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Trump administration to snap ties with Palestinians, no peace plan, no more monetary aid

no boy. we don't have problems with anyone. we have disputes with many

for example Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, etc.
everywhere we have been occupied.

So what's the issue with Christians? And why muslims are fighting among themselves? Muslims are killing more muslims than anybody else
So what's the issue with Christians? And why muslims are fighting among themselves? Muslims are killing more muslims than anybody else
its prophesized too. Muslims will get united very soon and love each other so much like they are real brothers.
that time will also come during next world war.
its prophesized too. Muslims will get united very soon and love each other so much like they are real brothers.
that time will also come during next world war.

I Dont think so, Some Muslims especially Arabs hate Egyptians even more than Jews and support terrorism in Egypt against Muslim Egyptians.

Muslim Sudan for instance with Financing from Qatar supported Christian Ethiopia Dam to reduce water supply to Egypt. Palestinian Muslims instead of fighting the Jews in Gaza decided instead to support Terrorism in Sinai , the same applies on Muslim Libya which exports terrorism to Egypt with qatari/turish financing .

Egypt is the land and sea bridge between Muslims in North Africa and Middle East without Egypt there will never be unity between Muslims . Some Muslim countries hostile attitude towards Egypt will only lead to the complete distruction of palestinian case .
all the proceedings in the world leading us towards prophecies of wars between Muslims and Christians + Jews and Muslims vs Hindus.

Those prophecies where given as a warning to man kind . Why else do you think they where given ? If not to change that fate ?

I am not religious but do believers and people of faith really think that God would like to see his children kill one another in some stupid Armageddon ?

While the final result is determined and cant be changed - which is eternal peace among all man kind - the way to get there depends on how people behave.

As it is written :

" He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. "

Isaiah 2:4

It took Europeans two bloody world wars to finely realise that slaughtering one another as they have for hundreds of years is not the way to go.

Now do we really need some terrible apocalypse to realise that simple truth ?

Now if all three religions gives warning about a terrible war that might happen before the end of days one would expect people to do all that is in their power to avoid that fate.

And if this region starts burning as it has in recent years with wars and bloodshed all the way from Yemen to Syria than this should serve as a red flag to all of us !


But instead of realizing we need to tread carefully and avoid this fate promote love and peace amongst nations, some people think it wise to pour fire on this flame,

Do we really need to learn this lesson the hard way as the Europeans did ? Or can we be wise and carve a better future for our children that does not involve this horror ?

conclusion :

All my life I've been waiting for
I've been praying for
For the people to say
That we don't wanna fight no more
There will be no more wars
And our children will play
One day [6x]

It's not about
Win or lose
'Cause we all lose
When they feed on the souls of the innocent
Blood-drenched pavement
Keep on moving though the waters stay raging
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Seems like muslims have problems with everyone. :lol::lol:

Problem is "Religion" (irrespective of its being Islam, Judaism, Hinduism ...).

Problem with Muslims is this that they are "practising" their religion much more than others.

When Christians were practising Christianity, then they also had problems with all.

Similarly, RSS has problems in India will all, including Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and even the Secular Hindus.

The world will be peaceful when it gets rid of Religions and Nationalism, and concentrate more on Humanity.
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