinated" by sex, made a failed run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2011.


Rudy Giuliani - Attorney General
One of Mr Trump's most ardent surrogates, Mr Giuliani is being mentioned for the post of America's top prosecutor.

As New York Mayor during 9/11, he became the face of the city's resilience amid the rubble of the World Trade Center.

He also introduced NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy, which critics said was a form of racial profiling.

Mr Trump, who ran as the law-and-order candidate, has championed the tactic.

Mr Giuliani, a former New York prosecutor, ran unsuccessfully for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008.

Reince Priebus - Chief of Staff
The boyish Mr Priebus, 44, is being widely tipped as Mr Trump's White House consigliere.

As chairman of the Republican National Committee, he was a bridge between the Republican nominee and a party establishment that was embarrassed by its own presidential standard-bearer.

Mr Priebus is close to House Speaker Paul Ryan, a fellow Wisconsinite, who could be instrumental in steering the new administration's legislative agenda.

Chris Christie - Commerce Secretary
After his own Republican presidential campaign foundered this year, the New Jersey governor promptly endorsed Mr Trump.

Mr Christie, 54, currently overseeing Mr Trump's White House transition, has been mentioned for various posts in the administration, including commerce secretary.

But he has been tainted by a scandal over the closure of a major bridge linking New Jersey and New York City, allegedly to punish a local mayor.

Since any presidential cabinet appointment must go before the Senate, confirmation could be problematic while this cloud hangs over him.

Chris Christie actually wants to expand the NSA’s spying powers

Jeff Sessions - Defence Secretary
The US senator from Alabama is being touted as a possible Pentagon chief.

At his victory bash in New York, Mr Trump said of Mr Sessions, "he is highly respected in Washington because he is as smart as you get".

The 69-year-old was a supporter of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, which Mr Trump recently called "a terrible and stupid thing".

Mr Sessions sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Judiciary Committee and the Budget Committee.

Michael Flynn - National Security Adviser
Mr Flynn, a retired three-star US Army lieutenant general, helped Mr Trump connect with veterans despite the candidate's lack of military service.

He claims he was forced out of his role as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2012-14 because of his views on radical Islam.

During the campaign, he pilloried the Obama administration's approach to the threat posed by the Islamic State group.

Trump Mid East Adviser
Trump's New Foreign Policy Adviser Is a Hardcore Neocon Tied to Notorious Lebanese Militia That Massacred Civilians

Source : BBC and Infowars past articles
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