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Trudeau accuses Indian government of involvement in killing of Canadian Sikh leader

Who have thinking it’s just political point are way naive . Such statements are made on concrete evidence unlike Modi’s jumla coz he can make fool out of India .
Well, if he was a khalistani, then I have no qualms. We should be getting a few top leaders now and then. Of course, can't kill a lot on foreign soil.
Meanwhile Lumba 1 agency keeps dogs biting the country on pay roll,
Just so they can maximise the damage to country do jerenels can continue to suck country dry.

Good or bad atleast they are working to protect own national interest.

What has Pakistani military done in last 3 decades

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is accusing the government of India of being behind a fatal shooting on Canadian soil.

Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar was brazenly shot dead outside a Sikh temple in Surrey, B.C. on June 18.

Nijjar, a supporter of a Sikh homeland in the form of an independent Khalistani state, had been branded by the Indian government as a "terrorist" and accused of leading a militant separatist group — something his supporters have denied.

Now, Trudeau said, Canada's national security apparatus has reason to believe that "agents of the Indian government" carried out the killing of this Canadian citizen, who also served as the president of Surrey's Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara.

"Canadian security agencies have been actively pursuing credible allegations of a potential link between agents of the Government of India and the killing of a Canadian citizen, Hardeep Singh Nijjar," Trudeau said Monday.

"Any involvement of a foreign government in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is an unacceptable violation of our sovereignty. It is contrary to the fundamental rules by which free, open, and democratic societies conduct themselves," Trudeau said.

"As you would expect, we have been working closely and coordinating with our allies on this very serious matter."

Trudeau urged the Indian government to participate in the ongoing investigation and "cooperate with Canada to get to the bottom of this matter."

He said some Indo-Canadians are feeling "angry" and "perhaps frightened right now."

"Let us not allow this to change us," he said.

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly said she has ordered the expulsion of "a senior Indian diplomat."

That diplomat is the head of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's foreign intelligence agency, in Canada.

"My expectations are clear. I expect India to fully collaborate with us and get to the bottom of this," Joly said.

Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said the RCMP is leading the murder investigation.

"We'll hold the perpetrators accountable and bring them to justice," he said.

Trudeau said he raised the matter with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week at the G20 summit in New Delhi.

Trudeau and Modi have long had a frosty relationship.

After the bilateral meeting between the two leaders on the sidelines of that summit, the Indian government released a tersely worded communique that said Modi raised with Trudeau "strong concerns about continuing anti-Indian activists of extremist elements in Canada."

The statement said there are elements in Canada "promoting secessionism" and "inciting violence against Indian diplomats, damaging diplomatic premises and threatening the Indian community in Canada."

The Indian government called on the two countries to cooperate in dealing with "such threats."

The Canadian communique on the same meeting made no mention of "secessionism." It's now clear why.

India and it state terror policy
Good, we are learning something from Israel then. No enemy of India should be safe in any foreign soil.

You've attacked a NATO state. This won't be good for you in the long run, especially with your relations with the US who is Canada's staunch ally. India bit itself in the foot here. Not even Russia & China attack the west this openly.

Kudos to Indians for taking care of business whereas the sepoys of Pakistan targets and kill pro Pakistani individuals abroad and nurtures and protects anti Pakistani scum like Altaf Hussain and Haqqani.
You're foolish.
Khalistanis have, on a routine basis incited violence and paid money to kill people in India at the comfort of their homes in Kanedda. People have died here.

Indian government has been trying to reason with Kanedda but to no avail.
Kanedda is home to all sort of lumpen elements with criminal tendencies from Punjab, it's not hard to play a UNO card.

There's enough manpower to do all this stuff in Kanedda, Trudeau can thank himself for it.
Khalistanis have, on a routine basis incited violence and paid money to kill people in India at the comfort of their homes in Kanedda. People have died here.

Indian government has been trying to reason with Kanedda but to no avail.
Kanedda is home to all sort of lumpen elements with criminal tendencies from Punjab, it's not hard to play a UNO card.

There's enough manpower to do all this stuff in Kanedda, Trudeau can thank himself for it.
You're biggest terror nation of the world

And you're biggest mess/threat for the peace of subcontinent

Gay terrorist HIND
Lol peace loving you're the most terror loving country in the world

You're the biggest mess/threat for the peace of subcontinent

Gay terrorist HIND
If we are not peace living country , your country would have been already split into 2-3 parts again.

Start looking inwards and stop blaming others, that's the only reason you have come from a progressive country to country with radicaliaed society and on the verge of becoming a failed state.

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